“How come~ Aren’t you my harem? I’m just officially starting to accept the harem now~”
What she said seemed to be very serious, and immediately attracted the sideways glances of the girls on both sides. Baizhi couldn’t believe it, but Sophia just glared angrily.
However, she still opened her hands without fear, and said with a sideways smile: “It’s okay~ I won’t favor one another, everyone now is my harem~”
(It’s the first time I’ve seen you so openly saying that you want to take over the harem…how come I seem to see the power of role models?)
Luo Mo felt inexplicably that this upright middle school loli was a bit dazzling, but the way the other two girls looked at Ariel was like looking at a senior middle school patient with an abnormal head.
However, just when Ariel played the role of a rather unscrupulous guy in order to stir up the atmosphere… a sad female voice came from not far away:
“Ariel, I didn’t expect that after so many years, you would turn into such a bad boy…”
Ariel’s petite body, who was still smiling and staring at the two girls as if they were nothing, tensed up for a moment. She turned her head to the direction of the voice, and then her red pupils opened wide and froze for a moment.
The familiar figure made her tears overflow and flow down her cheeks very naturally.
The sudden tears also surprised Luo Mo.
He originally thought that no matter what happened, Ariel would not cry…at least not in front of others, but he did not expect to cry so easily.
However, both she and Qiu Lidis spent an incomparably long time on Sarier, and after a long and bitter time, Sarier finally came out, how could she not cry with joy?
Similarly, when he turned his head and looked at the woman with two pairs of blue and red wings at the lumbar spine, he also felt like crying.
Of course, compared to Ariel’s crying with joy, he wanted to cry in another sense, and the noisy play time also came to an end.
The atmosphere, which should have been more or less relaxed, was more or less like a Shura field, but it became extremely oppressive in an instant, and the air around seemed to be trembling.
…the end of peace is always more abrupt than anyone expected.
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Angel of the Virgin・Pseudo-code・Yan Longxiao・Pure hand-to-hand combat
The church and the castle next to it are protected by an enchantment. To some extent, they are in a different space like Beatrice’s library, so that they can isolate the influence of the outside world, and even the air is completely isolated from the outside world.
It is precisely because of this that they are able to continue chatting and making noise even as the external disasters continue to intensify.
However, the external situation is also happening every second, and drastic changes that will not happen on a normal planet for tens of thousands of years.
The most obvious thing is that the magma in the sky is like raindrops, constantly flying through the sky, and even hitting the barrier covering the two buildings and the middle courtyard from time to time.
The dust and volcanic ash from the explosion covered the entire sky, making it impossible to tell whether it was day or night…of course that was half an hour ago.
As the atmosphere continues to disappear, the air naturally followed with a destructive escape phenomenon.
The clouds are disappearing rapidly, and the volcanic ash and explosion dust are also “escaping” at a high speed, so that the sky still maintains an amazing purity in this disaster.
There were problems with the magnetic field and gravity, and the height of the volcanic eruption was much higher than originally estimated, and some of it even ejected directly out of the atmosphere.
All kinds of cosmic rays also took advantage of the collapse of the atmosphere to ravage the earth.
It can be said that normal life forms are almost completely extinct after nightfall, and probably only life forms such as tardigrades that can survive in space for a short time can barely survive at this moment.
If it weren’t for the gravity device and basic life support equipment under the church to provide oxygen, Sophia would be hypoxic by now.
And in such a shocking doomsday, they should have lived in peace and enjoyed the rare and superb scenery.
However, just because the vast majority of lives were already dead, even if the poor energy that was left was exhausted, the situation could not be recovered, and the system naturally fell into collapse.
As the goddess at the core of the system, the angel Sarier took it for granted and was relieved from the heavy work.
Although Luo Mo was in her heart, she prayed to her mother behind Ariel’s back… that is, Sariel could die in the deepest part of the Great Labyrinth by being submerged in the lava without knowing it.
After all, even though Sariel is the Holy Mother, she is very unfriendly to him. In this case, she is not a Holy Mother to him. She is clearly a demon sealed in the deepest part of the earth… Although to the planet, the real devil It’s him.
And his wish is doomed to be impossible to realize.
