The woman was bitten on the lower part of her body by the stardust, tears and snot flowed from the pain, cold sweat flowed down her face and her body was trembling violently, but in the severe pain, she tightly held Luo Mo’s hand, and handed over the photo of her son to him. he.
“…Brother, everyone… and… and Dong… I’ll leave it to you…”
“Go with peace of mind. As an angel, I assure you that your souls will definitely reach heaven and the world of bliss, and your son will surely live to the end.”
While speaking, he slowly raised the huge sword in his hand that was stained with blood, but the woman smiled reassuringly:
The thank you may not have finished, the slashing blade cut off the woman’s neck, and the blood once again sprinkled the tunnel full of human tissues, as well as countless bicycle and motorcycle wreckage.
The woman’s distorted smile froze in pain, and behind… the stardust broke through the obstacle formed by the ground thorns and struck again.
Chapter Fifteen: The Reincarnation That Difficult to Distinguish between Good and Evil
The magic power was almost consumed, and the people were almost dead. After Luo Mo made an impossible promise to the dying person, he immediately left the underground and rushed to the ground, intending to catch up with Geye’s group.
No mistake, this is an impossible promise, because there is no Western Paradise and no heaven in this world.
Except for very few existences and loyal believers, it is an exception that the soul can be left by the sacred tree in the enchantment. Everyone dies…the soul disappears, and there is no concept of reincarnation. The Divine Tree has been confirmed.
But sometimes the cruel truth is unnecessary for the deceased…at least Luo Mo thinks so.
And when he came out of the tunnel, the outside world was already pitch black, and the whole city seemed to have encountered a high-intensity war. Most of it had been turned into ruins, and there was no way to find a single intact building.
The wreckage of cars and people everywhere showed him the courage of the dead who voluntarily sacrificed.
――We have given full play to our role, and it will be up to you next.
Standing in the ruins of the city that was empty but still full of stardust, in the constantly whistling cold wind, Luo Mo seemed to hear countless converging voices.
“…Human beings are really incredible existences, but, do I also have such emotional moments?”
Scanning everything around him with mixed feelings, he couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.
Most of the brave and responsible people have already died, and of course the rest cannot be said to be all rubbish. After all, it is only the first round of elimination, and there should be some people who were forced by their families to flee.
However, in terms of character, spirit, and their own value in this crisis-ridden world, they are generally weaker than the deceased victims.
And fleeing with a team mixed with a lot of selected crooked melons and cracked dates, it’s really… just thinking about it makes his stomach hurt.
“But the biggest question is how to keep these people alive…”
He took out a stack of blood-stained photos from the inner pocket of his jacket, looked at the strange young man in the photos, and his troubles multiplied again invisibly.
Things have developed to this stage, maybe there will be a bad meeting afterward?
Although it may not be staged at the beginning, after all, there should still be some people with a sense of justice on the other side, but after a while, this reverse elimination will continue, and in the end, there will only be a group of scum left. Not very accurate, it can be said that they are a group of hopelessly selfish people, so there shouldn’t be too many problems.
Because it is absolutely impossible to persevere to the end if you just take care of yourself and feel that you have someone who absolutely cannot die.
In principle, this is a voluntary sacrifice, but the nature of this voluntary will inevitably change in the later stages of development. After all, considering the actual situation, it is fundamentally impossible to rely on voluntary sacrifice in the middle and later stages.
What should I do in this case? Will Utano, as a brave man, force someone to sacrifice? Impossible…
It’s unrealistic for Utano to control the situation. Utano was very good and inspired the masses, but he was still just a child after all.
Even if she tried her best to control the situation, there was a limit to what a person could do, and a considerable part of human beings would undoubtedly become like wild beasts after they were freed from the constraints of the law. This point was not untested by human beings themselves.
Human nature is to do things that are beneficial to oneself. Many times, for the sake of “self-interest”, we will unknowingly “harm others”.
If there are several children who don’t know each other and will collapse if they don’t eat without the guidance and education of adults, if they face the same piece of cream cake, will they first think of leaving it for others to share? Or will they fight for monopoly no matter what?
The result is self-evident. Foraging is the instinct of all animals, including humans, because this is one of the instincts of survival. It seems that it is not very appropriate to say that it is a villain…. It is not good to say that it is good .
And what would such a survival instinct evolve into here? It is inevitable to use everything to the extreme. What will happen to the struggle between obeying the bottom line and having no bottom line?
It is said that heavy codes are used in troubled times, but Utano is undoubtedly unable to kill human beings, and it is not because she is incompetent. After all, she is only a fourteen-year-old child. The most important thing is that her status as a brave person restricts her from attacking people. Kind leader In the case of overall peace, it is natural to be called a leader like Ming Jun.In an extremely chaotic situation, it is natural to lack sufficient control ability.
