The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

And Liu Sheng's eyes——

are staring at the stadium, without missing a single thing!

It feels weird~

"Marui, how is the thing you practiced before?" There are doubts in my heart, but it is not completely clueless.

Liu's associative ability is still very strong.

"Kuwabara and I have already touched some of the ways, and Niwang should be stronger than us..."

After all——

This thing, he brought it here personally!

"I understand..." Yanagi Renji nodded and stopped talking.

On the field——Yang Sheng Birushi finally felt something strange.

As the person involved, he understood that Niwang's attack just now hit the place he was looking at.

"..."Intentional or unintentional?


“…Pu Li~”

Yagyu: “…” Got it!

Some things don’t need to be said any more.

“This game…”

Yagyu Hiroshi stood in the front court with a serious look on his face, “Let’s try a new way to play!”


Pah! Pah!

The tennis ball always appears in an unexpected direction. It should be a lob in the last second, but it falls as a volley in the next second.

“What the hell are they doing?”

Although Meishikari Junior High School is not as famous as Rikkai University and Hyotei, it also has its own honors.

They are also the champions of the district competition under the Kanto Competition every year.

How come they can’t even figure out a game here at Rikkai University!

The score he hurriedly entered the court had reached 5 to 0 in just over ten minutes.

The terrible gap like a god made both of them explode completely.

If this continues, the reputation of Shigari will be ruined.

"Yagyu Hiroshi--"

Ichinomiya's hoarse voice burst out with strong anger. The tennis ball was out of control, and it bounced off the racket like a cannonball, and it was about to fall in the blink of an eye!

The last blow of the desperate counterattack poured all the anger and strength, and was played supernaturally.

It was too late for Yagyu Hiroshi to react, and the ball was only an inch away from him.

In the middle...

There is no cover!

The eyeballs contracted unconsciously...

In the blink of an eye, he thought a lot.

No matter which way of thinking, the result is that he was injured... There is no way to avoid it!




At this moment, countless calls rang clearly in my ears.

Friends, juniors, everyone outside the court, some were laughing, some were scolding, and some were sad.

The air was so quiet that you could hear everything, and nothing at all...

Will he die if he is hit by a tennis ball?

Or - he should ask if he is hit in the eye by a tennis ball at high speed!

Will he be okay?

I don't know!

Nothing came of it.

At this moment, Yagyu Birusi could clearly hear his own rapid breathing.

The blurry time was prolonged - long enough for him to close his eyes and greet the bloody scene in the darkness.

But -


The sound of the wind came at high speed. It seemed that something appeared here.

The next second...

"Pu Li~"

A familiar teasing voice sounded from his ears.

As the noisy sounds around him disappeared, Yagyu Birusi slowly opened his eyes.

...The scene in front of him shocked him.

A pair of thin white hands with distinct bones appeared in front of him exactly -

Only the shortest distance was left!

Breathing on it, Yagyu Biroshi even saw the loosening of the fluff on the back of Niou's hand.

That hand was clenched tightly, and in the fist--

"Are you okay..." Yagyu Biroshi instantly understood what happened.

"Are you crazy? You actually caught this thing with your fist!" That was a tennis ball flying at high speed.

No matter how unknown Meishikari was, he could reach the Kanto Tournament, and the speed of the ball under his angry attack should not be underestimated.

He anxiously pulled Niou's hand apart, wanting to see if the palm was okay.


"Pu Li~ How about I didn't disappoint you!"

The white palm of the hand was ruddy in white, with a healthy complexion, and there was no scar on the hand, not even a red mark.

"You... How is it possible!" The eyes can't be wrong, the speed of the ball just now by that man has reached a very--

Yagyu Biroshi rubbed his eyes and felt that he was--blind.

"I told you that the other side is a group of chickens, you are still worried

What?" Niou laughed at his fussing without hesitation.

"Yagyu, you doubt yourself but not me, which really makes me, your partner, very happy!"

Yagyu: "..."

Damn, I'm caring about you, but you're laughing at me, what kind of a jerk partner is this?

He twisted the wrist in his hand to the side, causing Niou to stagger.

"Only a psychopath would do such a dangerous thing——"

Yagyu Biroshi still said, "Next time, don't be crazy and make others worry"

"Hey! "

Ryo smiled gently, his eyes softer than before.

Coming to this world and meeting these people, he has received more love and care than usual.

It feels good to have friends!

It feels even better to win the game with friends!

Ichinomiya on the opposite side was scared. Anger is anger, but intentional injury is another matter.

Ryo has already stood at the scene. He looked at the white-haired young man with guilt, staring at his wrist, wanting to apologize, but not knowing how to say it.

"This is a game, any accidents may happen..."

Ryo said directly, "I feel guilty. If it were replaced by I, I will do the same to you——"

It's just that his control ability is stronger than the person in front of him. If there is no deep hatred, he will not take the initiative to hurt others!


The last game ended very neatly. The two people who were not opponents in the first place were in a bad mood because they almost hurt someone. They persisted for two minutes and then——

The game ended with 6 to 0.

Two games were won easily, and Rikkai University's morale was greatly improved.

One step closer to the national championship, and the goal in three years is about to be achieved. Everyone is very excited.

"The two seniors are really amazing. Let me, Kirihara Akaya, take action to kill them in the third game!"

The little seaweed excitedly showed off the muscles on his arms.

"Then I'll set a time for you. How many minutes do you think it will take?" Niou is always happy to dig a hole for Kirihara.

"Okay!" Kirihara Akaya is fearless.

"Niou senior, how many minutes do you say——"

"How about fifteen minutes?" Niou counted, "Sanada's fastest time is fifteen minutes! ”

People are most afraid of comparison.

It was still a match with Sanada-senpai whom he wanted to challenge the most. Kirihara was so excited.

“Okay!” Xiaokai’s eyes widened. “I will definitely not lose to Sanada-senpai! !”

“You have ambition!”

The singles match of the third team began.

The opponent was a third-year student named Shinagawa. The most ordinary black hair was like a pair of eyes that were shining... trembling.

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