To be precise, not only the Pope and Ariel, but even Julidis didn’t give him a good face. If he wasn’t restrained, he might be the first to attack him.
Every top figure who can control the situation of this world has detected the crisis through their own methods at this moment, and gathered here in a very tacit understanding.
Originally, for a summit meeting of this level, they should all be amiable…at least make some superficial efforts, but in fact the atmosphere at the scene was extremely poor.
The smell of gunpowder was so strong that people almost didn’t want to stay with them. The space magicians who escorted the pope here were already trembling. See.
If it wasn’t for their duties, they all wanted to stay away from this dangerous place. After all, it didn’t matter if they were there or not.
In the name of protecting the weak, Fenglong, who dominates this wilderness, took Sophia away from this place and hid in a distant place early. This courage makes it difficult for people to look up to him.
Spider also wanted to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the scene, but Ariel couldn’t escape holding her hind legs with a bright smile.
Although Luo Mo didn’t care about the atmosphere here, he was also worried about being recognized and wanted to sneak away. However, the spider who wanted to drag him into the water hooked his back collar with a sickle, and was forced to stay in the original place with his legs dangling in the air. land.
Although he was upset about being dragged into the water, he slapped the spider’s butt that was harder than a steel plate a few times angrily, but he gave up struggling as a revenge, and buried his head in the spider’s chest, using the privilege of a child to enjoy what adults can’t easily touch Yeah…wrong, in fact it was just a cover, he didn’t have any weird ideas.
After all, other than him, the men present are more upright and gentlemen, at least they don’t look at women’s chests, so naturally no one will look at his face, and he can listen safely from the sidelines.
At least it looks very harmonious, like a child who is acting like a baby to his mother… Although the spider does not look like a child his age, if you don’t think about it, this picture is still very harmonious.
(――I, hate it! Why did this kid suddenly become so bold again? Even if I like my sister, I have to change the occasion! I don’t want to stay in this, this place! I don’t know what to do if you are like this~!)
Spider, who was still nervous at first, suddenly became nervous in another aspect.
Potimas didn’t pay attention to them, and taunted them overtly and secretly. After everyone at the scene had shallow knowledge and ignorance, he revealed that the giant UFO in the sky was actually a conceptual weapon code-named “G Battleship”.
The designer is none other than Potimas himself.
But he himself didn’t expect that such a thing would actually be made.
The design drawings given at the beginning were only due to the lack of funds and materials, and the transaction with a certain big country. In his own opinion, it is also a very unrealistic weapon. He designed it with a half-joking mood and let himself go. As a result, I never thought that it would actually be made.
And the G battleship is also equipped with GM..A bombs. The so-called GM..A bombs can absorb M..A energy to detonate. Of course, there is an upper limit to the absorption, and the design effect can probably level a continent.
The M..A energy spent on leveling the continent is almost equivalent to destroying the entire planet. After all, it is the origin of the planet. The loss of M..A energy is not much different from the disappearance of this planet.
Under such circumstances, if it is shot down, it will cause a self-detonation, which means that the planet will be buried with it.
At the same time, in terms of the logic of the design, if you fight the real dragon, you will also drop the GM..A bomb directly, so… Qiu Lidis can’t shoot.
Although this kind of statement inevitably made people suspect that Potimas deliberately prevented Julidis from intervening in this battle, but everyone couldn’t and couldn’t afford to gamble.
At the same time, Potimas also revealed that in the blueprints he delivered, there is a weapon that he thinks is even more impossible to manufacture – the G meteorite.
The effect is to pull the asteroid between the two moons and throw it towards the planet….The actual operation is just an engine to fly up and push the asteroid, changing the direction of its action.
The appearance of the two world-destroying weapons made everyone understand that if there is no solution, everyone has to lie down together.
When Ariel and the Pope wanted to kill Potimas who had nothing to design this weapon first, Julidis stood up and presided over the overall situation:
“Anyway, don’t be in a hurry to fight among yourself. Since the goal is to save this planet, let’s discuss how to solve it first.”
Now that these two weapons have lost their original owners, they just happened to be activated unconsciously again, as if they were about to destroy the world, so there is no other way but to destroy them.
As for the division of labor… According to the situation given by Potimas, there is nothing to divide.