In an environment that is more cruel than nature, what kind of people can survive? Rely on benevolence and righteousness?
No, it is a guy who abandons benevolence and justice and any kind of mercy, and can treat other people as victims.
There is also a very crucial factor-people who are willing to give and stand up for others have already been eliminated in the first few rounds. Most of them are timid, cowardly, afraid of death, do not want to die, and abide by benevolence and morality. But those who don’t want to die for some reason will naturally become a minority. Such people will naturally become the targets of the scum who are in the same rank to fight and sacrifice, and then they will fight and consume each other internally, pushing the losers out.
Utano’s role in this process is very limited. Can the villain’s face say that I am a bad person? It is not a small problem for her to accurately distinguish lies, and it is natural that she cannot distinguish lies. cannot play its due role.
However…except for some of the children who were confirmed to be the children of those who voluntarily sacrificed for their children, the others have nothing to do with him. Anyway, the core of this disaster is Utano. According to the Shikoku plan, he himself gave up on Suwa. It is a surprise to save one more now.
It may also be troublesome….Because there are too many people in Shikoku, I was only planning to wait for Suwa to perish, and then express regret to people. The most and only thing I want is Shiratori Utano. is an unnecessary burden.
the other side.
Due to the small number of stardust among the people riding bicycles, under the protection of Utano and the cover of people who voluntarily sacrificed, the number of deaths was controlled at double digits.
However, this still broke Utano’s record of zero casualties.
Once the three-year record is broken, it will inevitably make the people of this team feel a little bit pimple, and their confidence in Shiratori Utano has also been shaken a little… There is no way to talk about quality and personality, this team has dropped an average of one or even several grades.
It is unavoidable that there will be quarrels between the long-lost complaints and those who are firmly on Utano’s side, but Utano just feels helpless.
Even if there were only 30% or 40% of the people, she did not protect them well.
There is no way around this, after all, she would send people to the shelter and underground when stardust struck in the past, but now everyone is on the surface, still running towards the direction of the small number of stardust, and the number is also higher than in “one point” under normal circumstances. I don’t know how many times more people, she really has more than enough energy.
For the criticism and blame gradually appearing in the crowd, I can only close my eyes and endure silently, and continue to lead the people to flee to the distance unswervingly, trying not to waste everything the deceased gave for them.
“Ge Nong…” Just beside Ge Ye, Shuidu, who was pedaling his bicycle hard, looked at her solemn face, and heard the criticism from someone hidden in the crowd, his face also changed. Oh no.
But Utano didn’t care, and even smiled at her as usual: “It’s okay.”
“Well… I believe you.”
Shui didn’t ask what was all right, whether the team was all right or she was all right, she believed that what Utano said would be all right.
Utano also nodded in satisfaction at her trust, and quickly ran to the front to scout the way for everyone.
In the oppressive atmosphere, the mighty queue of bicycles is moving forward without delay, but the speed of the bicycles is faster, and some sections of the road are so completely destroyed that even bicycles cannot pass, people can only Carry the bike across as fast as possible.
And until the next day…they were already more than 50 kilometers away from Suwa, but Luo Mo did not appear on their side, and the crowd had already diverted for the second time as the stardust approached.
On the third day, the crowd, which was still quite large, had been divided four times. During this period, there was even a lot of fighting because no one was willing to take the initiative to be the bait.
Many people rely on force to coerce others to leave, just like campus bullying. Even if they commit suicide, many people will not die together. The situation is similar… Of course, the situation must be somewhat different.
But this time, the people who were forced to leave did not bring another group of people to die together. Maybe it was because they didn’t want to hurt Ge Ye who had worked so hard to help them, or it could be for other reasons, but no one knows the specific reason.
As for these Utano, she was powerless to stop them, because she really couldn’t supervise everyone by herself, and she also needed to rest, but things also happened in her supervision blind spot, and she couldn’t even tell the difference between two people who were equally scarred but said completely opposite words. Which one is telling the truth.
In order to maintain the gradually chaotic team, and because of the atmosphere that was different from the past that gradually became more sinister, as well as people’s intrigue and mutual harm behaviors, Shiratori Utano was exhausted in just three days, and even suffered serious injuries from fighting against the stardust. Regardless of whether you have confidence or not, you have to do it, and you can’t continue to maintain a confident smile.
The most common thing to do is to look backward from time to time, expecting the “angel” to catch up with their team with a smile as usual.
