She agreed so much, but Emnesia’s gaze never left him for a moment, as if she was afraid that he would run away.
Reluctantly, he chanted a lot, but he could only give up the idea of ​​escaping, and caught fish with his bare hands by the stream to experience the feeling of returning to nature.
The few trees on the grassland by the water were cut down to make firewood, and the three of them grilled fish by the stream.
Emnisia maintained a serious state, and Avelia was like the sister-in-law of the sister-in-law, staring at Luo Mo while grilling fish, with fierce eyes, as if looking for an opportunity, and inserted the branch of the fish skewer into him like.
But Emnesia combed her short hair with her fingertips, and said suddenly after being blown away by the night wind:
“Carlos, do you remember?”
“The phone…is it called this? The image inside.”
This time, it was his turn to petrify.
Originally, any other content was enough to hurt Luo Mo, but now…if he finds out the content of the phone, he feels that he will definitely be devastated.
But Emnesia didn’t look at him, she just looked at the bonfire and asked like chatting:
“Are those people all the victims you created?”
“…Don’t talk nonsense. If you ask them if they would like to see me, then the answer must be yes. After all, I should be considered to have helped them. Even if I may have done so, the merit must be greater than the demerit.”
“Even if the child is in the toilet?”
“Cough, cough…” He didn’t catch his breath, he faked coughing all night, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, pretended to be stupid and said:
“What are you talking about? We are civilized people, how can we break into the toilet that girls are using?”
“…Unless there is force majeure, yes, unless there is force majeure, I will not act that kind of ungentlemanly behavior.” Under the aggressive gaze of the girl, he was forced to slightly change his attitude. The words, but attracted another girl’s doubts:
“What do you say, why does it feel like you have been there? What is it that does not resist coolies?”
“…Is the visit to other people’s homes going on without permission?”
“Don’t tell me anything, you just broke into a private house, right! —Very good, the death penalty!” Without saying a word, Avelia took out her wand and pointed it at him, as if she wanted to execute it immediately.
“jokeYes, just kidding! Don’t take it seriously, can I be that kind of person? How could I break into a private house? If we are all friends, even if we are friends without permission, it is usually not a big deal to go in and have a look, right? ”
“Even if it’s a friend! That’s trespassing! Otherwise, it’s just trying to burglary!”
“If I’m short of money, I’ll borrow it!”
“Hmm… also, you prefer to take advantage of other people’s friendship… much worse than this.”
“…I always feel that you misunderstood me deeply…”
Luo Mo sighed with a depressed face, but he was very glad that the topic was successfully changed, but that’s why he thought so… Avelia suddenly changed the subject:
“Then? What’s the image on the phone? What does it have to do with the toilet? You won’t take pictures again, right? And it’s that girl?”
“Uh… I found out for the second time today that although your brain is not very bright, your attention is surprisingly difficult to disperse…”
“If you don’t say it, my sister will explain it.” Avelia heard him say that, although she was a little angry, she endured it and turned to look at her sister beside her.
Emnicia glanced at Luomo, then approached her and whispered, “Let me tell you quietly? Carlos broke in to take pictures of others when they were going to the toilet, and the age of the subject was still… ..â€
“—Ahh! Wait! Can’t we just forget about this matter?!”
“Carlos, are you in a hurry?”
Seeing him interrupting herself loudly, Emnesia rarely recovered a smile on her face.
He rested his forehead with one hand and shook his head again and again:
“…Let’s let the past go, people should live in the present and look to the future…”
“Then who is Pandora?”
“…can you listen to me a little bit?”
“That girl with long black hair who looks a bit gloomy is that again?”
“Ah~ I’m the one talking now? Can you stop asking questions like this?”
“Sweaty girl who looks very energetic, why is her pants so short? Are you interested?”
“…don’t listen to me at all…”
All the shameful things were told one by one, making Luo Mo seem to be being whipped, the smile on his face became more and more stiff, and finally he lowered his head and covered his face with his hands, escaping this cruel reality again.
What would a normal person choose to do in the face of a person who has a lot of dark history in his hands?
Maybe some people will be simply coerced, some will choose to kill and silence, and some will be forced to make a deal with the other party.
Threatening people with secrets is almost a common thing in modern times. It is not surprising that it happens all the time, and it is usually the first and third situations.
If it was a normal situation, Luo Mo might choose to kill someone to silence him, but the target would be someone who would be his daughter-in-law, sister, or daughter.
