This unexpected and straightforward admission, he really didn’t know how to respond for a moment, he opened his mouth slightly and thought about it or shut up, and continued to maintain a meaningless silence, even thinking about whether he should simply escape from this place.
But…if he wasn’t around, the situation might get worse. These girls with worse personalities are mixed together…the consequences are likely to become quite terrifying.
No way, he could only drag his feet that were a little sore from being stepped on, and sat silently on the bench that had been destroyed before, pretending to be deep and said:
“Now is not the time to talk about these things, is it? You are all human elites, let’s talk seriously about how to deal with the attack on Nazarick.”
“There won’t be any major problems for the time being. Are you just trying to change the subject by saying this?” Ikelina stared at him, making it clear that she didn’t want to skip this topic just like that.
He sat upright with a business-like look, shook his head and said, “There will be no major problems, but there will definitely be minor problems. Lana, please talk about your thoughts first.”
“Yes~” Lana, who was not very obedient at all, only behaved very docile at this time, nodded obediently and said:
“I think that since they don’t want to lose the main members, they will definitely not attack rashly without knowing the depth, and since the detection magic will be countered, the only option now is to send a large number of scouts to grasp the situation here, so Naturally, what we should do is counter-espionage, but…”
“I’m going to solve it alone. It’s unrealistic to have all the spies in the entire territory. Do we need a lot of middle-level fighters?”
Luo Mo thinks that with modern knowledge reserves, he should be able to solve most of the problems, and can quickly improve the strength of others… He has no good way except to give guns. Where can he find a large number of middle-level fighters… . This also touched his knowledge blind spot.
I wanted to have a good talk with him, but Icolina, who he and Lana had behaved in the past, kicked him again at this time, and reminded him as if she was speechless from the bottom of her heart: “For the middle level, you should Are you looking for Theocracy?”
“The middle level of the Theocracy…well, I don’t mean the level of the hero field. In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, it must be at least the level of ordinary gods, but there are really few gods in the Theocracy. You won’t lend me the gods and men used by the town, will you?â€
“Are you looking down on the Theocracy too much?”
Ikelina is far more familiar with Theocracy than Luomo, so she understands that it is impossible to choose to be alone in this struggle that affects the future destiny of mankind.
In the face of human rights and wrongs, the Theocracy is cruel to itself and others. Even if the death of the God-man who is the foundation of the country may endanger the survival of the country, it will not hide it as a treasure at this time.
“But just a few gods…”
“If you want to know where to find strong people to join you, then you must ask the TheocracyThere is nothing wrong with that. “Before he finished speaking, Icolina directly gave the solution again.
Now….he seems to really have to go to the Jiaoguo, even though he doesn’t really want to go to that place, which is no different from a dating agency that covets huge “agency fees”.
However, he had just decided what to do, and when he was about to take this opportunity to leave, he noticed…the two blond girls beside him who couldn’t intervene in the conversation seemed to have a bit of a bad look on their faces.
Evileye and Arche also seemed to want to help him, to join this struggle concerning the fate of mankind and even the continent and play their own part.
But even if both of them are rare talents, the opponent is too out of specification.
In front of Nazarick, even Evileye’s force is really at the middle level, and its effect is completely inferior to that of Icolina, who can rely on force and connections, and Lana, who can solve problems with her mind.
Evileye’s listless way of bowing her head made her look younger than usual, and Arche also drooped her head, pouting in displeasure.
“Ah~ you two, you don’t need to have such a strange expression, you are actually very useful.”
“Really?!” “What, what??”
The two with the most normal personalities among the four at the scene, the somewhat sympathetic Luo Mo said this, and they immediately trotted around.
…Now, the temperature in the eyes of the two girls whose personalities are really hard to say dropped suddenly.
But I have to say, from his point of view, the girls are really not vases, they all have their own value.
Evileye, who was comrade-in-arms with the Platinum Dragon King in the past, was arranged to use his “eloquence” based on his previous contacts, to try to get the Platinum Dragon King to officially join his camp, and to get as many Dragon Kings as possible.
Nazarick’s civil war strength is much higher than average, so Arche’s natural ability “seeing magic eye” was placed on the floating castle, condescendingly observing the people who entered Canaan City.
Although there are magic props that can hide aura, it is impossible for Nazarick to use props to hide aura for all spies. The magic eye that sees through is enough to screen out most of the spies.
Lana used her clever little head to think about Nazarick’s possible countermeasures and take precautions in advance.
