With the help of the fireball, the air in the tomb gradually heated up, and the atmosphere became harmonious and somewhat ambiguous.
Emilia and Luo Mo said nothing, but spent a rather strange time in silence.
But all this waited until the clothes were roasted by the fireball, and the drying was generally over.
With mixed emotions of regret and relief, Emilia left from Luo Mo who turned his head away, picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on lightly, and was about to leave this place together.
Luo Mo suddenly smiled and said, “Emilia, are you not afraid now?”
“…Huh?” Emilia, who was bumping into the deer in her heart for a while, couldn’t think of what he was talking about and why she was afraid.
“The matter of the trial.”
“Ah, oh, oh…Trial? It’s okay, I’m not afraid anymore, thank you…Really.”
“It’s okay, my favorite thing is actually helping others.”
“That… Seriously?” Even Emilia had doubts about this sentence.
“No, this is also a joke.” He shrugged, and then said seriously: “Don’t always stare at what you don’t have, you should take a good look at what you have, even if many people hate itYou exist, but there are also many people who care about you, and the reason is that you are you, nothing more. ”
“Well, I know….thank you, that….”
Faced with this affirmation of herself, she believed in her own approval, which made Emilia smile happily and nodded vigorously, but she became confused after speaking halfway: “What should I call you better? Luo Mo? Or… …Carlos?”
“Both are true, but from the perspective of compatibility, Carlos is not so abrupt…”
After passing the previous trials, after thinking for a while, Luo Mo decided to completely abandon the past that was not worth remembering, and no longer continue to use that worthless name.
…Although the name Carlos is also nothing worth thinking about, at least it won’t be too abrupt in this world.
“Shall I re-introduce myself? I’m the High Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult… in charge of pretense—my name is Carlos.”
Leaving aside the nostalgia for the past with a smile, Luo Mo…or Carlos bowed slightly to Emilia.
This made Emilia stunned, and then covered the corners of her mouth with her hands, shaking her silver hair, and trembling with laughter:
“Hehe~ You are also the Archbishop of Major Sins….It would be great if the Archbishop of Major Sins had such a good deal with you.”
“No way, I am the kindest person in the High Sin Archbishop.”
“Speaking of which, Carlos… sir, what are you coming to Sanctuary for?”
“Carlos will do.”
“…Well, Carlos, what are you here for?”
“We can talk about this later. Since the clothes are already dry, let’s go out first. I think Petichius and Parker should be very worried about your situation.” Halfway through the sentence, he pointed to himself and laughed at himself. Said: “After all, I am also in here.”
“This…I, I believe it! Although you are as wicked as Echidna, you must be a good person!…At least better than Echidna.”
Emilia, who seemed to have known Echidna during the trial, and was even made things difficult for some reason, clenched her fists and affirmed him with conviction.
Although he was better than Echidna, he really didn’t know what expression to make due to this evaluation, but he still showed a moved expression… also convinced in his heart that this child has not been sold yet, and Parker must have paid for it. Quite a sweat.
Since noon, Emilia and Romo…or Carlos, stepped into the witch’s tomb one after the other.
But in the afternoon, even after the sun had set, neither of them emerged.
The people waiting outside couldn’t help but want to rush in.
However, the witch’s tomb was blocked by a powerful barrier for some reason, and there was no way to invade it, so they could only wait patiently outside.
When they finally waited for the two to come out, the eyes of both parties unconsciously widened, and their faces became uglier than the other.
The people’s turbulent magic power kept churning and colliding outside the tomb, and there seemed to be many twisted places in the air.
The two walked out side by side…it was nothing.
But Emilia’s skirt was a bit messy and wrinkled, and it even had a lot of dust on it. The knee-high white silk was obviously not worn properly, and it was also stained with a lot of dust, which was obviously inside Went through it again.
At the same time, Emilia’s eyes were red, her face was flushed with the same flush, and she was paying attention to the hem of her skirt (underpants wet with water) when she walked.
“Lord Emilia!” Petichius, whose heart was trembling, rushed forward and looked at her with regret: “What did he do to you? What??”
“—Boy!!” Parker was suspended in mid-air, his usual harmless cat face stared at him ferociously and growled: “What did you do to Leah…my daughter!?”
“Don’t look at me like that, okay? Why do you think that what happened, I must have done something bad? I do good things occasionally. ”
“Jose, Parker, no! You misunderstood!” Facing the anger of the two old fathers, Emilia quickly helped to explain: “Carlos didn’t do strange…strange, strange things! Help me very gently!”
“…Why are you so obviously hesitant when it comes to ‘strange’?” Rem keenly discovered the problem in her words; Ram also showed a cold look: “…you are going to Those who are on trial, or those who are going for a trial marriage? Why did they come out like this after only staying inside for a while, and it seems that the relationship has become better than before.”
“Don’t make it so strange, we just appreciate each other, isn’t it normal for our relationship to improve after adversity?” Luo Mo explained calmly.
Emilia nodded again and again: “Yes, yes! Absolutely did not do anything strange!”
“…So, why do you repeat that you haven’t done anything strange?” Rem accurately grasped the key to the problem, staring at Emilia and asked tentatively: “If you really haven’t done anything strange, So it’s okay to talk about what you’ve done, right?â€
“This, this…”
Emilia suddenly became embarrassed, her face became hot again, and she couldn’t help but glance at the depressed black-haired youth beside her.
He was also left speechless by Emilia’s incompetent teammate, but there was no way… Emilia was different from him after all, maybe she hadn’t lied when she grew up.
Honesty is definitely not honesty, no matter what level of honesty is inappropriate, but now I want to confuse it with vague words… Emilia said that, even if there was no problem at first, there should be a problem now.
