
The next day -

Su Han got up and washed up.

Went out for breakfast again.

After that, he headed to the city center, ready to see some of the more famous neighborhoods.

That's right, Su Han is planning to look at the house.


Mountain bay.

One of the several beautiful communities in the magic capital.

It is not far from the city, convenient transportation and relatively quiet, creating a fresh and pleasant environment, which is the first choice for many people to buy a house.

"Lin Feng, right? It's been more than two days a month, so hurry up and make up the rent for me. "

One house outside.

A woman was banging on the door and roaring aggressively.

The woman looks in her twenties, with a melon face, exquisite and beautiful.

The figure is extremely proud, the places that should be thin are thin, and the places that should not be thin are a little exaggerated.

Her name is Lin Wanqing, and half of the houses in Shanhawan Bay belong to hers.

Therefore, young and young, she lived an unpretentious life of rent collection.

"Click—" With

a "click"

sound, the door was opened from the inside.

"Who? In the morning, don't you let people sleep well?

Lin Feng opened the door, leaned against the door, and said lazily.

But when he saw who it was, his eyes widened, and his eyes almost popped out.

"It's so dangerous!"

Sensing Lin Feng's gaze, Lin Wanqing's gaze was disdainful and disdainful.

"Hurry up and pay the rent."

"Ahem....... I said landlord big beauty, can you spare a few days, you also know that I have only found a job for a few days, where can I get the money to pay the rent..."

Lin Feng coughed back to his senses and said with a playful smile.

"Hmph... I don't care, if I don't hand it over today, I'll move out.

Lin Wanqing snorted coldly, mercilessly.

"Don't be so angry, you definitely don't have a boyfriend, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't be so..." Lin

Feng didn't care, his eyes shining.

However, before he could finish speaking, a voice of anger sounded.

"What did you say?"

Lin Wanqing was like a fried cat, staring at Lin Feng angrily.

Just now, a few friends called and invited her to the dance, and when talking about dance partners, they also ridiculed her for being single so far.

Friends joke and forget it.

What is this Lin Feng?

"Oh? It seems that I got it right.

"You lack the harmony of yin and yang, resulting in too much yin qi, which is why it is so irritable, and it is not good for the body in the long run."

"No way, who made you my landlord? I'm willing to sacrifice my life for righteousness..."

Lin Feng said vigorously and gushed.

It was as if he hadn't seen Lin Wanqing's increasingly ugly face.


At this moment, the mobile phone notification message rang.

Lin Wanqing glanced at it.

[Are you still anxious about not finding a boyfriend?] Are you still distressed that there are ugly men around you and no one deserves you? "Shared boyfriend" is online, only pay 9999, the perfect boyfriend to take home.

At this moment, Lin Wanqing was very angry, and when she saw the content of the notice, she couldn't help but be surprised.

That's right -

the reason why Lin Wanqing has never looked for a boyfriend.

It's because she has a high eye and none of them are eye-catching.

Once at school, how many people lined up to chase her?

Among them, there are Xueba school grass, there are rich second-generation officials and second-generation officials...

But she couldn't even see it.

This notice actually guessed her thoughts.

Curious, Lin Wanqing clicked in.

Looking at the three input boxes, Lin Wanqing was interested.

[Requirements: Appearance against the sky, perfect figure, mature and stable like a domineering president, to be able to dance! ] 【

Rental period: 1 day! 】 【

Meeting time and place: within five minutes, Mountain Bay No. ×××! 】

After losing, the rich woman did not hesitate to click to confirm and paid 9999.

The reason why she asked to be able to dance, she thought of the afternoon dance party.

He was definitely going to the dance, and he would take his boyfriend with him and punch those friends in the face.

If you have a good impression of this "shared boyfriend".

You can bring it as a male companion.

And choosing to arrive within five minutes was that Lin Wanqing couldn't get used to Lin Feng.

Who says I don't have what a man wants?

Isn't that what it is?

Lin Wanqing put down her mobile phone and looked at Lin Feng, who was still talking, and sneered disdainfully.

"Who do you think you are? I don't look in the mirror, I am a virtuous person, I don't look like a human at all.

"Are you still struggling to be my boyfriend?" Do you know, I really want to vomit when I hear it. "



Lin Wanqing immediately cursed, scolding Lin Feng to the outside.

"You even said I don't have a boyfriend? I've called him in to show you what the gap is.

"In front of him, you don't even deserve to carry shoes."

Lin Feng: "............."

Who am I?"

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

This woman who lacks the harmony of yin and yang is really not easy to mess with, and it will burn at one point.

Heard Lin Wanqing say to find a boyfriend in the back.

Lin Feng laughed.

Just now, although he said it in a laughing tone.

But he had superb medical skills, and he could see the problems on Lin Wanqing's body at a glance, and did not lie.

And he also inquired intentionally or unintentionally that Lin Wanqing really didn't have a boyfriend.

Immediately, he folded his hands and looked like he was watching a good show.

"When is your boyfriend arriving?" I'll see.


Lin Wanqing was also confused.

Directly said it according to the time he just entered.


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