
When everyone was toasting Su Hanjiu, Lin Wanqing, as the heroine, was naturally indispensable.

Therefore, Lin Wanqing also drank a lot of wine after coming and going.

At this time, he was already slightly drunk.

Lin Wanqing went to the toilet and looked at her rosy face in the mirror.

Delicate facial features, fair skin looks more rosy after drinking.

"Pretty huh? Why is Su Han not interesting to me?

She frowned a little, as if she couldn't figure it out.

Shaking her head, Lin Wanqing walked out of the bathroom.

At this moment, a figure blocked in front of him.


Lin Wanqing was startled, and when she looked up, the person in front of her was the tenant Lin Feng.

"How are you?"

"How did you get into this place?"

Frightened by this, Lin Wanqing felt a little sober.

In her concept, she is a guy who can't even pay a month's rent.

How can there be money to eat at Longteng Hotel?

As soon as he saw Lin Wanqing, Lin Feng was immediately attracted by his outstanding appearance, and his eyes lit up.

"Lin Wanqing, don't care how I got here."

"You hurry up and stay away from that Su Han now, he's a scumbag!"


Lin Wanqing was stunned, how did her boyfriend become a scumbag.

"He already had two girlfriends before you, you can't believe him."

Lin Feng persuaded Lin Wanqing bitterly.

"And then?"

Who knew that after listening to Lin Feng's words, Lin Wanqing just said with a flat expression.

Lin Feng was confused, this didn't happen?

His boyfriend has stepped on three boats, can he still be so calm?

What kind of Ecstasy did that guy Su Han give her?

Could it be that she knew about Su Han and wanted to be with Su Han?

Lin Feng thought that Su Han was safe and sound when he stepped on the three boats, and he was jealous in his heart.

As soon as Lin Wanqing wanted to leave, Lin Feng immediately blocked her way again.

"Su Han was with a woman the night before yesterday, and yesterday with another one, Su Han is a villain scumbag, you must not associate with him."

"Otherwise, you will regret it, I am all for your good."

Lin Feng was a little excited when he spoke, and his eyes were a little red.

Hearing Lin Feng say that Su Han was a villain, he insulted the male god in his heart.

Now Lin Wanqing was really angry.

Lin Wanqing's brows furrowed slightly, and her eyes became grim.

"Great! Su Han, this kid is finished!

"Let you be insatiable, now your glorious image in Lin Wanqing's heart is completely ruined, hahaha..."

Seeing this, Lin Feng was overjoyed in his heart.

However, the next moment, he saw Lin Wanqing saying coldly to him:

"From now on, I will take back the house, you get out, the previous month should be rented to the dog."

Say it -

she directly pushed Lin Feng away, stepped on high heels, and walked past him indifferently.

Only Lin Feng was left alone in place.

"What's the situation? Shouldn't you be angry with Su Han? How did you kick me out of the house?

Lin Feng stood dumbly in place for a minute before gradually accepting this seemingly impossible reality.

Lin Wanqing was very angry, it was someone who dared to say bad things about Su Han, it was unbearable!

Of course she knew the situation.

Su Han, as a shared boyfriend, must be more than one girlfriend.

Moreover, judging from Lin Feng's expression and actions just now, it didn't look like he was deceiving himself.

This is a bit of a hassle.

Now Lin Wanqing feels more and more dependent on Su Han.

Knowing that Su Han was with other women, she was a little anxious.

If you don't grasp it, such a perfect boyfriend will be gone.


She racked her brains and finally came up with a solution.

"Yes, drink!"

Lin Wanqing walked to the door of the box, and a snicker appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Drunk Su Han, first cook the raw rice into mature rice."

"Su Han is such an excellent man, there will naturally be no fewer women around him."

"And I, after the raw rice is cooked and matured, he will not go to take orders to share his boyfriend."

Lin Wanqing made a decision in her heart.

Putting on a big fight, he pushed open the door of the box and walked in.

"Wanqing, how did you go to the toilet for so long just now, your brother Su Han missed you."

Seeing Lin Wanqing return to the box, several girlfriends said with a bad smile.

If Lin Wanqing heard this before, she would definitely look shy and embarrassed.

But Lin Wanqing after understanding the current precipitous form.

In the face of Su Han, he naturally had to take the initiative to attack.

Lin Wanqing sat down, took the wine glass, and filled her own cup with Su Han's.

"Wanqing, you are..." Su

Han raised his eyebrows, Lin Wanqing's amount of alcohol was not good, and now he actually had to drink.

"Su Han, I'm glad you can come to me."

"This wine, I honor you, our encounter, and our future!"

Lin Wanqing picked up her wine glass, touched Su Han's cup, and then drank it all.

"Good! Wanqing is good! Seeing

that Lin Wanqing was dry, Su Han was surprised, and also raised his glass and drank heavily.

"Su Han, Lin Wanqing and a woman have a cup down, and you a big man also have a cup."

The girlfriend coaxed from the sidelines.

In fact, they also think carefully.

If Su Han was drunk.

Will they have a chance?

It's good to take advantage of it.

Seeing this, Su Han smiled slightly.

After the body was remodeled, his physical strength and spirit were improved.

This little wine is stress-free for him.

"Su Han, it's okay."

Lin Wanqing pretended to be worried about Su Han, but her heart to intoxicate Su Han did not weaken a bit.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Of course, Su Han did not think of what Lin Wanqing had in her heart.

If Su Han knew that Lin Wanqing's purpose was to get him drunk, and then go home to cook raw rice and mature rice.

Su Han will definitely say: Don't bother so much, go home now.

Wine with beauty.

With Lin Wanqing and the others' continuous persuasion to drink, Su Han pushed the cup and changed the lamp.

The wine on the table was empty before everyone stopped.

At this time, most of the people were drunk.

Speaking was also a little debauched.

After eating, Lin Wanqing rushed to pay for the bill.

She naturally couldn't let Su Han pay this money.

The front desk of Longteng Hotel -

the general manager and others have long been waiting for Su Han at the front desk.

After seeing Su Han and the others coming to settle the bill, he said in a respectful tone.

"Su Shao, it is really our honor that you and your friends came to our restaurant to eat today, and this meal should be invited by me on behalf of our restaurant."

"You don't have to pay for the money, just make a friend."

I have to say that the general manager's vision is unique.

Just seeing Su Han for the first time, he was ready to put a long line to catch big fish.

In his opinion, being able to obtain a network like Su Han with one meal is definitely the most cost-effective deal.

"Nope! I'll pay for this meal. Lin

Wanqing didn't do it, and she was determined to pay.

Sensible, she didn't want Su Han to owe favors to others.

Just as the so-called no profit is not flattering, the general manager is so flattering to Su Han, behind which Su Han must pay the price.

"This..." Of

course, the general manager knew Lin Wanqing.

This is the golden lady of Shanhai Real Estate.

No way, he couldn't help Lin Wanqing, he could only let her pay.

This is this meal for Su Han's sake, still according to the price of the signature package.

And everyone present understood that the meal just now could not be summed up in four words of the signature set meal.

Whether it is the quantity and quality of dishes, or the arrangement of private rooms, it is the highest level of Longteng Hotel.


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