Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1607: The Secret Of Ten Thousand Years Ago! The Method Of The Abbot Of Buddhism! (Seeking Su

Yun Zhou looked happy, and then hung cross-legged in the void.

The divine seal above the head and the spirit of the earth complement each other, and the gods are mighty and powerful during the rotation.

A gorgeous and terrifying aura burst out, and in the black hole of the earth spirit, a divine seal intertwined with golden light and black light came out, completely suppressing Zhiliu's evil spirit.

His eyelids were lowered, and he was not angry, and a Gold titan holding a god's seal and an earth spirit appeared in the void behind him!

Zhiliu seemed to have sensed a big crisis, and after recovering from his senses, he dared not give Yun Zhou a millisecond to fight wildly with the demon sword.

However, it was a step too late.

Yun Zhou's eyes suddenly opened, one black and one gold pupils were strange and mysterious.


Open your mouth and let the sound of thunder fill the air!

The three tall titans behind them made a sudden move, the dragon body entwined around it roared, bound by terrifying suction force, and the seal of God fell down with a bang!


The simple yet supremely mighty Yin Guang pressed directly on his body, as if the entire universe had been pressed down horizontally!

Zhiliu was crushed on the ground amidst the screams of pain, the hard rocky ground was split open like a spider web, and a gully tens of meters away was stretched out!

The whole mountain trembled violently with this blow, as if it was about to collapse in the next second!

The power of the combination of divine weapons is so terrifying!

At the same moment, the light on the seal of God became dim, and the weak light flickered frequently, as if the cultivator was exhausted.

The divine power in it is on the verge of being used up, and it needs to rest and recharge for a while.

The biggest difference between artifacts and fairy artifacts is that artifacts can rely on external energy to restore their peak later, which is a relatively heaven-defying ability.

Yun Zhou landed on the ground from the void, looking at the suppressed Zhiliu.

I saw that the demon monk was firmly embedded in the ground, like a grandson monkey under the pressure of Wuzhi Mountain, even moving a finger is an extravagant hope.

The dark demonic aura escaped from his body, and after several struggles to no avail, his dirty face gradually became awkward.

His thick eyebrows and big eyes gradually became full of kindness, and he even slightly lifted and blinked in the direction of Yun Zhou.

"As expected of the fifth floor of Emperor Realm (upper rank), Daohai's air conditioner is empty and adding two artifacts didn't kill you?"

Yun Zhou's eyes were not friendly, "You are really fleshy..."

He slipped out the Clear Sky Hammer, aiming at his fat head and big ears, ready to smash him to death.

"Giving, benefactor, let's meet first!"

The demon monk was pressed on the ground by the divine seal condensed by the earth spirit, and the rich fairy charm flowed on it, as if adding to a world!

Under such power, it is absolutely impossible for him to break free in a short time.

So, he pretended to be dead and lay on the ground, letting the divine seal press his body, only his big head was exposed, like a bodyless monster.

Yun Zhou frowned slowly.

This demon monk had a good appearance, but he was unkempt, with a dark face and a dirty smell all over his body, especially the big yellow teeth, it was disgusting to look at.

But U1S1, at least the other party's eyes are still very clear, and, through the strong evil spirit, you can faintly see a trace of... Buddha charm?

After all, he has been imprisoned in the Buddhist Forbidden Area for thousands of years, and his ears and eyes will be affected, and the evil spirit will fade a little.

"That... little benefactor, let's just talk it out if we have something to say, the poor monk didn't intend to kill you, we can't be too aggressive..." Zhiliu's eyeballs rolled, and his voice was hoarse

Yun Zhou also knew in his heart that with the opponent's cultivation level and having lived for tens of thousands of years, he might not have any means in his hands. It is unrealistic to want to smash the opponent to death with the Clear Sky Hammer.

So since he couldn't kill him, he didn't rush to do it.

Lin Lang Zhantai frowned and looked at him, feeling a little strange: "So you disappeared for thousands of years, didn't you die?"

Hearing such words suddenly, Zhiliu grinned.

One of the two is a fairy concubine thousands of years ago, and the other is a famous demon monk in ancient times, so they know each other well.

Hearing this, Zhiliu nodded his head with a smirk and said: "He didn't die, he was lucky to survive the chaotic war thousands of years ago, but he was imprisoned by the abbot of the forbidden place of Buddhism.


Hearing this, Linlang Zhantai's willow eyebrows frowned even deeper, "Then how did you appear here? That old monster from the Buddhist sect will let you out?"

As a fairy concubine, Linlang Zhantai has a relatively good understanding of hidden world forces.

Moreover, when she married the Immortal Emperor back then, the abbot in the forbidden area of ​​the Buddha Gate specially congratulated her. The other party was separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, and the method of sending congratulatory gifts by crossing the sky with Buddhism and Taoism "she still remembers it vividly until now.

...asking for flowers......

Based on her knowledge, thousands of years ago, the abbot's cultivation would never have lowered to the seventh level of the Emperor Realm (upper level).

After such a long time, I am afraid that it may have touched the level of Legendary.

In this situation, the demon monk is imprisoned by the opponent, how can he escape?


Hearing this question, Zhiliu smacked his lips dryly, his eyeballs rolled and he looked distressed: "Concubine Xian, you've got the point!"

"I was not released, but tied up by the Demon Lord!"

"You don't know that Mozun took the initiative to find Fang Zhang and asked me to come out to do things for her, so you also know that no matter how strong Fang Zhang is, he can't do Mozun, so that's why he let me out.


Speaking of this, he looked at Yun Zhou full of "guilt": "Let's just say, the demon king didn't know which string was wrong, so he made things difficult for you and asked me to come and kill you." Said yes I want to solve you.

"The little monk definitely disagrees, so she's the next best thing to do, just ask me to depose you."

"I have ten thousand unwillingness in my heart, but because of his prestige, I can only obey..."

"No, you saw it just now. I didn't kill any killers from the beginning to the end! Of course, although I was forced, I'm sorry for you. How do you want to take revenge? I will continue!"

As he said that, he closed his eyes like a dramatist.

A demon monk is a demon monk, and his mouth is full of hunting language.

His idea was also simple, to push all the cause and effect on the Demon Lord, let Yun Zhou hate the Demon Lord, and he would be able to pick it out.

But Yun Zhou shook his head when he heard this.

He is not stupid, why is he so easy to fool?

If Mozun really wanted to kill him, he could just do it himself. Is it worth finding such a guy?

But he didn't bother to understand the reason, that would be too boring.

After thinking about it, he thought about asking some interesting questions, and said lightly: "I'll talk about the rest later, I'm a little curious..."

"You are also a Buddhist at any rate, where did the evil spirit on your body come from?".

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