The people who read this book are

handsome !!


Magic City -

Inside a simple rental house!

A figure dragged his tired body, took out the key to open the door.

When I entered the house, I lay down on the bed, too lazy to move.

The afterglow of the setting sun, through the window, penetrated into the room and landed on the face of the figure.

This is a young man in his twenties with an ordinary face, in simple words.

It's the kind you can't find when you throw it into the crowd.

"I'm probably the saddest traverser

ever?" the young man sighed as he looked at the ceiling.

That's right -

Su Han is actually a crosser.

Half a day ago, I traveled to this world formed by the fusion of multiple novels.

That's it.

In his previous life, he had no worries and was alone.

But why, others have been systematically possessed by crossing, and all kinds of bulls are hanging and bombing the sky.

No matter how bad it is, he is also rich and handsome, and all kinds of beauties are hugged.

And what about him?


His current identity is that of the villain Leng Xuanlong, an inconspicuous little henchman.

Sadly, I just crossed over and lay down in the hospital.

The reason is that the villain Leng Xuanlong knelt down to lick the iceberg president Gu Yicheng and placed 9999 roses to confess at the door of the group.

As a follower, he is responsible for laying the ground.

As a result, before I saw the people of Gu Yicheng, I was first taught a lesson by a security guard and was blasted out.

Su Han knew that that security guard was one of the protagonists - Lin Feng.

A soldier king who has returned from the dark world.

tells the story of Lin Feng who went into exile overseas because of his crimes when he was a child, and after his continuous struggle, he eventually became a generation of soldiers.

After achieving fame, I remembered my relatives in my hometown and resolutely chose to return to China.

Lin Feng returned to the city, met all kinds of beauties along the way, and reached the peak of his life.

What presidents, nurses, doctors, flight attendants.......

Sisters, mother and daughter, loli, multiple births.......

And that's just one of the novels.

The heroines of this world, all in total, I am afraid that there are as many as hundreds.

But -

none of this has anything to do with him.

He is just an ordinary little henchman.

Just when Su Han lamented the impermanence of life, a mechanical female voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

[Ding... The Perfect Male God System starts.......]

"Huh?" Su

Han sat up abruptly and scanned the room in disbelief.

The next moment, a progress bar came to mind.

【System loading....... 10%......]

[System loading....... 20%......]

[System loading....... 50%...] Seeing

these progress bars, Su Han smiled.

After reading countless articles, he knew that this was the golden finger of crossing, and it finally appeared.

【The system has finished loading and the host has been successfully bound. Hearing

the voice again, Su Han couldn't help but ask.

"System, what is the function?" [

The perfect male god system aims to build the host into a perfect male god, and the host can freely choose the time to accept orders...]

Through the explanation of the system, Su Han probably understood the following important points.

[1. No matter what requirements the customer makes, the system will help him obtain the corresponding ability, only within the rental period. 】

【2. After the end of the rental period, as long as the customer sends five-star praise, these abilities will be converted to permanent. 】

【3. The system will evaluate according to your performance during the rental period, and reward the corresponding points, which can be used for the lottery.

"The function is good, but there won't be any dinosaurs ordered, right?" asked

Su Han the topic he was most concerned about.

If an ugly monster places an order, then Nima still gets a hammer?

[No, this host can rest assured.

"That's good.

Su Han breathed a sigh of relief and chose to start taking orders.


The book is also burned inside the fairy grass chain store.

"Wow... That young lady is so temperamental, her body is so good, she loves it.

"Pretty is beautiful, but it's a little high, and the pressure is too great, which makes me feel ashamed of myself." "

Blind guess, such a good figure, the young lady should be a model, or a flight attendant..." Where

everyone's eyes converged, there was a tall and beautiful girl.

Mu Ziyan was drinking milk tea, but from between her eyebrows, it could be seen that she was a little unrestrained.

Jingle bells.......

A mobile phone ringing, Mu Ziyan picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was a girlfriend calling.

I pressed the answer button casually.

"Zi Yan, where are you, you won't forget tonight's party, will you?"

came the laughing voice of her girlfriend from the other side.

"I know, how many times have you said it.

Mu Ziyan rolled her eyes.

"Hey, hey... Remember to bring your boyfriend, everyone is very curious about your boyfriend. Speaking

of her boyfriend, Mu Ziyan couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her mouth, and her face collapsed at this moment.

The reason why she has not rushed to the party site so far.

Instead, borrow milk tea here to relieve your worries.

It's because of that unwarranted boyfriend.

During college, because she was a school flower, she attracted countless suitors.

One of the classmates was the most crazy, all kinds of stalkers.

It continued until the end of the university.

Unable to stand the harassment, she lied that she had a boyfriend so that the other party could die.

Everything was fine, everyone was in their own industry and rarely got together.

Nor will the truth about her fake boyfriend be discovered.

But just yesterday.

I don't know who learned the news of her in the magic capital and invited her to today's class reunion.

This made Mu Ziyan suddenly feel bad.

Especially since she also heard the grapevine.

This class reunion, which was specially arranged by the suitor, made her whole person feel bad.

She had already spoken out, and if it was recognized that she had no boyfriend at all.

At that time, not only will that follower be endless, but her face will not be able to get by.

That face is a big loss.

So now the only solution.

It's about finding a boyfriend to go to a party with.


where can she find a boyfriend in such a short time?"


after hanging up her girlfriend's phone, a notice popped up.

["Perfect Male God" is online, congratulations on becoming the first experience user, only need one yuan second deal, perfect boyfriend to take home. ] 】


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