The swords of his family have been around for hundreds and thousands of years, and their historical and cultural heritage is many times stronger than that of a teenager like him! He is looking forward to seeing what Sozo Sawamonji thinks~ "Ah..." He is short-handed when he receives something from someone, especially when it is handed over by his own child! Even if he knows it is a sugar-coated bullet, he has to swallow it happily. Souzo Sawamonji raised his eyelids and said coldly, "The name is a curse, but it contains the heart. As long as it matches your personality, you can call it anything!"

"So the tennis ball of the Phoenix of Byodoin is a pirate, and my tennis ball is a phantom. It can't be called Pirate Phantom, right?"

Rio curled his lips. It sounded weird, and there was a sense of low.

"I didn't ask you to describe it so directly..." Souzo Sawamonji held his forehead. There was always a feeling that the language was taught in vain~

"You can try other homophones, or add other elements..." Being able to help interrupt was the greatest tolerance of Souzo Sawamonji for Byodoin Phoenix.

"Remember to eat the dessert, and think about the rest yourself!"

He stood up and opened the door to go out. At this time, Nio supported the table and asked curiously, "Brother Souzo, why do you hate Byodoin Phoenix so much!"

Although his injury was partly the reason, Nio always felt that it was not just that!

"...Nothing!" Souzo Sawamonji did not look back, and left with a casual answer. Leaving Niou alone to continue to have a headache.

"Why don't you answer the lord?" The man at the corner smiled gently. He sat under the corridor and laughed teasingly, "This is not like you, Souzo!"

"No sword in Honmaru likes him!" Souzo Sawamonji raised his eyelids and looked coldly at the world's most beautiful sword with a smile in front of him, "Do I need to say more about this reason that we both know?"

Mikazuki Munechika opened his eyes, "..."

Yes, we know it well!

This is why they hate the Phoenix of Byodoin-

Hate the uniqueness of the present, and hate the exclusive heart that may exist in the future!

The final exam is coming soon. Until the end of the two-day exam, Niou has not thought of the most appropriate words. He always feels that it is not appropriate.

And his recent absent-mindedness has been seen by everyone in the tennis club.

"Niou, what are you doing?" Liu asked.

"Haha, Senior Niou, you are not thinking about how much New Year's money you can get because the New Year is coming soon!" Kirihara Akaya laughed happily.

After the exam, he was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, and he had already begun to look forward to a better future.

Niou rolled his eyes. He would never think about such a low-level thing.

"Kirihara, you seem very happy." He said suddenly.

"Of course, the exam is over, we are all very happy!" At this moment, Kirihara had not yet felt the crisis coming.

After the final exam, it was the winter vacation and the New Year. He was already looking forward to the next New Year trip. When he thought that he didn't have to study for a whole month, he could jump three feet high and laugh happily at any time?

"Really?" Niou smiled, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "I heard..."

"I heard that there seems to be a pre-school exam at the beginning of the second year of junior high school, right?" He met Yanagi's gaze and confirmed with a smile, "I should remember it correctly, Yanagi!"

Yanagi Renji instantly understood what his friend wanted to do: "..."

You old man are very bad! There is no exam~

Although he knew that Niou was fooling people, Yanagi did not intend to expose it directly. Kirihara's learning situation is too worrying, no matter when to start preparing, it is not safe.

If I can take some more tutoring during the winter vacation, the pressure after school will be much less...


"Well, you are right, there is!" There was no before, but there is from today.

Kirihara wailed, "Oh, no--"

What a terrible ending!

"Why do we have to take exams at the beginning of the school year?" Kirihara was about to cry, "This is unfair, we should go home and have a happy winter vacation!"

Ryuu comforted him in a serious manner, "School is just a bit of a jerk...Kirihara, stay calm, don't worry, we are here to help you. The seniors will help you pass the exams for the new semester..."

Until the two of them walked away, Marui dared to speak, "Niou, why don't I remember there being an exam at the beginning of the second year of junior high school!"

Niou raised his eyebrows, "Oh, I was just kidding him!"

It turns out that there was another person who almost believed it.

"Hiss - you two are really cruel to use this to deceive Kirihara!"

"It's for Kirihara's own good anyway!" Niou laughed, "No matter who it is, they will help Kirihara in his studies!"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Marui, "You also kept your mouth shut - you didn't say anything!"

Marui Bunta: "..." That's right -

After a month of hard work, everyone understands how difficult it is to make Kirihara study well.

"We can only pity Kirihara, this child will understand our painstaking efforts in the future!" Marui no longer wants to feel the pain of accompanying the prince to study.

Prince Kirihara is not within the range of human endurance!

Rikkai University has reached a comprehensive agreement on whether Kirihara will have an entrance exam for the second year of junior high school.

The winter vacation that only Kirihara Akaya was injured has been agreed upon!


Winter vacation is coming, and most people are still very happy. Although there is still training, at least daily life is much more comfortable.

Rikkai-sama went to Tokyo more and more frequently, but watching Yukimura's body getting weaker and weaker, no one felt good.

Especially Niou——

As the one who revealed the truth, he...

[Kitsunesuke, there is no way...] The rest of the members left, leaving Niou alone.

[Without... the Shinsengumi, we can't interfere with other people's fate! ] Kitsunesuke sadly shattered Niou's fantasy.

The government of time has a lot of medicines to use, but they are limited to swords and Shinsengumi. Didn't you see that the last time the Byodoin Phoenix was also saved by Niou Masaharu himself?

The medicine itself is not compatible at all, and no one can help anyone if they can't achieve fusion. The Byodoin Phoenix itself is still mysterious, and it doesn't work even if it has strong physical fitness. Not to mention that Yukimura is a real ordinary person!

There will be no good results——

Yukimura Seiichi can only rely on himself!

[Wait...] Niou suddenly asked, [You mean the power system of the Time Government cannot be used in the present world, so I can't save him, right! ]

[You can understand it this way! ] Kitsunesuke shook his tail and said.

[Then the same power system, right? ]

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