At the same time, outside the Dragon's Nest...

Nearly a hundred figures from the underworld began to slaughter people in an extinction-style manner.

"Master Qin Yan, I picked up a good treasure..."

A surprised voice sounded, it was a beautiful woman from the Shura Palace.

Her strength barely entered the Xiantai realm, but it was more than enough to deal with most of the Tianjiao present.

Her eyes were full of autumn water, and she took out a supreme divine bead that she had just snatched, and presented it to the pretty boy in front of her.

"Not bad..."

Qin Yan put away his folding fan, took the divine bead, and nodded with satisfaction.

When he looked again, he noticed that the woman cast a charming eye over him, which obviously meant something else.

"Master Qin Yan..."

She spoke carefully and hooked the other's sleeve.

"If you dare to do this again next time, I will not let you off easily."

Qin Yan frowned and said in a serious tone.

Rakshasa Saint is a germaphobe. If she knew that her personal servant had a relationship with another woman, he would fall out of favor in an instant.

The underworld is a world with strict hierarchy, and Qin Yan offended too many people on weekdays.

Without the support of Rakshasa Saint, he is nothing.

"There is no one else here, she won't know."

The chattering voice came, and the woman smiled charmingly, gradually arousing Qin Yan's hot heart.

He was pretending to be in front of people. At this time, he calculated the magic pearl, carefully glanced at the people around him, and took the woman away from here temporarily.

Perhaps even Qin Yan himself could not have thought that it was this action that saved his life later.

"Old Hei, I have heard all the news. There is no emperor in the world."

"The four most powerful forces in the world... the Gu family in the northern region, the Tian clan in the southern region, the Pure Land in the western desert, and the Penglai in the eastern island, we need to pay the most attention."

One after another, the figures reported to the old man in the lead with the news they had received.

Old Hei's eyes swept slightly, and his sharp eyes swept over the local Tianjiao who was still struggling to resist.


"Lord Emperor, and the ancient prince of the Kunpeng clan... They are still in the Dragon's Nest."

The crowd was busy looting and fighting for treasures on the shore before, and the civil strife continued.

Now seeing this group of figures with unknown origins and emitting a rotten smell, they have regained their sanity and collectively resisted the enemy, but they are still stretched.

Those who are capable have all gone deep into the Dragon's Nest, and those who remain in the outside world are just a few inconspicuous characters.

But the arrival of the underworld this time is not the same.

It was also at this time that Old Hei sneered, and the holy light shone thousands of miles away.

With just one move, he killed twenty of the Tianjiao who had joined forces.

Hei Lao was only half a step away from the Supreme Realm, and he was once a great Tianjiao in the underworld. It was common for him to challenge others of higher levels.

When he joined the battlefield, the situation was instantly crushed.

Countless Tianjiao were enveloped by the gushing black air, and they didn't even have the chance to attack. They fell to the ground and died.


Their faces changed drastically, and they no longer resisted. They didn't care if there was any hidden killing array in the depths of the Ancestral Dragon's Nest, and they just fled into it.

"Chase, don't leave any."

Hei Lao sneered, and chased after them slowly with many figures.

He had already planned to kill everyone here first, use the Ancestral Dragon's Nest as a base, and then go back to report to the various palaces.


"Don't, don't kill me..."

In the Ancestral Dragon's Nest, a frightened voice resounded, and it was a very attractive young man.

He was the son of the leader of the Xianxia Sect. His face was filled with despair and he was trembling with fear.

Just now, many elders and senior brothers and sisters in the sect desperately escorted him into the nest, but they... all fell in front of him.

No matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice.

But now, there was no escape. Behind him was a killing array, and in front of him were several people from the underworld who sneered and wanted to eat his flesh and blood.


At this juncture, a puzzled voice resounded from behind.

The young man looked in the direction and saw a handsome and powerful face.

Kunpeng Xiaosheng from the Kunpeng clan was frowning and looking at the people behind him... from the underworld.

"Sir, save me, these guys are from another world, and they are coming for all of us."

He shouted as if he had grabbed the last straw.

It is said that in desperate situations, it is difficult to find a chance to survive. The young man never felt that the little sage Kunpeng in front of him was so pleasing to the eye.

"This world is really different. There are even other birds.

It's good to make soup..."

Kunpeng Little Saint shook his head, not intending to meddle in other people's business, but heard the gossip of several people in the underworld from behind.

His brows immediately frowned.

"I didn't want to intervene, but you dare to insult this saint, you are seeking death..."

Kunpeng Little Saint snorted coldly, and immediately said nothing. With a light wave of his right hand, he crossed the killing array with layers of halos.

Two more punches fell, and holy light condensed.

He simply blasted several figures in the underworld into black mist, shocking the young man of Xianxia Sect.

"I thought he was a powerful character..."

Kunpeng Little Saint snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

Just when he was showing off his power, a breath of death rushed towards him, shocking him so much that his hair stood on end.

There, an old man looked at him coldly, as if he was looking at prey.

"What a rich breath of life. "

Hei Lao tried hard to suppress his excitement.

People in the underworld have lived in darkness for a long time, so they are the most greedy for the essence of life. At this moment, a blood-thirsty Kunpeng stood in front of them.

Hei Lao's figure flashed again, and he controlled him with just one blow.

The next moment, a sharp pain came, and Kunpeng Little Saint was surprised to feel the essence of life in his body disappearing.

He wanted to fight back, but he couldn't even move.

"Ah! "

Kunpeng Little Saint screamed, his vigorous body aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.


At this critical moment, another terrifying palm print came, carrying a thousand-foot-long divine light, and went straight to Hei Lao.

A mature middle-aged man came from a distance, covered with golden scales, it was Kunpengzi.

"Young Ancestor..."

Kunpeng Little Saint held back his last breath, just as he shouted, his life essence was sucked out, turned into rotten bones, and fell.

"Asshole, you are looking for death. "

Kunpengzi was furious when he saw this, and a wild aura swept out.

His palms evolved various traces in the air, and he soared into the air, with a shadow of Kunpeng looming behind him.

Kunpeng's great magical power!

Kunpengzi and Hei Lao directly faced each other, but he vomited blood and flew out.

The two of them were originally a whole realm apart, not to mention that Hei Lao was not an ordinary person.

No matter how evil he was, he was no match for him now, and could only flee in shame.


"This outside world prodigy... is really weak and pitiful."

Gradually, the people in the underworld surrounded many prodigies in one place, and they talked to each other, looking determined to win.

"The powerful character may not be here at all."

Some smart people just started to question, but were suppressed by more voices.

"When has my underworld demon ever been born? Killing this outside world prodigy is as simple as slaughtering chickens and sheep. "

"If it weren't for that era... Old Mingtian was lucky enough to suppress our ancestors... Our world would be so wonderful."

From beginning to end, they never noticed that in the deepest part of the Ancestral Dragon's Nest, the extremely rich Hongmeng purple air had already condensed and seeped out.

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