Under normal circumstances, Luo Mo would definitely have a good laugh, but Ariel wanted to watch the excitement in her cocoon, but she caused her self-destructive image in front of the person she admired the most.
It’s a pity…the situation is not good, I really don’t feel that way.
The uninvited angel was not in a good mood either. Before showing his killing intent, he frightened his adopted daughter with an unbelievable speech.
However, Ariel, who had no scruples before and seemed to be having a good time, now, after the reunion with her mother gradually faded, she showed an embarrassed expression in front of people for the first time:
“Miss Shariel…it’s not what you think…I’m just joking…”
“Really? Then…” Shariel shook her head and inexplicably accepted the answer, then turned to look at Luo Mo with a machine-like, calm voice without emotion, and said:
“I have detected the existence of a suspected conceptual god, and I have taken hostile actions against native species. Is that you? This violates my mission, and now…”
“—Wait! Master Shalier!” Ariel didn’t wait for her to finish, she quickly changed her previous playful attitude, spread her hands in front of Luo Mo, and explained anxiously: “He is to save you, so That destroyed this planet!”
“No matter what the reason is, it is unforgivable to cause harm to native species. Hurry up and get out of Ariel, I don’t want to hurt you,”
Even though she was facing her daughter, Sariel, who was in work mode, had no intention of taking sides at all.
This made Sophia couldn’t bear it anymore, she drew out her big sword and stood in front of Luo Mo: “——No, it’s just an angel! What are you arrogant about!”
Although…she managed to suppress the trembling of her body due to fear, her upright facial features were also distorted by anxiety and fear, making her look a little pitiful.
But this can’t be blamed on her being unpromising, it can only be blamed on Shariel’s frightening sense of coercion when the announcement was made.
As the well-deserved strongest god on this planet, even if the Dragon Clan is here, it is because of her honesty.
Although Sophia is already strong compared to humans, she has become very weak compared to Sariel, and she even has to succumb to her coercion uncontrollably.
Although she wasn’t trembling constantly, she was sweating profusely. It looked like someone had poured a basin of water from her head. An unbelievable amount of sweat emerged quickly, which surprised Luo Mo to some extent. She Still standing and showing hostility towards Sariel.
Even Baizhi was more aware of the angel’s strength at the beginning, and instinctively shrank behind Ariel, but she didn’t know where the courage came from, so she took out the white scythe and stared at Sariel.
With a cool, pretty face and a heroic appearance holding a giant scythe, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a legendary Valkyrie, but…
“Just, even…Even if you are Ariel’s mother…I, I won’t bully you! My, my child!”
The stumbling voice sounded very weak, and it ruined the heroic temperament a moment ago, and even made people want to bully her.
But for Bai Zhi, this is undoubtedly the greatest effort. Luo Mo even spoke to her in the normal volume of ordinary people, and seemed a little shocked and moved. He couldn’t help rubbing her head, feeling relieved:
“Not bad~ not bad~ You grew up when I was not around.”
“Wh-what? Now….now is not the time to do…this kind of thing…is it? It’s self-defeating…it’s too soon, isn’t it?” Bai Zhi frightened him Jumping, he pursed his lips in displeasure and glanced at him.
“No…it doesn’t count as giving up on yourself, I just don’t think it’s necessary.”
The angel Shariel doesn’t care about the race of the native species at all, and on the contrary, the native species is like a virgin.
Even if Potimas is a scumbag who tricks others into abducting the children of the Dragon Clan, she will be rightThoroughly protect all criminals, and do not allow dragons to harm them, including acquaintances.
In other words…no matter what they say, the result is meaningless, and the factual situation——is also very unfortunate that it is no different from what he predicted.
Shariel didn’t even look at Bai Zhi and Sophia, she just stared at Ariel and hoped that she could step back obediently:
“Don’t stop me, I don’t want to treat you as an enemy.”
“Mother Big…”
“He is a pest of the world, and he must be suppressed as much as possible before he grows up.”
Seeing the child she brought up, Sharier approached step by step, and explained Luo Mo’s danger to her very seriously.
When she was in the system, she noticed that Luo Mo was always surrounded by a lot of negative emotions. After careful observation, she found that…they were not his own emotions, but negative emotions pouring towards him from all directions. Come.