Carlos, who couldn’t tell the truth, didn’t say anything at all, walked around Parker with a very bachelor’s mood, and went here to avoid the wind blade cutting the ground, and spread his hands helplessly:
“Whether you believe it or not, Emilia and I are innocent. I won’t lie about this, but please don’t think dirty about us.”
“…Emilia is fine, you? Purity? Oh, is there actually a word that is more inappropriate for you than this?” Beatrice sneered on the spot as if she had heard the most ridiculous words in the world. .
“Maybe I was a little bit mature before, but I will never do things that take advantage of others’ dangers.”
“That is to say, you have done other things besides occupying someone’s body?” Rem’s expression was unprecedentedly severe.
“Don’t go too far, can I be that kind of person? Emilia, please explain to me.”
Although he didn’t want to push the victim out like this, but in the face of two stern girls and two males who were gnashing their teeth, he had no choice but to ask Emilia, the biggest victim, to help him explain as much as possible.
I have to say that Emilia really doesn’t have the slightest talent in lying, but it is precisely because of this that it can be effective in certain situations.
Under the guidance of Carlos’ efforts, she also successfully used her own characteristics to let them understand that he didn’t take advantage of others, and even helped her inside.
It’s just that… Emilia was unwilling to say anything about the content of the help, which made everyone look at him strangely, and still wonder if he had done something.
He didn’t care about these, so he looked at Petichius, who looked less like a good person than himself, walked over with a kind smile, and stretched out his hand:
“Petichius, Emilia, and Parker. We don’t have any fundamental conflicts for the time being. Why don’t we reconcile now? Continue to work together for a while… What do you think?”
“With you…?” Petichius frowned, and instinctively took a step back, as if wanting to draw a line with him; and Emilia also asked hesitantly: “I, I’m really okay. Do you believe me?”
“Of course, you should know everything about me, so just trust me again.”
“No! Lady Emilia! He is as untrustworthy as Pandora! Let’s find Lady Echidna!”
Petichius, who used to be an etiquette teacher for Beatrice on Echidna’s side, trusted Echidna more than Carlos, and didn’t know Echidna’s character at all. no big difference.
But… Emilia, who had obviously made Echidna feel sorry for Echidna during the previous trial, had a lot of doubts about it.
Therefore, she hesitated again and again and looked at Petichius apologetically. After all, she chose to believe in Carlos who had previously supported her, and slowly held his hand.
Working with Emilia has many benefits for Carlos.
After all, there are not many people here in Emilia, and there are quite a lot of masters. If she exerts her full combat power, Emilia is also quite powerful, not to mention Petichius and Parker, who are already strong. On the road of holiness, he took another step forward.
Although…the two fathers who overprotected her had doubts about this cooperation, they reluctantly agreed to it out of love for her.
So, throwing the unrecovered villager A on the back of the earth dragon, they headed towards the interior of the sanctuary together.
But after crossing the forest again, he came to the flat land that was not completely covered by green, but the degree of greening was quite high. Everything that came into view made Luo Mo wonder if he came to the wrong place.
It is completely incompatible with the lofty name of the sanctuary, and it is even more incomparable with the solemn sanctuary in the Slan Theocracy in the past.
This is not even a normal village, at best it is a slum with relatively far distances between houses.
At the entrance is a very old and broken stone arch. The inside is an old small stone house. The outer walls are covered with vines, and there are even many ruins that have collapsed over the long years.
As expected, the residents inside are all demihumans with animal ears, men, women, and children without exception, and their shabby clothes have been patched a lot.
Except for the children, the faces of the residents are not full of vitality, and the atmosphere of the whole village is full of lifeless gloom.
When the local residents noticed that they were outsiders, they all showed obvious vigilant expressions, and the adults hid the children behind them.
But in front of the dragon cart, at the center of the road, for some reason, a small figure stood up and blocked their way.
It was a young girl with good features and a lovely appearance. Her long pink hair fell straight to her waist, and she was wearing a large black robe with a hem hanging down like a shawl. She looked about eleven or twelve years old.
“—How is it possible?!…this…Ryuzu??”
Beatrice, who was not interested in Luo Mo’s actions at all, showed an exaggerated shocked expression when she noticed the appearance of the new loli, and stared at the girl with wide eyes in disbelief.
Chapter Nine: The Truth Four Hundred Years Ago・Petichius Switched to the Faction・Farewell to EchidnaBeatrice’s exclamation was completely different from the usual, which made Carlos look over in puzzlement, and seriously looked at the young half-elf girl opposite.
The girl has a cute and dignified face, with a magic wand in her hand, and the sleeves and trousers of the robe are so long that she can’t see her hands and feet… Maybe this can also be regarded as the cuteness of this child.
The age is estimated as much as possible, and it is probably about the same as Beatrice. She looks like a child at the age of twelve… The conclusion is obvious when you think about it.
“Is that your little friend? Beatrice, but I haven’t heard that you have friends, have I?”
“…Miss Liuzi is Miss Beatrice’s friend, but…” Petikius, who was already dumbfounded, looked at the man he hadn’t seen when he just arrived. The girl was half-speaking, but also lowered her head with a thoughtful expression.
But I can’t figure out what’s going on—why four hundred years have passed, and Ryuzu, who is a half-fairy like Emilia, still hasn’t grown up and is still the same as four hundred years ago.
“Who are you? Why do you know my name?” The girl called Liuzi frowned at Beatrice, obviously not knowing her.
Beatrice hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, and with tears in her eyes, she put one hand on her chest and shouted:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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