
"Don't be a shared boyfriend, okay?"

"I'll raise you!

Su Han: "


He thought he had misheard.

This flight attendant mainly supports herself?

The protagonist does not have this treatment.

Although he felt that this was very good, Su Han did not choose to agree.

Not to mention that being a

shared boyfriend

gives up a lot of things that can't be measured in monetary terms.

Besides, there

are more heroines in this world.

How could he give up an entire forest for one tree?

Mu Ziyan regretted it a little.

Will it make Su Han feel that she is not reserved?

Although she is a little apprehensive, she still looks at Su Han expectantly.

I hope Su Han agrees to her.

However, Su Han looked pensive, and did not seem to hear the meaning of her words.

Mu Ziyan was immediately dumbfounded.

Ahhhh, people said it with great difficulty, and you didn't hear it.

However, when she looked at Su Han again, she instantly lost her temper.


this moment, she suddenly remembered what her best friend had said to her.

"Su Han is not only handsome, has a good figure, has a detached temperament, and sings very well.

"A perfect boyfriend like this, do you know how many people are staring at it now?"


of this, Mu Ziyan stopped with one foot on the brakes and plucked up her courage again.

"Su Han, don't be a shared boyfriend, be my boyfriend.

Looking at her serious look, Su Han smiled and reached out to rub her head.

When he was reading the book, why didn't he find that this flight attendant heroine still has such a cute side? "Aren't

you short of money?


Su Han laughing, Mu Ziyan was suddenly anxious.

Su Han is indeed short of money now.

But there are some things that cannot be bought with money, just like his current appearance and temperament.

Moreover, with the system, will there still be a shortage of money?

Mu Ziyan thought that she had forced the other party to be anxious.

I couldn't help but soften my tone.

"What I said is true, Su Han....... Can you think about it?" Seeing

her serious look, Su Han felt that he was going to give an answer.

Otherwise, the five-star praise is afraid to be lost.

"Zi Yan, don't be like this, when I saw you in the crowd for the first time, I felt that you were different..."

"In my heart, you are so dignified and elegant, holy and undesecrated.

"If others know that you are supporting me, it will have a bad impact on your reputation."

"So, raise . . . I'm here to raise you too.

Su Han's eyes were deep, his voice was low and magnetic, and his emotions were sincere.

Brush -

Mu Ziyan's face changed, she was very moved, and her eyes were a little moist.


It turned out that she was like this in Su Han's heart.

Thinking of the phrase "To raise ... It's also me who raises you," Mu Ziyan's heart melted.

There is no more sultry love story in the world.

It turned out that Su Han did not not agree to her.

It's for her reputation.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel very guilty for her previous words.

Compared to Su Han, she was too selfish.

She raised Su Han and spread it out with a bad reputation.

But the same is true for Su Han

, men love face the most, if it is rumored that they are raised,

they will be looked down upon....

If Su Han knew what she thought, she would definitely laugh it off.

He said, you think too much.

Eat soft rice for fear of being looked down upon?


After figuring everything out.

Mu Ziyan stopped mentioning the previous incident.

But her eyes when she looked at Su Han were full of affection.

Ten minutes later, Mu Ziyan drove the car into a community.

"Since you are home, then I should also go..." After

getting out of the car, seeing that it had stopped downstairs, Su Han proposed to leave.

Seeing this, Mu Ziyan couldn't help but be reluctant for a while.

At this time, she regretted how she rented for one night.

How nice it would be to rent for a few more days and rent for a lifetime.


her eyes lit up, and she rented for one night.

Isn't it tonight.

"Su Han, hasn't the lease period arrived yet?"

"That is, for the duration of the lease, you will be my boyfriend?"

Su Han's heart jumped and asked

, "What do you want to do?" "

Think!" Mu

Ziyan's face turned slightly red,

and she nodded shyly.


" Su Han: "

....................." Did

he ask something wrong?


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