She had encountered a similar situation once in the past, and it was that time that she suffered a disastrous defeat, so she couldn’t help but suspect that this was also a similar existence.
“…Didn’t you kill him?” Ariel was surprised and thought that she wanted to let Luo Mo go, so she just wanted to be happy… Sharier stared at Luo Mo, and directly told the truth of the matter:
“Because there is no way to kill concepts, he is most likely born from concepts like that D, or even born from evil concepts, a purer evil god.”
“No, no, you misunderstood, I am actually the embodiment of love.” Under the hostile gaze of that angel, Luo Mo began to talk nonsense in a serious and familiar way:
“I am the combination of benevolence, friendliness, dearness, true love, kindness, kindness, dearest love, private love, pure love, fondness, affection, pity, love, etc., all love in one body! The final birth, the embodiment of love Transformed form; if you want to maintain peace or something, then I am definitely your best companion! Because I hate fighting the most by nature! I have been looking forward to the day when this world can be filled with love!”
Although he himself felt that what he said was disgusting, and even a little nauseated on rare occasions, but… According to other people’s memory, the other party was an idiot, maybe he could really convince him?
Although Ariel really wanted to ask: Didn’t you say you were an angel before? Why is it the incarnation of love now?
But she didn’t want to hold back at this time, but nodded vigorously in agreement: “That’s right! Sa…Master Mother! He has been working hard to protect us, and also protect this world. For the new life of this world, It was forced to be destroyed!”
“…No one asked him to do this. He was just satisfying his desire to destroy. I know very well that, unlike normal gods, concept gods will only be loyal to their own divine will and fully implement their own concepts, even if He may not think so himself, but his concepts drive him that way.”
“Mother, please believe me! I can guarantee that he is definitely not the kind of bad person you said! We are just freeing you from this lingering world that is tormenting you!”
“My thoughts should have been clear from the beginning.” Shariel, who was trying her best to hinder Ariel and Bai Zhi in the system, and did not want to be rescued, shook her head, sighed and looked at the girl standing in front of her, and said yes It issued an ultimatum:
“Stop going your own way, Ariel, you understand me.”
“I know that even if you become a half-dead system center, you will not give up your love for people, but! I can’t accept it! Whether it is sacrificing those people who live leisurely by yourself, or relying on this world that tortures you to survive, I hate all of them to death! So I can’t accept your behavior of repaying kindness and revenge now! Why can’t you think about yourself and us? Instead of putting the collective first, people in this world are simply I didn’t take your matter to heart!”
“This is my mission.”
The girl’s distorted expression and pleading tone were a request to avoid disappointment, but the angel just ended the question with a cold face and short and cold words.
“Forget it, forget it, don’t talk about it, this muscle brain probably doesn’t even have the brain circuits of a normal person, so it can’t communicate well at all.”
In the past, Luo Mo, who liked to resolve conflicts through communication, and tried to persuade people peacefully with words as much as possible, was forced to give up his original persuasion plan when faced with such a guy who had no normal logic at all.
Even though she really wanted to help her mother, Ariel didn’t know how to protect the mother she always respected in this situation, so she could only lower her head to hide her expression.
Seeing this, Bai Zhi couldn’t stop, showing an anxious look, and opened his mouth to hesitate to say something, but at this moment, he couldn’t say anything.
As far as Bai Zhi is concerned, she still has a thousand words to say, and she wants to have a long talk with Luo Mo all night to make up for the vacant time in ten years.
Therefore, even if an unexpected powerful enemy appeared, she would not just give up like this, but Luo Mo’s attitude as if she was about to give up made her almost cry.
But at this time, Luo Mo still looked calm, with a smile on his face, and patted her on the shoulder:
“It’s okay, leave it to me, you should go to the spaceship first, she said she can’t kill me, what are you worried about?”
“Although I may have lied a few times now and then, haven’t all the lies come true in the end?”
“But, but, the opponent is…”
“Leave it to me, no matter what the enemy is, I will definitely win, so…” In front of the girl whose face was smeared with despair, he just felt reassuredWith a calm smile, he whispered softly: “I’m a god? And I’m a concept god, just an angel, and I can show you right now.”
“…Well, I…I believe in you!”
Even though he thought it was impossible, Bai Zhi couldn’t help but strengthened his trust in him in his heart.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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