
Looking at Su Han standing in front of her, Lin Wanqing seemed to be a little dazzled.

Su Han in the moonlight seemed to have a transcendent immortal aura lingering in his body.

It is not contaminated with any worldly pyrotechnics.

It made her heart ripple.

"Wanqing, it's not early now, you drank a little too much today, go back early to rest."

After Su Han finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

Thinking of something, he paused in his steps, turned his head and smiled.

"That's right....... How do you feel about my service today? If you think it's good, don't forget the five-star review. "


Lin Wanqing only felt like she had been struck by lightning, her body was a little numb, and most of the alcohol dissipated.

The titular boyfriend who got along with him for a day turned out to be just a service relationship.

"Is it all just a deal?"

Lin Wanqing remembered the shared boyfriend order that popped up in her mobile phone this morning.

That marked with the best boyfriend, the appearance is against the sky, the body is perfect, mature and stable like a domineering president, and he wants to be able to dance.

That's when she remembered.

At the end of the day, it turned out that this man who was full of dependence did not belong to him.

The fate of the two is only because of the order of the shared boyfriend.


Lin Wanqing shouted unwillingly in her heart.

For such a result, Lin Wanqing did not want to accept it in her heart, and she was unwilling to accept it.

Lin Wanqing plucked up the courage to ask, "Su Han, are you so kind to me because of that order?"


Her eyes were a little red, and her tone was a little low.

The more she continued, the more she became less confident.

She and Su Han had not known each other before, and now they had only known each other for a day.

Want someone to give her affection one day?

Even she herself feels that it is a bit far-fetched to say.

But she herself has completely pinned her soul on Su Han.

This short half day with Su Han.

In every way, it made her feel completely secure, and it made her dependent.

Su Han:

"....................." Although the two are indeed customers, he is also to complete the order.

But at the moment, he naturally couldn't admit it.

Lin Wanqing was already drunk, and if she provoked her again, it would not be good if she couldn't think about it.

And, where to get his five-star praise?

"Wanqing, of course not!"

As soon as he thought of this, Su Han's eyes looked directly at Lin Wanqing and said positively.

When Lin Wanqing heard this, her watery eyes lit up.

She looked at Su Han with some urgency, looking forward to his next answer.

"Su Han, is what you said true?"

"You mean, you have feelings for me too? More than just an order relationship?

After Lin Wanqing finished speaking, she realized whether she was a little too excited, and then slowly recovered.

"Of course, we're good friends!"

Su Han laughed, very bright.

Looking at the smile like a spring breeze, Lin Wanqing was dumbfounded for a while.

Coming back to her senses, she muttered,

"Just friends?"

She couldn't help but think of what Lin Feng had said to her.

Su Han was not the only woman beside her.

Lin Wanqing not only did not relax, but became more anxious in her heart.

"Lin Wanqing, if you don't seize the opportunity, Su Han will really leave you."

Finally, she plucked up her courage and spoke

, "Su Han, it's so late,

do you want to go up and sit?"

After speaking, her face turned even redder.

This red is not slightly drunk after drinking too much, but her shyness.

Before Su Han could answer, Lin Wanqing suddenly stood on tiptoe and pressed towards Su Han's lips.

The action is very fast and fast.

Before Su Han could react, he felt a softness and widened his eyes.

Why do these women like to engage in sneak attacks?

When do I take the initiative?

The movements were very green, and it was clear that this was her first time.

And Su Han was already familiar with the road, and after a simple contact, he began a counterattack.

The two hugged each other tightly in the moonlight and did not separate for a long time.


"Su Han, I'm a little drunk, can you send me up?"

Because it was a little long time just now, a little suffocated, plus the strength of the previous drink, Lin Wanqing now felt that her head was already a little dizzy.

Seeing her state at this time, Su Han promised to come down, looking at this, she was unsteady walking.

Then, the two slowly walked upstairs.

And the scene of Su Han kissing Lin Wanqing before was seen by Lin Feng the whole time.

At this moment, he was extremely heartbroken.

Seeing that the woman I like not only takes the initiative to kiss other men, but now invites other men upstairs.

Lin Feng really wanted to step forward to stop the two, but what reason did he have?

Glancing at the two who slowly entered the villa, he could only leave sadly.

Looking at Lin Feng's back as he left lonely, Su Hanxin put it down, and then laughed again.

"I originally thought that the protagonist would run away, but it seems that I thought too much."

A generation of soldier kings who returned from the dark world, he didn't know if Lin Feng could handle it if he really got angry.

Entering the villa, Su Han once again felt the luxury and spaciousness of the villa up close.

Just the house where a servant lives is more luxurious than his current rental house.

And walking into the interior of the villa, all kinds of high-end furniture are even more dazzling.


Su Han sent Lin Wanqing upstairs.

The stairs were very long, and Lin Wanqing snuggled into Su Han's arms, clinging to him.

The first floor of the villa is occupied by servants.

And to enter the second floor to get the key.

During the day, when Lin Wanqing was away, the door was locked.

Go upstairs and follow the directions to a room.

Su Han just wanted to open the door, but found that the door was locked, and looked at Lin Wanqing on the side.

"Wanqing, is the key on you?"

Lin Wanqing's body did not leave Su Han's body, but straightened her body, her eyes glanced down:

"Can you help me get it..." The

voice was very soft, mixed with wisps of wine, which made people think.

Su Han's eyes glanced, really "dangerous", the key rope was submerged in it.

"This..." "


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