The two sides were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Is this guy sure he is not playing Versailles with him?

There is a huge difference in the levels of the two sides, and the game is not very exciting. This is enough to make Sanada realize his own gap.

For Sanada, this kind of high-level battle is enough to benefit from one game a day.

After the game, he did not stay any longer, hoping to go back early to savor the whole game, hoping to make some progress.

When he was about to leave, Sanada turned back and said to Ren Wang seriously, "I am more and more curious about what level you are in!"

"Why are you curious about me? We are teammates on the tennis court, not opponents!" Ren Wang said speechlessly with his hands on his hips.

His strength is only good for Sanada, not bad.

Having said that, Sanada still said, "Can I come here often to ask for advice?"

He had a new idea in his mind.

The second reason for Niou's rapid improvement in strength that was previously speculated - being attacked by a powerful person!

"What do you want to do?" Niou frowned, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"As long as I can come here regularly every week to compete with them and test whether I have made progress this week!"

Sanada said seriously, "I can pay the tuition!"

What he said was very reasonable. Being willing to ask for advice is a manifestation of a young man's hard work and positivity, but this statement is not suitable for Honmaru.

What's going on?

Nio's brain is not enough.

They have done enough, and Sanada wants to come and stir up trouble?

"Can't you come?"

"I can pay double the price!" Sanada was very persistent.


"Three times!"


"...Five times!"

Ryo was completely shocked, "Do you have so much money?"

Because he studied kendo, he knew a little about the kendo outside, and the price was already the limit that ordinary people could accept.

Sanada even doubled it by five times.

Is it really that scary?

"I just want to express my sincerity to you!" Sanada's eyes flashed, and he remembered that when Gokotoi was repelling him just now, his footsteps were like a unique kendo school, and he said again.

"You have some concerns about kendo schools, and I don't have to learn those schools. I just want to simply oppress myself and break through the limit!"

The partner has already said this (definitely not because of money), if he refuses again, it will make him seem a little too cold and ruthless.

It's just...

"I can't make the decision. I have to discuss it with them first. After all, the person you want to practice with is from the club..."

Sanada nodded. It was the greatest help for Nio to consider this matter.

"Then I'm sorry to bother you today..." People from ancient families always speak with ancient traditional courtesy.


"This guy is really devoted to kendo!" Although they knew that Sanada was a partner of the Lord's tennis club, his partners still gave him a high evaluation.

"I rarely see you praise people like this!" Nio was a little jealous.

"This Sanada has reached this level through daily training since he was a child. If it weren't for his physical fitness that limited his progress, he might... have a new evolution!"

Every sword here has a unique attainment in kendo, but there are dozens of swords that agree with this statement.

"Sanada has worked the hardest. No matter which one it is, he has never given up and never fallen behind!"

This person has a completely opposite temperament to him.

But - too hard is easy to break!

"How is your discussion going? Should he come once a week? Can you teach him?"

"Actually, the lord can do this by himself!" said the swords.

"I'm not at the level where I can teach others yet!" He will be busier and busier in the future, so it's better not to interfere in such matters. What if he misleads the students? And with Sanada's solid basic attainments, he has nothing to teach.

"Then let me do it!"

A trembling hand was raised in the group of short swords. It was Gokotai who was competing with Sanada today.

"I'm quite interested in him. I just want to verify some things with him--"

"Xiaotui, are you sure it won't be difficult?" Niou knew that their Gokotai was the most shy.

What if he was embarrassed to refuse because he was here.

"No--" Although he was thin and timid, Gokotai was not such a weak and drifting sword. In this

In front of the lord he had been with for six years, he still dared to express his own ideas——

"I just hope to learn the skills to fight against tall people as soon as possible!" He smiled, "People are not strong, within my control. I can keep winning and try all the directions I want to improve!"

They are extremely powerful beings for humans, and they also have their own dignity. How can they lose!

It is difficult to judge Niou's expression at this moment: "..."

Yes, he thought I would retreat, and was a soft bun, but he didn't expect that I was also——

"Okay then!" Everyone has something to gain from this matter. If Sanada wants to improve, then don't care about other things.

It is confirmed that Honmaru will have a new friend at regular intervals. At the same time, other swords also feel the pressure, especially the short swords who are also in the Fujishiro team.

"Since you have tried so hard to retreat, we should also work hard to improve and win glory for the lord!"

No one wants to be the weakest one.

The Five Tigers don't want to retreat, and the other swords don't want to either.

The only way is to make progress...

It was also just after the New Year, and five or six swords were sent out at once, all pursuing their own plans, and there was a lot of free time for a while-

At this moment, the New Year was halfway over.

For the flower growers, it was the third day of the New Year when the Phoenix of Byodoin came to the door-

After showing him the tea, the King of Inoue took out the badge again, "Take this back!"

"Why do I feel that this room is a bit cold? Did you turn on the floor heating?" The Phoenix of Byodoin seemed to have seen nothing and talked about something else.

Looking around with green eyes, the King of Inoue sighed, "The murderous aura of the swords and the cold air gathered together, of course it would be cold!"

"Okay, everyone, the most basic courtesy!" Just because the person in front of him is the Phoenix of Byodoin, he is so disregarding etiquette!

There was a cough from behind the door, and then the room became strangely warmer.

"It's much better now!" The Phoenix of Byodoin was not afraid of death and showed a bright smile.

"What are you doing here?" The King of Inoue was puzzled.

He knows he is not welcome, but he still comes. Is he a masochist?

"I feel like you are thinking about something rude!" Byodoin Phoenix narrowed his eyes.

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