But no matter how many times she looked back, she couldn’t see anything except for the occasional stardust that caught up…Destroyed cities, flooded ruins, burnt remains, bones everywhere—all of them Hope seems to have disappeared from this land, only despair and death permeate every corner of the land.
Even when continuing to move forward, passing through the once very prosperous Nagoya, I found theCollapsed buildings, buried roads and surrounding walls under the ruins, the entire urban area was covered by countless huge eggs.
The egg was as pure white as the stardust on the outside, but something was wriggling inside, obviously something was hidden inside… This scene was creepy.
The same giant eggs that cover most of the city and can’t help wriggling from time to time also make people feel physiologically disgusted by this instinct.
The monsters emerged one after another from nowhere, and the mystery of their growth with a frightening momentum has finally been solved… It’s not that God is idle and bored creating them, but that they can reproduce without limit.
——There is no doubt that they are the eggs of stardust.
Everyone wanted to smash these eggs to pieces, completely destroying them, but Utano didn’t even have the strength to destroy them, so he could only continue to lead the crowd with the atmosphere that was not as good as before.
“That guy…wouldn’t have died so easily, would he?”
Luo Mo’s loss of contact with the person who was supposed to share difficulties with her made her extremely worried, but the long road ahead did not allow her to stop. She could only look at the person beside her worriedly with frustration and pain all over her body. Everyone sighed and numbly continued to assume the responsibility of the brave.
The team full of sacrifices continued to move forward, but only on the sixth day…in the eighth split-up operation, they finally ushered in a catastrophe.
It’s not that no one can disperse, but that the people who were forced to leave finally couldn’t bear to be sacrificed, and those who deliberately turned around and ran with all their strength took the lead in intercepting the fleeing team.
As a result, countless stardust overwhelming the sky directly attacked Uta’s escape team.
Shuidu, who seemed to have expected this scene, walked up to Geye and hugged her wordlessly, even though he wanted to restrain his inner emotions, tears still came out of his eyes.
Even though the brave men have superhuman physical strength, Utano’s exhaustion has reached the limit these days, and the injuries all over his body are very conspicuous, which really makes her feel distressed and at the same time…
“There was a new oracle just now… said to be the last oracle…”
“Don’t cry, Ah Shui.” Utano embraced Shuidu with his backhand, and gently asked the sobbing Shuidu with a embarrassed smile: “It doesn’t matter what kind of oracle, I will definitely solve this problem.”
“… guarding Suwa for three years, holding back the enemy and allowing Shikoku to lay the foundation stone against the enemy, it is really hard work. It will make us heroic spirits or something… God means that we this time… ..Dead….”
“Really? I think so too.” Utano nodded with a distressed smile, looking at the countless monsters, there was really no way to deny it, but he hugged Shui Anan with a little force and said: “But you won’t Die, I will block them, you go now while you are still.”
“Why can you say such things at will!? Are you not afraid?! Or do you think I can easily leave you behind?!”
“No…Of course I am very scared. How can I not be afraid to fight against such monsters every day, but I definitely don’t want to stand by and watch others die in front of my eyes trembling…especially the death of people I know. Even scarier.”
Utano’s smile was gradually deformed, but his face showed obvious fear, but he held Shuidu’s hand tightly.
“Ge Nong…you’re so stupid…” The determination conveyed in Ge Ye’s heart caused Shuidu’s heart to lose balance, and tears burst out of his eyes again.
… Just when the two looked at each other like lovers who were about to die, the atmosphere was intense, but a voice that didn’t fit the atmosphere suddenly appeared beside them.
“I’m sorry~ Can you please be more self-respecting at this time, don’t make it so orangey, can you respect others and Stardust a little bit?” Luo Mo, who had disappeared for five days, came out from nowhere, looking at him helplessly. The girls sighed as they hugged each other intimately.
“You—??!” Geye’s eyes widened and he subconsciously pointed at him, but he couldn’t speak for a while, but he casually pulled her hand away, stretched out his hand and lightly poked the wound on her shoulder, Knowingly, he asked: “Yo~ I haven’t seen you for a while, how are you doing recently?”
“Hiss…! What are you doing!? Of course it’s not good at all!!” The girl sucked in a breath of air, and instinctively avoided and glared at him.
“Is that so? That’s really a pity, but my life is actually pretty good? I also found that the canned food is well preserved, even if the expiration date has passed, I can still eat it now!”
“…Are you here to mock me?”
“Do I look that bored?”
“Aren’t you such a person? And where have you been for the past 5 days!?”
Even though the time was tight, Ke Ye still couldn’t help but want to get angry at him for suddenly disappearing, but Luo Mo looked calm and waved his hands casually:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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