On the other hand, Ikolina went directly to the Theocracy with him, and from the Supreme Council of the Theocracy, which was extremely furious after learning about the pasture, easily obtained a promise of all-out assistance, a promise to jointly fight against Nazarick.
Originally, in order to avoid being dragged into a blind date, Luo Mo, who had no choice but to go to the teaching country, was prepared to leave as soon as the problem was resolved, but the head of the fire priest pulled him right after the meeting, saying that he would take him to find the first One person who asked for help avoided Ikelina and hid in an unoccupied corner.
Then…the two sides came to the Dragon Kingdom through the portal.
“Although the Dragon Kingdom itself has tried its best to resist the invasion of the orc kingdom, the black-scale dragon king Delodiron actually has a power far superior to that of the orcs, and can exert decisive power when necessary.”
On the way to Wangcheng, the chief Vulcan suddenly said the reason for coming here, that is… this object made Luo Mo a little confused.
“Really? Since she is so powerful, why doesn’t she solve the orc matter by herself? By the way…” He suddenly thought of something, and said suspiciously: “Since she is a true dragon king who is rarer than gods and men in later generations, Why is her country being bullied by orcs? What is her original magic?”
“Although she is only as strong as an ordinary person, she possesses powerful primordial magic. If millions of people are sacrificed to gather their souls, she can even imitate the Platinum Dragon King’s unique skill ‘Ultimate Big Bang’.”
There are many kinds of Siyuan magic, among which there are powerful special skills that are superior to super magic and catastrophe. In terms of effect alone, they can completely match the world props, and even have a lot more practicality.
Luo Mo has never seen Platinum Dragon King’s unique skill, so there is no way to guess how far it can go.
The Black Scaled Dragon King needs to consume millions of souls to activate, even he cannot easily ignore this huge number.
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Playwright Lolita Queen of the Dragon Kingdom
“…Do you need to sacrifice millions of people?” Luo Mo was also moved by the huge number.
But at the same time of this shock, he was also surprised to find that compared with the grief that would be caused to his family by the death of a million people, the first thing he thought of was the magic that consumes a million people to activate, how much loss will it have? ?
And the conversion efficiency of the essence should be much higher. If all these souls were given to him…would it be possible to solve the problem by only dying half of it?
This made him not know how many times, worrying himself that this is a rational way of thinking, but a cold-blooded way of thinking, whether it should be corrected to be considered healthy.
And it is not clear what he really cares about, but thinking of the source of the scroll made by Nazarick, Chief Vulcan showed a different kindness than usual, expressing his will with steely determination:
“The sacrifice is heavy, but if we don’t make such a decision when necessary, more people will die, and the inheritance of human race will face a huge crisis. When necessary, we can only choose a million people to sacrifice.”
Different from the normal superiors, who simply sacrifice others, the Chief Fire God, like the Holy Queen of the Holy Kingdom, is willing to sacrifice her life to save the world. Will die generously and without complaint.
Knowing this, Luo Mo couldn’t blame her for being ruthless, and didn’t even know what to do.Why not talk about it. So he didn’t say anything, just followed silently, and the Chief Fire God, whose face was extremely gloomy when he thought of the dark future he was about to face, walked towards the royal city together.
Although the Dragon Kingdom is called the Dragon Kingdom, in fact the Dragon Kingdom itself is a country dominated by humans, but the king is the Dragon King.
To be precise, it should have the blood of humans and some dragon kings.
Since the Theocracy has been sending troops to support the Dragon Kingdom, the chief Vulcan, who has been here many times, took this identity proof and immediately received the highest level of courtesy from the guards of the royal city, and quickly welcomed them in.
After waiting for almost a moment, they arrived at the entrance of the audience hall in the palace, and the door was opened for them.
“Welcome! Benice! And…that? Are you Carlos?”
Just when he stepped into the spacious and gorgeous audience hall, a voice full of innocence came from the top of the steps.
Looking up, you can see that Lori, who is at most twelve or thirteen years old, who is between little girls and young girls, is looking at them curiously with an innocent smile on the throne.
That pink and jade-carved loli girl, if ten people walk on the street, I am afraid that all ten people will turn their heads frequently, because this is not the kind of cuteness that is beautiful, but the kind that fully interprets the word cuteness, regardless of men, women or children. cute.
The previous speech, as the king of a country, used it when receiving foreign guests, obviously there are not small problems, but if the king is such a child, it will not make people feel rude, and even feel that the queen is cuter than expected.
And this Lolita, who is completely inconsistent with the impression of a queen in ordinary people’s minds, made Luo Mo feel a little dumbfounded, and even wondered if she accidentally sat on the throne.