The only one who can fight in the universe on the spot is Qiulidis, and Qiulidis can’t attack the G battleship, so Qiulidis can only deal with the G meteorite, and the others deal with the G battleship.
Although it is very simple for JulidisHowever, for people other than him, a single G battleship is quite a challenge.
“Speaking of which, is this kid here to join in the fun?” After assigning the targets he was responsible for, Potimas glanced at the crowd, and finally set his sights on Luo Mo.
“…I’m just here to join in the fun, please don’t pay attention to me.” Luo Mo, who buried his head in the spider’s chest, responded with a dull voice without raising his head, trying to implement his attributes as a passerby.
However, Potimas narrowed his eyes, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and then he nodded suddenly: “It’s you! The kid who destroyed my body last time.”
“You got the wrong person.”
“Impossible, I haven’t reached the point where my eyesight is dim.”
Luo Mo simply refused to speak in order to counteract it with silence, and the spider also made a threatening sound to Potimas, expressing the idea of ​​”Don’t scare my children!”.
“Forget it, then… everyone prepares, and each dispatches combat forces to work together to overcome this crisis.”
Potimas stared at the spider for a while, but didn’t pay much attention to the G battleship that had fallen into the horizon of the wilderness.
The G battleship descended the passage, and a large number of tanks and robots poured out of the interior, especially the number of robots may have exceeded 10,000, and the number is still increasing continuously, without any sign of stopping, and I don’t know How many ground troops should be sent down?
Everyone immediately drew up a tactic, to let people sneak into the G battleship to dismantle the GM..A bombs, and the rest of the people were outside to block the G battleship troops from invading.
The Pope sent 30,000 elite soldiers, and Potimas said he would go back to the clan, but in order to convince Ariel, who was full of hostility, he gave Ariel a holographic projector with two weapon designs in his hand, making Luo With greedy eyes, Mo tried hard to use his brain to get her to give him something.
Ariel didn’t notice his attempt, and directly summoned her twelve puppet spiders.
It was a little different from the scary look at the beginning. During the trip, the spiders carried out a big battle for the puppet spiders in their spare time, changing the 12 dolls from the original six-armed monsters to the appearance of girls.
However, the original weapons should not be able to break through the tank’s defenses, so the spiders went back underground, took metal from the ruins as raw materials, and helped them make new weapons.
Ariel was not idle, and then summoned four spider queens… Spider’s mother was still in a weak state, so she didn’t summon them.
Fenglong summoned the dragons in this wilderness and those who are under the dragons to form an exaggerated dragon army.
There are more than 20 dragons, and the number of dragons is 8,000, but after all, the fighting power of dragons can still be expected.
The dragon army had just assembled, and a semi-elliptical pitch-black shadow emerged from the ground not far away, growing in height and length.
Then the fully armed human army rushed out quickly. Luo Mo looked inside and saw that the magicians who opened the portal fell down and died one after another. Wan Jingrui can arrive here as quickly as possible.
“It’s amazing. It is obviously the weakest of all races, but it sends the most soldiers…Although the price is not small, the effect is really hard to say.”
Looking at those magicians who exhausted their lives like consumables, and the 30,000 knights with high fighting spirit, Luo Mo agreed with their spirit of treating death as home, but he was a little doubtful about their usefulness.
After all, if their number is multiplied by ten, they will not be able to deal with a spider queen, and a puppet spider can take them all down if it takes a little time to go in.
Potimas’ troops appeared at the end, all of them were mechs, and the total number was only 2,000. They were nearly five meters tall and looked a bit like centaurs.
There are four legs on the bottom, and the upper body resembles a human being on the top. The arms, shoulders, and head are all cannons. There are five to six cannons in one machine. Door.
Too many muzzles also consume a lot of energy, so many shells are loaded on both sides of the shoulders, in the semi-exposed clips, making Luo Mo doubt the rationality of this mech.
The firepower output is more than sufficient, but the defense is too insufficient. If a round hits the magazine, it will not explode?
“Xiaobai, I, and Potimas are responsible for rushing into the UFO to dismantle the bomb, and then you are here to block the mechanical army…Uncle—cough, Carlos, what are you going to do?”
Ariel glanced at the rapidly assembled coalition forces, then looked in Luo Mo’s direction, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.