Most of this shady black material was exposed on his own initiative, and it was really impossible to do it… So after the brainstorming, he really regretted it, and suddenly thought of countermeasures, raised his head suddenly and said:
“Emnesia, I know your measurements! These days I still buy your underwear for you, so I also know the colors and styles of your underwear——Wow?! What are you doing?!”
Before he finished his black story, Avelia had already picked up the branch with the fish on it, and stabbed him mercilessly in the eye, forcing him to grab the branch.
“—Of course it is obliterating the pervert! You are in front of other people’s sisters! What are you talking about! Pervert!”
“Ah…it seems to be the same…I almost forgot that there were only three of us…”
In other words, these materials cannot be used as countermeasures at all, and will only attract more hatred for themselves.
“And what’s going on with your old couple’s life—I’m so envious of you!!”
Although Avelia was also angry, she looked a lot different from the anger he imagined, which made him speechless for a while, and Emnesia also looked a little shy and embarrassed.
It’s just that Emnesia quickly pushed away her strange sister, and brought back the topic:
“…Don’t care about this person, let’s talk about it again, you…are responsible.”
“Ah~ Do you still want to talk about this?”
“How about it?”
“Although I really want to be responsible, but I also have to give something, right? We should be counted as equals… You will not be convinced when I say that.”
“Well, I know.” He nodded, and rarely said seriously: “Although I am sorry for what I have done in the past, I have no way to take responsibility, and you know that.”
“Yes, you also have your own… mission.”
The girl showed a gentle but lonely smile, a moment of sadness flashed in her eyes, and then she immediately lowered her head.
The atmosphere all over her body changed from angry to sad, with her head hanging down and her left arm held horizontally with her left hand, giving people a feeling that she couldn’t abandon her.
“…Ah~ Normally at this time, shouldn’t you be angry? Why did it change again?” Luo Mo, who couldn’t see her expression, only knew that she was pursing her lips, scratched her head, not knowing what to do at this time What kind of expression is good, so I had to smile wryly:
“Do you care about those things so much? If so, I will apologize to you properly.”
“It’s not like that…although it’s also like that.”
Emnesia kept her head down all the time, and what she said was a bit contradictory, which made him feel a little dizzy.
But if he thinks about it seriously, he also understandsThe girl in front of her was talking about girls, but she didn’t intend to say those things at this time.
Therefore, Emnesia did not explain, after all, some things do not have to be said.
Only Avelia, who didn’t understand at all, sat on the ground, feeling that she was being excluded and her cheeks puffed up, squatting on the ground alone and sulking.
After the simple dinner, although Avelia had a lot to say, Emnesia didn’t seem to care about those things, which interrupted the interrogation.
Since the weather was good, Luo Mo didn’t take out the tent, but took out three sleeping bags from the storage space.
Just like this, the three of them lined up on the grass beside the stream after setting up a protective barrier, sleeping in the countryside.
It’s just at night….Emnesia crept into the handmade sleeping bag he bought at a high price.
As if not worried about waking him up, she hugged him tightly, even pressing her face against his chest.
“…Ah~ At this time, I should say something joking, right?”
Being hugged tightly by her, Luo Mo couldn’t help but feel a little stiff, but he didn’t run away ignorantly, but just wanted to ease the atmosphere, which gradually became weird.
I want to relax and stay on the side. I have not fallen asleep, and now I am staring at him with wide-eyed eyes, with the envy and hatred of Avelia written all over her face.
But the girl who turned her back to Avelia didn’t notice that her sister was actually awake, and even noticed it. By the way, she ignored his joke and whispered her feelings:
“Thank you for being willing to believe me when no one believes me, and without any proof.”
“You’re welcome…” Feeling that the atmosphere was a little too serious, he quietly added: “Anyway, I’m the one who’s fine even if I get stabbed in the back.”
“It’s okay not to say this….It feels a little pathetic.”
“is that so?”
“…In any case, at least that is absolutely irreplaceable salvation for me.” She said halfway, showing a mischievous smile: “But before I recovered my memory, I was very angry, huh? ”
“Well…you can see it.”
“But that’s because you were wrong in the first place. You actually let me be your daughter… What do you think?”
Emnesia’s eyes were full of resentment.
“Well… how should I put it, I can only say that sometimes, people will always have a sudden whim… they will do any stupid thing with a flick of their head, right?”
“Is this also a reason?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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