But he also heard that the queen of the Dragon Kingdom seems to be such a loli, and even relying on her own strength…or her own cuteness, she inspired the morale of the whole country.
To a certain extent, this is quite a remarkable talent…it should be, even though she is actually a dragon king.
“This is… the Black Scaled Dragon King?”
“Yes, this is the Black Scaled Dragon King, Your Majesty Draudiron Auriclus.” The Chief of Fire God calmed down, nodded with a smile and then lowered his voice, “How is it? Looks like Not only is it not bad, is it? It also has the blood of the Dragon King itself, and the blood of the God-Man and the Dragon King are mixed, and what a powerful existence will be born, don’t you look forward to it?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Don’t be shy~ Just by looking at her, don’t you think she is cute?”
“There are so many lovely people in the world, do you want me to come with them all once?”
“If it’s possible, that would be the best, but human life span is limited, so it’s more appropriate to spend time on valuable women.”
Luo Mo ranted over with a word, but the chief Vulcan analyzed it very seriously, which made him speechless for a while.
The dragon queen on the steps, Draudiron, couldn’t hear what they were saying clearly. Seeing them muttering in a low voice, she first showed a puzzled expression, and then patted the handrail with her mouth pursed:
“Don’t whisper to yourself, tell me anything! I want to chat too!”
“Please don’t be angry, Her Majesty Queen, we are only talking about supporting the Dragon Kingdom.” With a kind smile, the Chief Fire God casually said something that they hadn’t mentioned at all.
This made Draudiron stand up immediately, overjoyed and said: “——Really?! The Six-Colored Codex or the Crusaders? Or the royal court guards of the elves?”
“Of course this is true.” Chief Vulcan nodded without blinking an eye, and said solemnly: “If there is no accident, it should be decided by the Lord of the Crusaders. He once defeated the Elven King alone, and even Defeated Elune Tiyu, the King of Eight Desires, and brought the floating castle back to Canaan. If he took action, the orc kingdom would be wiped out, but…”
“Just what? Tell me quickly, if there is anything I can do, our country will definitely help!”
Without even thinking about it, Draudiron made a statement that anyone would think was too naive and very age-appropriate.
However, Luo Mo felt that her innocent movements seemed to hide exhaustion, and her innocent smile also contained a bitterness beyond her age.
Although I didn’t understand it too carefully, but judging from the fact that the Dragon Kingdom is almost the same as the Holy Kingdom, and even because there is no Great Wall, the situation in the face of alien races is much worse…..
As the highest authority in charge of such a precarious country, if he was really just a child, the country would have perished long ago. As for the pressure that Delaudiolon was under, one could guess without thinking.
But in the face of such a poor child who is under tremendous pressure, the Chief of Fire God only focused on her own value, pretending to be worried and said: “He is currently worrying about marriage, and our Theocracy is also actively helping him. Choosing a wife, but there are very few people who are worthy of such an excellent partner like him, so…”
“Choose a wife? Then come to our Dragon Kingdom to choose~! We lack everything here, men are also lacking, but there is no shortage of women!”
The long years of war have caused heavy losses to the males in the Dragon Kingdom. It would be the best thing for a foreign male to immigrate and have children. Draudiron also clapped her hands to warmly welcome him here.
But Luo Mo keenly noticed that the curvature of the corners of her mouth was much lower than before, and the bitterness in her smile was easier to detect than before.
It is obvious that she knows what the Fire Priest is thinking, and she has long been a fine Fire PriestThe chief can naturally see the essence of her smile, but the head of the fire god turned a blind eye to it, and continued with a deceptive motherly smile:
“That’s a good relationship. Since His Majesty Delodiron doesn’t object, he just likes young people. His Majesty Delaudio has not been married so far. Why don’t you make a happy marriage? I believe that the combination of the two of you must be the best in the history of mankind.” Milestone progress!”
“Eh, yes, is it me?” Queen Loli covered her mouth in surprise, as if she really didn’t expect that she would be the target.
But Luo Mo, who was addicted to her, accidentally observed her, and found that there was no surprise or any fear in the eyes of this playwright loli except helplessness.
Yes, just helpless bitterness.
“Your Majesty Draudiron, you and Carlos are both talented and beautiful, and they are very suitable in terms of status and status. After the union, the country and territory will become one, and we will surely create the most brilliant civilization!”
It was obviously a matter of another country, but when the Vulcan Chief was telling the story, he danced and danced very excitedly, and his eyes almost shone with light.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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