
Time passed, and it came to twelve.

The kitchen has already prepared meals.

The three came to the living room.

"Xiao Han, treat this place as your own home, you're welcome."

Since learning about Su Han's personality through a chess game, the smile on the old man's face has not broken.

Seeing the smile at the corner of her grandfather's mouth, Yan Ruyue was a little stunned.

How long has it been?

How long has it been since I saw my grandfather smile so happily.

Looking at Su Han, her eyes flashed.

What a mysterious person.

A lunch ends in a warm and sweet atmosphere.

In the afternoon, the old man and Su Han drank afternoon tea.

"Xiao Han, I heard that you can also be a Chinese medicine practitioner?"

Thinking of something, the old man suddenly looked at Su Han.

"I learned from an old man before."

Su Han nodded and said what he had made up before.


The old man's eyes lit up, and his appreciation of Su Han rose to another level.

He has been immersed in the cause of Chinese medicine all his life, and naturally has a sense of closeness to people who understand Chinese medicine.

"Then you come and see what is sick to the old man."

With the idea of tempting and pointing out his grandson-in-law, the old man smiled and spoke.


Su Han chuckled.

He waited for this sentence.

He possesses god-level medical skills, and the hope and hearing of Chinese medicine have reached the point of being divine.

At the first sight of the old man, he saw something.

The internal organs are lost, the qi and blood yin and yang are weak, and the depression between the eyebrows is not dispersed....

Even if there is a drug conditioning, but if it is not treated as soon as possible, the old man will not live for more than a year.

The Yan family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and Old Master Yan is highly respected.

Protégés and former officials are all over the north and south of the country, and they have a very high status in the magic capital.

The plot in the book -

Lin Feng cured the old man and leaned on the big tree of the Yan family, and then the wind rose.

Therefore, in the face of such a good opportunity, how could Su Han let it go?

He hadn't offered it before.

First, because the old man was not familiar with him at that time, he would only appear abrupt and guess that he had other purposes.

Second, is he a divine doctor, doesn't he want face?

Besides, it's still a long time, and he's in no hurry at all.

Sure enough -

now the old man brought it up.

At this moment, Yan Ruyue just walked in with tea.

Hearing my grandfather's question, I couldn't help but get nervous.

The moment of truth has come.

But he told his grandfather that his boyfriend is very good at Chinese medicine.

If only Su Han didn't understand anything.

Everything in front of that will be debunked.

Unexpectedly, Su Han agreed so casually, which surprised her.

Could it be -

Su Han really knows how to heal, or Chinese medicine?

Curious, Yan Ruyue approached and wanted to see the situation.

When the time comes, it will be good to deal with it.


After agreeing, Su Han sat down next to the old man, and put his right hand on the pulse of the old man's wrist.

Seeing Su Han's action, the old man's pupils shrank.

He has been practicing medicine for decades, and when he looks at the movement of the pulse, he can see a person's level of Chinese medicine.

And Su Han's every move is natural, and he seems to have many years of experience in taking the pulse.

Looking at Su Han's gaze, it gradually changed, that was attention.

Before hearing his granddaughter say that his boyfriend had good medical skills, he still didn't believe it.

After asking Su Han's work, he was even more unimpressed.

It is engaged in finance, medical skills are only a side business, obviously the level is not high.

Only at this moment did he realize that he was wrong.

Su Han closed his eyes slightly.

Although he knew the plot and knew the situation of the old man, he still observed with the instilled god-level medical skills.

For a long time, Su Han let go of his hand.

"Xiaohan, how am I doing now? Can I see what disease I have? Seeing

this, the old man asked.

There was no longer the idea of pointing out his juniors in his eyes, it was an inquiry to his peers.

"You're not sick."

Su Han let out a breath.

After a pause, he asked again.

"I wonder if grandpa has ever heard of the five declines of heaven and man?"

"Heaven and man?"

The old man was stunned at first, and couldn't help but think of an ancient book he had read.

"One of the visions that arise at the end of a man's life is the filth of his clothes; the second is the wilting on the head; the third is underarm sweating; the fourth is body odor; The fifth is unhappiness. Thinking

about it, his body trembled violently, and his eyes shone brightly.

Then he laughed and laughed.

"I have been practicing medicine for decades, but I have not discovered this, and I have been trying to treat it, going against the sky...." The

five declines of heaven and man are indeed not diseases, this is the constraint of heaven and earth on people, and the popular point is that the yang life is over.

That is, the patient's body functions have reached the final stage of scrapping, they should retire, they can only live so long, it is time to die.

Next to it,

Yan Ruyue was stunned.

Previously, when Su Han said that her grandfather was not sick, her heart was cold.

How can body organs and functions fail without disease?

However, she did not see her grandfather angry, but instead looked in agreement and laughed heartily.

Suddenly her brain was not enough.

What is this situation?

What are the five declines of heaven and man?

What does the five declines of heaven and man mean?


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