“You, you… kill me if you have the ability!” Luo Mo’s eyes were cold as if he was not looking at anyone, but the smile on his face did not change at all, which made men instinctively fear, but he was still in love with his wife and daughter. Under the death of death, a cavity of blood was maintained.
“Very good~ Then I will fulfill you now.”
Without any hesitation, he raised his hand to call out the wind blade without changing his expression, but Yuna turned around and hugged his waist:
“—Don’t! He just temporarily lost his balance.”
“Quick, hurry up! Don’t you have a child in your family? Don’t do anything stupid!” Seeing that Luo Mo looked like he was going to kill someone, the other people hurriedly dragged the man away.
When the other people were swept by Luo Mo’s cold gaze, they had the illusion of facing death, and instinctively avoided him, a figure who seemed to be more dangerous than Stardust.
Only Yuna, who looked disappointed, still stayed by his side and didn’t even let go. She buried her face in his chest and apologized again with unbearable sobs:
“I’m sorry…can you keep it like this for a while? I don’t want everyone to see my expression.”
“Well, whatever you want.”
Even if she didn’t want to understand, You Nai also understood Luo Mo’s thoughts, knowing that a large part of the people present would die after all… After all, Luo Mo had explained this truth to her very clearly from the beginning.
So she didn’t say much, and she didn’t want to blame him for being cold-blooded, even though she also thought it was cruel to watch like this.
But there is no way around this. The reality of this world is far heavier than imagined, forcing people to make decisions.
Many of the people present were several times older than her, but many of them couldn’t understand this truth, but there was a way…Standing determines a person’s perspective and attitude when looking at a problem.
She is a guardian, and what needs to be seen is the overall situation. After being explained, she will naturally understand, but everyone else is a protected person. She only hopes that the other party will protect herself wholeheartedly. No matter what Luo Mo says, she will not believe it… So Luo Mo didn’t say yes either.
Of course, there are some people who are actually understandable, but they can’t calm down when they are the object of sacrifice.
After hastily burying the dead, everyone had no way to mourn due to the harsh reality, and immediately continued to move forward.
That night they temporarily lived in Amagasaki City, eating and eating, mourning and praying.
On the morning of the sixth day, the migration continued.
The encirclement consumed the nearby stardust, so that they only encountered a small wave of stardust and arrived in Kobe without any casualties, but this time everyone understood that the stardust was probably hoarding power again
So, on the seventh day…
Hundreds of stardust and six complexes appeared, along with a larger than normal complex, apparently a more complete “multicellular organism”.
“This is really the end…”
“Why is this happening?!”
“Ah… ah, escape!!”
People’s faces were once again stained with despair, but this time the despair was much deeper than before.
No matter how confident people are in Yuna, they don’t think she can defeat so many stardust, and some people even run away subconsciously.
Not even able to stop people from fleeing casually, and prevent people from becoming the primary target of Stardust, Yuna swallowed with a bitter expression, feeling a little desperate herself.
On the contrary, Luo Mo glanced at the fleeing crowd, counted the number of people in his mind, and felt that the death toll should be almost the same after this time, so he took the initiative to remove the giant sword behind his back.
“It’s okay, I will fight actively this time.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Mo… This is obviously my responsibility, and it’s also agreed, I should let you not intervene…”
“I’m not protecting others, I’m just protecting you.” To the girl with a guilty face, he seemed to think of something, and said seriously:
“You want to protect the world, right? Then you protect the world, and I protect you. The me standing behind you will always be where you can see when you turn around. As long as you want, one day I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, fair and square on the road.”
“Hey? Hey hey hey? This, this… Proposal?! I, I’m not ready yet…”
The anxiety and guilt on his face disappeared, and the flushed Yuna waved her hands, and stepped back nervously and shyly.
“Ah, don’t get me wrong, this is one of my top ten lines.”
“T-line? Yes, is there such a line? No, it means…”
“Hey, don’t worry about such details, come here?”
Although the lines are very embarrassing, he also feels unexpectedly handsome, so he has been looking for a suitable opportunity to talk to someone. Now there is a girl who just wants to protect the world. The stardust they fly.
“Woo~~~” Even though it was a line, Yuna still felt unable to let go, but in front of the enemy, she could only blush, trying to let go of distracting thoughts in her heart and shouting: “——Go, go!”
“Well, let’s go.”
“—The Brave Flying Kick!!”
Yuna, whose hands were still wrapped in bandages, rushed to the forefront, jumped into the air, and turned into a cannonball and kicked one of the small complexes.
And Luo Mo closed his eyes on the spot, and borrowed the power of the sacred tree from the giant sword turned into a sacrificial vessel.
A strong wind blew up on the ground, and he also rode the wind in an instant, rushing towards the largest complex from behind. When the opponent entered the attack range, he suddenly swung the huge sword in his hand.
An unbelievable scene followed.
The slash formed by the wind and the golden light flew out along the direction of the blade.
In the next second, the larger complex was dislocated with a heavy twisting sound.
——Relieve. �
The huge body just split into two and exploded, turning into countless colorful balls of light.
“Well, the early constellations are probably at this level?”
