The two of them were in a mess.

"Mr. Reinhardt, what's the matter?" Niou said in a bad attitude.

To be honest, he felt guilty now -

After all, he just - beat him!

He was the culprit who caused all the members of America to lose and withdraw from the competition!

And if it was discovered, anyone would feel unwilling. If it was exposed again, Byodoin Phoenix would not be able to mix in the professional circle.

In order to keep the secret, Niou's attitude towards Reinhardt became worse and worse, hoping to get away from him and stay away from him!

Unfortunately -

All attitudes were regarded by Reinhardt as pain caused by stabbing the wound!

"Sorry... I shouldn't have said that to you that day!" Reinhardt said guiltily.

It was he who pointed out the confusion in his heart, but he treated him like that. If he didn't apologize, it would not be in line with his previous gentle philosophy.

"If I accept your apology, will you not appear in front of me?" Niwang was a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to say--

After all--

It was also him who brought him sorrow!

"Well, I promise you!" Reinhard nodded.

"Okay, then--" Niwang stretched out his hand and was about to take it...

"I accept your..."


A sudden hand interrupted the arms that were about to cross.

The blond man frowned and rushed from behind. His rough and thick hands tightly grasped Reinhard's white wrist.

"What do you want to do?"

Byōdōin Phoenix had thought wrongly, and now this scene did not allow him to think wrongly.

"Reinhardt, you can't bully the Japanese just because you lost the game!" The eyes of the Byodoin Phoenix were full of cold light, "I remember that you were not such a sinister person before-"

Reinhardt broke away from his hand, "How can you tell that I was bullying him?"

Is this guy blind?

"I'm thanking him!" Reinhardt emphasized the two words in the middle, "Although this boy is Japanese, he is different from you. He is a very honest genius boy!"

Reinhardt recognized his strength because he could point out his confusion in his character.

Reinhardt snorted at the Byodoin Phoenix, as if to say-hum, are they all the same as you, with only a head?

Just raised his head, but met the other party's strange eyes.

"What did you say?"

Byodoin Phoenix rubbed his ears, did he hear it wrong?

There is such a thing in the world——

"Ahem!" Ren Wang interrupted his expression, "I'll take the milkshake, no need to contact each other in the future, goodbye!"

Take the milkshake from Reinhardt's hand lightly, Ren Wang smiled lightly, and fled the battlefield quickly.

How did the two of them discuss it, Ren Wang didn't know, but he saw Reinhardt on the field again in the next game...

It's just that this person didn't come over, but the U17 game was also fast and long.

After a while, they always have to meet.

After the first embarrassment passed, Ren Wang began to miss Reinhardt's kindness when they met again.

He is a strong man himself, and the reason why Ren Wang was able to defeat him last time was because of the phantom of the Byodoin Phoenix.

A lot of training is needed to adjust during the recovery period.

And because of his injured and lazy body, Reinhardt has become the most hardworking sparring partner besides the Byodoin Phoenix!

Niou was reluctant at first, but later he thought that it was not a loss to know the opponent's information in advance, and it was a free nurse, so why not use it?

So - everything went smoothly!

It was also several months later that Niou knew the content of the conversation between Byodoin Phoenix and Reinhard at that time -

[The Japanese follow the flower grower next door and pay back the favor of saving your life with a spring of water! ]

[Then what am I still missing? ]

[Perseverance! Encounter more and help him more, so that he will be moved by you! ]

Just like this - Byodoin Phoenix, who knew the truth but was still full of bad water, deceived Reinhard's legs.

His innate good impression of Niou made him believe the words of Byodoin Phoenix, the captain of another country, without hesitation.

He tried very hard to help!

In the end -

Finally became friends with Niou!


It's just that now...

The relationship is a bit subtle!

"Since we are not sure your junior will come in the future, let's talk about something else!"

Reinhardt said.

It started out of gratitude, and then came out of appreciation for Niou himself.

Although this little guy is young, he is a natural intelligence collector.

Gather personnel. His ability to control and filter information is unique and can play a big role at critical moments.

"What do you want to do?" Although Reinhardt rolled his eyes, Niwang knew which nerve was moving.

"Exchange information!"

Reinhardt took out a USB flash drive, "Here are the information of the German and Swiss teams that you are most interested in!"

Niwang's eyes flashed, and he was still a fool and said bluntly, "What do you want?"

"I want the information of the French team!"

Reinhardt smiled.

"What a joke, how could I have the information of the French team?" The boy raised his lips and curved his eyes. "I'm not familiar with the people of the French team!"

"Really?" The boy laughed, and Reinhardt laughed even harder.

"But, the person behind you didn't say that!"

Niwang turned around: "...Pu Li~"

Damn little bastard, why did he show up at this time? !

"The transaction starts again--" Reinhardt made a scissors hand.

Niwang was going to be mad!

Although he was facing the risk of being slaughtered, Niou was not a pushover. He had a lot of information in his hands.

Some of the information was even visible only to him. It was too early to use this kind of thing to torment him!

"The deal can only be halfway done, otherwise it will collapse completely..."

Niou smiled like a fox.

Reinhardt had a headache, but in just half a year, he had completely developed his own spikes. It turned out that the people trained by the Phoenix of Byodoin were amazing.

Halfway through thinking about it, Reinhardt felt something was wrong again, "..."

That's not right, this guy's spikes were there from the beginning, and it seems to have nothing to do with the Phoenix of Byodoin!

Ten minutes later, the deal was perfectly completed, and everyone felt tired. Reinhardt touched the cold sweat on his neck and sighed, "Who taught you?"

Don't let another Niou Masaharu appear in the tennis world, otherwise the captains of the major tennis teams will be driven crazy.

"There is only one in the world!" Niou smiled proudly, and his family gave him everything they could and saw.

I just hope that he can stand alone in a world without his family, and be the best, most successful, and most fearless person he can be!

"Now it seems that my family's expectations have come true!"

"Yeah, it's successful, it's successful!" Reinhardt congratulated helplessly.

How successful it is, even he, the captain of America, has been forced to this extent.

"Do you remember what we agreed to?" he asked.

"——You can't give the information you get to a third person!" Niou responded calmly.

Some secrets must be kept in your own pot. Because your own pot is the safest——

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