The night was a happy one, but the night was a happy one.

I thought the night would end happily, and Niou Masaharu had already changed into a yukata and got into bed, ready to enjoy the warm bed and the absolutely dark room alone.

As a result - the next second~

'Ring, ring, ring~' the unique phone ring sounded. Niou's face darkened. It was already New Year's Eve, couldn't he have a good sleep?

I want to see who it is -

"--Byodoin Phoenix!"

Niou looked strange, this person always appeared when he felt inexplicable.

What's the matter again? He is spending a wonderful night now. If someone calls him and tells him to go see the aurora again, he will definitely kick this person out!

For a fox who works hard to play tennis 364 days out of 365 days a year and never sleeps in for a day, sleeping is even more important——

"Hey——" The boy's voice was low, obviously revealing his unhappiness.

"I just want to be the first to say Happy New Year to you!" The Phoenix of Byodoin somehow felt the mood of Niou Masaharu and explained with a smile.

The New Year is unique to everyone——

"Are you abroad?" Niou was half extinguished by his words.

"Of course not, I'm watching the snow outside the window in my hometown in Kyoto!" The Phoenix of Byodoin reached out and scooped a touch of green snow from the window. The cold snow melted into a drop of water in the hot palm. It made the Phoenix of Byodoin's already clear look even clearer.

The blond man's eyes darkened and asked, "Is it snowing where you are?"

Niou was stunned, "I——don't know!"

It's not just because he was about to get into bed and start sleeping. Because the Honmaru where he was was a crack in time and space. It is a different channel from the real world... You can't see snow at all, and even if there is, it's just his illusion!

"Really?" His tone couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or something else.

"I just want to tell you that I'm in a good mood, and I want to see the snow with you!"

The first snow of the new year has an unusual meaning for some poets who like beautiful scenery.

On this day, he just had a sudden whim to share a snow scene with this person~

Touching his itchy ears, Niwang's breathing stagnated, and he suddenly didn't know what to say, and finally all his words turned into a mouthful of habit.

"...Pu Li~"

Gently exhaled in the air~

"Well, wait a minute--" Niwang took a look at the yukata that had not been completely taken off, and put it on again with his backhand.

"What are you doing?" Byodoin Phoenix moved his ears and heard the voice from the other side.

"Remember that it should snow near Tokyo today... Wait for me for two minutes!" After saying this, Niou put down his phone and began to change his clothes seriously.

He is a Shinsengumi, and he is of a very high level. Because he needs to go to school in the real world, he does not need to report to the real world. He just needs to open the door that symbolizes the connection-

But the weather in Honmaru has been turned into the coldness that it should be in winter. It is still a bit cold outside, and Niou has to put on two more clothes before going out...

The sound of the downstairs vibrates the phone in his pocket. Byodoin Phoenix listens to the sound quietly and sits down by the window.

The snow outside is getting heavier... The window is kept open, and the cold rushes into the whole room. But Byodoin Phoenix's whole mind is captured by the sound on the other end of the phone. He wants to hear-

I want to see-

The feeling of this person and him being in the same world!

With a creak~ sound, the door was opened, and a layer of faint light waves emerged. Niwang looked at the completely different sky scenery across a door, and gently exhaled a breath of depression.

It really snowed outside, and the silver-clad appearance was particularly beautiful~ Unlike the snow falling all over the sky and covered with heavy snow in the Arctic ice field.

The snow scene in Tokyo has a natural purity, and the light snow falls gently. It's as light as cotton falling from the sky~

"The snow looks pretty good!" Niwang took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"I still think the ice field looks good!" Byodoin Phoenix responded.

"Puff~" Niwang caught a wisp of snow from the air, watching the snowflakes hit his arm, soft and light, and soon accumulated a thin layer, and the whole arm was stained with a touch of white.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the feeling of Byodoin Phoenix.

This look, they had seen it before when they watched the aurora in the north.

At that time, the two of them sat there-the feeling of silence

Feeling the cold and quiet feeling of snow falling on the body. Only each other is left in the world! The surroundings are unusually quiet...

Just like now...

Ren Wang gently raised the corners of his lips, exhaled, and enjoyed the loneliness.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" He suddenly asked.

"Yes--" Byodoin Phoenix looked at the snowflakes in her palm, gently squeezed her palm, and gathered all the snowflakes in her palm, and her eyes darkened.

"What is it?"

Ren Wang is waiting.

"I'll tell you later!" Byodoin Phoenix chuckled, "You are not suitable to know this now--"

"Tsk!" Ren Wang sneered, he hated people talking half-heartedly.

"I'm going to sleep, good night!" Ren Wang didn't want to pay attention to him, and was about to hang up the phone.

Byodoin Phoenix chuckled, as if laughing at his childishness, but didn't stop him.

"Good night, happy New Year!"

Finally, a light voice reached Niou's ears through countless radio waves and air. The boy only felt an itch in his ears, and then it was slightly hot when he was relieved of the pain.

"..." The phone had been hung up when he came to his senses. The white-haired boy stood under the watery moonlight, looking at the heavy snow...

"Phoenix of Edo-in Temple--"

"--Happy New Year!"

May everything be open and boundless in the new year, and everything can be achieved as you wish.

Rikkai University won three consecutive championships, U17 World Champion!


"You came to see me on the first day of the new year, you are too [abandoning your wife and children], right?" Yukimura smiled with curved eyebrows, and his words were full of ridicule.

"You have been in the hospital for too long, has your brain degenerated? What kind of words are you using?" Niou accepted the ridicule helplessly. Who can still care about a patient?

He also abandoned his wife. Does he have a wife or a child?

"Well, the days in the hospital are too boring. I always want to worry about you more..." Yukimura chuckled, "If I didn't have a little friend here, this long night would be boring!"

He smiled with curved eyebrows, "I don't know which kind-hearted person sent this little thing to me. Thank him so much!"

Niou: "..."

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