He had heard from Shenshu that the stardust sent by the gods would evolve into a roughly complete “twelve constellations” three years later, so he was not too worried about this initial “constellation”.
After all, besides the light halberd matrix, his abilities are more suitable for dealing with single monsters than groups. It is not easy to fight with stardust flying all over the sky, but it is much easier to deal with a single monster.
But just when he was thinking about these things, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.
He instinctively looked towards the direction that caused the crisis. It was an ordinary building, but there were no stardust around it.
–boom! ! ! !
Just when he was confused, a blue and white light beam with a diameter of about half a meter suddenly penetrated the entire building and shot straight at him.
He instinctively wanted to call out the rules of passage, but he was a little slow. Feeling that he couldn’t keep up, he had to temporarily change his moves, and used the giant sword that was already in front of him to block.
The next moment, his whole body disappeared in mid-air… The light beam hit the giant sword, causing his whole body to fly hundreds of meters away.
“… Tsk, not only can they encircle, but they can even hide and attack? These guys are smarter than expected.”
Luo Mo shook his sore hands, frowning and staring at the special long-range attack constellation slowly emerging from behind the building.
The incomplete prototype of the constellation did not show any emotional reaction, but saw that he was not dead and was in front of him, gathering blue light again.
“Want to fight? Then come!”
He didn’t panic and directly raised the giant sword, and when the opponent was charging, the top of the blade showed a thick golden magic circle that was far better than the light halberd matrix in the past.
The huge golden magic circle on the giant sword looks like a huge angel light wheel spread out on his head from a distance.
as if boasting of his existenceLike, with the output of magic power, the multiple golden rings exude more and more dazzling brilliance, even floating out countless golden light particles like fireflies.
Golden tridents were generated one after another, and as he swung his sword down and pointed straight ahead, he launched a doomsday salvo at a rate of fire far exceeding that of ordinary multiple-barreled rocket launchers.
The other party seemed to have sensed that something was wrong, and immediately followed by lasing blue light, causing the energy attacks of both sides to collide in mid-air.
A series of loud noises resounded through the city.
Continuous explosion shock waves swept across the ground, blowing the fleeing people to the ground in a blink of an eye.
However, this confrontation did not last. Luo Mo quickly controlled the light halberd to change the orbit, bypassing the light beam, drawing countless arcs in midair, and crashing into the constellation.
The light beam that lost its resistance also hit Luo Mo straight, but…the light beam was refracted, and just hit a complex not far away, causing it to explode.
The light halberd like a shower accurately hit the unsuspecting constellation.
The countless light halberds exploded at the moment of impact, scraping all the tissues of the constellation, strange hands, feet and all parts of the body exploded and shattered under the golden light.
“Oh~ Sure enough, Mr. Mo is really amazing!”
Taking time to take a look, Yuna couldn’t help but marvel, but… the continuous screams not far away made her quickly refocus on the enemy in front of her.
A large amount of stardust has not been resolved, and the remaining complexes are still flying in mid-air, so we cannot easily relax our vigilance.
As Luo Mo joined the queue to deal with the complex and the stardust, the battle was roughly over after seven or eight minutes.
In a state of exhaustion, You Nai, who was accidentally knocked into the air by stardust, was caught by Luo Mo before landing.
“Is this a loli that fell from the sky? Hmm~ I always feel complicated.”
Looking at the girl who was caught by him, Luo Mo complained a little, and then looked at the remaining four stardust that were galloping down collectively.
The Stardusts that came encircling them opened their ugly mouths and twisted their bodies to keep accelerating, trying to eat them.
But there was no fear on his face, he didn’t even let go of the girl in his hands, he just took a step in their direction and trampled on the ground under his feet.
The ground below the stardust then drilled out in an instant, a ground thorn slanted at an angle of about forty-five degrees like a horse.
Those thick ground thorns also seemed to have calculated the time and angle of appearance, and blocked them very accurately, so that they had no time to brake before bumping into them.
The middle part of the ground thorn couldn’t withstand the impact and was broken, but the front end relied on the impact of the opponent, and accurately got into their mouths, and even a part of it emerged from the top of the body.
In this way, the four stardusts collectively turned into a colorful light, and nothing was left behind when they disappeared automatically.
Now, the battle was finally over, but no one celebrated the victory.
Because after this battle, Yuna couldn’t protect even a few of them due to scattered fleeing, and the death toll soared again. Out of the 163 people who set off, only 26 people remained at the scene.
The death rate was as high as 84%. Almost all the relatives and friends I knew died except Luo Mo, but this time they didn’t even have time to bury them.
The only thing to be thankful for is that no one was injured except for the bruises from the fall, that is, there will be no burden… After all, ordinary people will basically die if they are hit by stardust.
The living also lost the energy to quarrel, and could only numbly follow Luo Mo, who was carrying the exhausted You Nai on his back, and trot away from this place before there was a big movement, and it was very likely that there would be a big wave of stardust on the battlefield again.
“…I’m sorry, I wanted to solve everything by myself, but now I’m relying on you to carry it.” Yuna hugged his neck with both hands, and apologized softly with an apologetic face: “And I’m still covered in sweat… ..â€
“Sweat smells better than blood.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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