No way, he could only pretend to be weak and helpless, and said blankly: “Are you expecting that I, a child with no strength to restrain a chicken, can be useful in this kind of thing?”
“…Okay, I will let the queen and the puppet listen to you, and you can command my subordinates.”
Ariel, who mistakenly thought that he was really about to die, didn’t force it, and directly gave him the command and let him sit in the rear of the central army.
He was not satisfied with the commanding power of the spider, and when everyone was looking into the distance to discuss how to deal with each other, he quietly went to Ariel’s side:
“Ariel, can you borrow me to study that holographic projection device?”
“You like this kind of stuff?”
“Then give it to you.”
Ariel, who couldn’t understand such an overly complicated design, didn’t think much about it, so she casually threw the projection device to him.
With all the troops of the coalition forces on the scene, the G battleship also stopped deploying troops. The number of tanks on the scene is about 1,000, fighter jets are about 5,000, and robots are as many as 100,000.
The coalition’s 40,000 against 100,000 is full of disadvantages no matter how you look at it, in all aspects…but they only need to hold back the mechanical corps, dismantle the bombs and let Qiulidis deal with it.
The battle that gambled on the fate of the whole world also kicked off at the moment when Qiu Lidis soared into the sky.
Everyone didn’t discuss any more, the bomb disposal team jumped on the dragon’s back, and when they were about to ride the dragon into the enemy camp from the air… Luo Mo, who was playing with the holographic projection, suddenly glanced at them and couldn’t help but ask:
“What are you doing?”
“What are you doing? If you don’t go from the sky?” Ariel retorted angrily.
“No, it’s not necessary to break through the blockade from the air and make a big show. It should be much more convenient to go directly underground. Anyway, they don’t have underground troops.”
“…Are you a genius?” Ariel slightly opened her mouth when the blind spot was brought up.
“It’s okay.” Luo Mo nodded modestly, Fenglong rushed forward, snorted and kissed him, making him drool all over his body: “——You are the benefactor of our clan! Your big brother! I’m covering you! Wherever you meet someone bullying you in the future, you report my name!”
“…I have a lot to complain about, but can you please help me wash my clothes now?”
“Okay! It’s a trivial matter!” Feng Long, who had no moral integrity, agreed without hesitation.
Other ground troops don’t need to take the initiative to attack, just delay the enemy’s action, pay attention to one enemy not moving, but if the air troops want to send people in, they have to fight with fighters, so this move is really good for the dragon army. Casualties were greatly reduced.
Others didn’t bother to pay attention to the funny wind dragon, and the scene began to dig holes with magic.
It takes a long time to dig a tunnel in modern times, but magic seems to be very convenient. It didn’t take a while to dig an exaggerated distance to the bottom of the G battleship.
“Just wait for them to succeed, right?! It’s too simple~ Obviously I want to fight with them a little bit, so that these scrap irons can understand how powerful I am~”
Fenglong, who landed next to Luo Mo, sighed with pretended regret while helping him with his laundry.
The two huge claws were so dexterous that Luo Mo even clicked his tongue.
But watching them emerge from the soil, a cannonball opened a big hole under the huge disc, and they got in in a short while. The G battleship seemed to be stimulated, and the sky became bright in an instant, and then directly He fired an overly thick light cannon at the central army where Luo Mo was, as if intending to retaliate against the ground troops in this way.
The dazzling light made everyone here feel that the threat of death was approaching.
But the speed was too fast, there was no time to escape, and even planned to close your eyes and wait for death, but…
“—Rules of the day!”
Luo Mo, who was wearing spare clothes, raised his hands and called out three rules of passage that had been prepared in the past, forming a triangular square formation.
The beam of light collided with the magic circle unfolded by multiple rules of passage, and was deflected the next moment, heading towards the ground troops of its own side.
The thick beam of light was refracted just like that, plowing out a huge river channel with dazzling light, engulfing all the robots and tanks in front of it.
In the face of their own powerful forces, they were wiped out together with the earth, not even a scum left.
“Okay, that’s amazing…Little brother…No, big brother, who are you?” Looking at the thick river and Luo Mo who effortlessly refracted the beam of light, Fenglong couldn’t help swallowing nervously .
Luckily, Luo Mo, who was fortunate that Qiu Lidis had already gone to the universe, just responded casually: “I’m just a child.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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