The white-haired boy was curled up on the sofa on the second floor, rubbing his forehead in pain, looking like he was about to die.

"Masaharu, what's wrong with you?" Kushina Anna asked.

"I... forgot something important!" Niwang said sadly, "Do you have a dictionary here? Can you lend it to me?"

"Dictionary?" Dictionaries are good things, but unfortunately Houmaira doesn't have any!

What kind of cognition makes Niwang think that a group like them - would have anything to do with the word dictionary?

"Are you sure you're asking about this place? Sorry, we only have pens and notebooks here!"

In fact, even pens and notebooks have changed from suspicious items to necessary consumables because she goes to school this year.

"..."Forget it, he'd better use his mobile phone to search!

The search results on the mobile phone are more cost-effective——

Niou squatted in the corner of the first floor hall holding his mobile phone, like a cute white mushroom.

And these mushrooms now exude a depressed atmosphere all over their bodies...

Yata Misaki said in surprise, "So what happened to this guy?"

He has never seen Niou like this.

"A murder case that has been published in a dictionary, we don't understand his past!"

Kusanagi Izumo said kindly, "Niou is not in a good mood now, don't disturb him at this time, otherwise you will be responsible..."

This sentence frightened the restless Hatata Misaki to death. "Okay, okay! I won't do anything today, okay..."

Niou bit the pen tip pitifully. He hasn't been so pitiful for many years.

He is obviously the most excellent student, but now he has to work so hard for a name——

"It's just a name, you can just pick one at random!" Hatta Misaki finally couldn't stand his dead fish eyes and spoke.

"How can that be? Did you just pick a random name?" Niwang retorted.

"Of course not, but didn't you just pick a random name?" Hatta Misaki said, "How can a random name be compared with the name of our third king clan!"

Niwang rolled his eyes, forgetting that they didn't know yet!

Speaking of which... Does Anna know!

But now Niwang has no time to care whether Anna knows or not, he has to hurry up and come up with a name——

If it were him, he would definitely name it after his own phantom——but add the color of the Byodoin Phoenix...

What is the Byodoin Phoenix?

He is like the brightest sun in the sky when the sun rises. With a light that no one else can match... Illuminating the whole world with its own color, making the world dim!

The sun is a star! It is the brightest star in the universe!

His phantom...

Phantom, star——

He is pretty good at geography, there is a star in the constellation called Phantom Galaxy...

【Phantom galaxy】Phantom Galaxy.

It is composed of hundreds of billions of stars, located in Pisces, 32 million light-years away from the earth.

Also known as M74!

Oh, although the 4 is a bit redundant, the 7 just fits his identity as the seventh king.

Then let's do this!

The shining sun that exists in the phantom - Byodoin Phoenix!

Well~ It fits his idea of ​​surpassing Byodoin Phoenix and taking him into his pocket.

There are many stars in the sky, each shining, but not affecting each other, just like his Honmaru sword shining and glittering~


The boy's bitter and vengeful face suddenly became sunny. Anyone can see that he has solved a difficult problem...


"Where is the century-old problem? How come it was solved so quickly?" Hatta Misaki groaned coldly, hugging her shoulders.

"For a genius like me, of course it's just a little bit of water!" When facing Hatta Misaki, Niou Masaharu always couldn't help wanting to provoke this short, arrogant third-in-command of Houmaira.

What makes this guy always have a bad temper and like to scold people everywhere?

He swore that it was definitely not because of the legacy problem (the accidental injury a long, long time ago)!

Niou: Hehe...

The matter was perfectly solved, and there would be an explanation for the Byodoin Phoenix soon. Niou felt much more relaxed and began to pay attention to the problem of Jutsu Tadara.

This big brother is a good person...

He was also conscientious and kind when teaching him music...

For all this, he should really find a good person...

Someone help me save this guy's life.

"Does Totsuka have any hobbies?" Niou asked, "Hobbies other than photography and music!"

"No..." Hatta Misaki was stunned for a moment, then said, "It's not Shishu's hobby either. He has a wide range of interests. He wants to try everything, whether it's interesting or boring. Of course, sometimes he's inexplicably... only interested for a short time!"

The short young man spoke these words in a gentle tone, as if he was talking about the person he admired most in his life. Niou watched him quietly and told him...

He had never seen Hatta Misaki like this. What kind of charm did Totsuka Tadara have that could change the habits of the entire Red Clan?

Even the always fiery Hatta Misaki was changed by him into the most obedient flame.

"Tadara is very good..." Kushina Anna came over and said.

"Yeah, I can see that!" This person is more gentle than anyone else. It's a pity that this world always has more hardships and disasters for gentle people. For example, the uncle in front of him, Duoduoliang, his fate is not so good...

"Next, I will arrange guards around him. Don't tell Brother Zun first!" Niwang whispered to the girl next to him.

The little girl in the red gothic skirt nodded excitedly with a red face, "Thank you Masaharu!"

For this matter, the little "negative" emotions she had towards Niwang Masaharu because of her studies can be slightly alleviated.

"You're welcome!" The atmosphere of the Red Clan is very warm, and there is no strong insistence on him to join. He is like an individual who is free here, and like a member of the family.

Satisfied with his idea of ​​having a separate family, and giving him help when it is appropriate.

"This is my second home in the human world, so you don't have to say thank you to me!"

Kushi Na Anna looked at the boy in front of her with a slightly immature face, and felt warm in her heart, "So warm!"

It's obviously not a red color, but the white and gold light reveals the warmth of light!


It was like being in the sun all day, and the bones were so warm that they were about to fall apart.

The little girl looked at Niou Masaharu carefully, waved her hand to signal him to lower his head, and when he lowered his head, she whispered in his ear, "Masaharu will definitely become the most gentle king in the future!"

The white-haired boy's eyes widened slightly, "So you..."

"Shh..." Kushina Anna curved her lovely eyes, and the girl pointed to her lower lip, "This is a secret that only I know, I didn't even tell Zun!"

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