
The western suburbs of the magic capital, in a villa.

A closed room on the second floor.

A little girl about fifteen years old was sitting on the bed, stunned.

The girl's facial features are delicate and playful, without the slightest blemish, and her skin is fair and shiny.

She was dressed in a Lolita, and she couldn't hide the developing explosive figure, which was completely inconsistent with her young figure.

It's unbelievable, how can she bear that weight with a height of one meter and five meters.

This girl is Xiao Luoli, emmm... Little Lori.

is one of the "double loli" in the novel, which is true, and there is a legal one.

Just now, she was kidnapped by a fierce-looking eldest sister and then thrown here.

Although she was kidnapped, little Lori did not panic at all.

Because she had a dad who was a police chief, she believed his dad would get her out safely.

"If only there was a prince charming to save me..." The

adolescent girl's heart was budding, Xiao Luoli thought of the hero saving the beauty in the TV series, and couldn't help but fantasize a little.


At this moment, the electronic watch in her hand vibrate.


Xiao Luoli raised her hand and glanced at it, it was a notification message.

[Ding... Are you scared because you are in danger? Do you need a hero to save Prince Charming? "Shared Boyfriend" is at your service, the perfect boyfriend is not only intimate, but also brings you a sense of security at all times, and now launches a free trial activity, congratulations on getting a free experience opportunity.

After reading this notice, Xiao Luoli was stunned.

She is an electronic watch, and not a little genius smart watch, where did this notification come from?

But this thought only passed in a flash, and she quickly ignored it and clicked in curiously.

Seeing the extremely romantic interface, the three input boxes, her eyebrows furrowed, and her small face looked pensive.

Then she started typing.

Requirements: The most handsome in the world.

Her boyfriend must be dead in terms of appearance.

No way, who let her be a Yan control?

And temperament, of course, you have to be like the big brother next door.

emmm....... It must also be very capable of fighting, bringing down those bad guys.


Try it one day first, if it doesn't work, forget it.

If it satisfies me, then add money to rent for a lifetime... Hey, hey.......

I don't know when and where to meet, so let's send a distress signal.

- "I'm kidnapped, come and save me." After

typing it, she clicked on the free trial and started waiting.


Returning his gaze to Su Han's side, he heard the system voice ringing in his head.

His eyes flashed, and an information interface appeared in front of him.

[Name]: Xiao Luoli

[Age]: 15

[Height]: 150 [Charisma]: 95 (full value 100


[Identity]: Miss

Xiao Jiaer


Seeing this information, Su Han's face changed slightly.

Xiao Luoli?

That kidnapped heroine little loli?

Something is wrong.

He knows the plot and has been watching and waiting.

That's right, he's ready to cut off the protagonist.

Such a backer, he naturally will not miss it.

However, according to the timeline of the plot, it will take a while.

"Could it be that after I crossed over, the butterfly effect occurred?"

Su Han couldn't help but ponder.

Subsequently, he chose to take the order without hesitation.

[Ding... According to the customer's requirements, you get all-round martial arts (grandmaster level). 【

Ding... According to the customer's requirements, your charm is enhanced. 【

Ding... According to customer requirements, your temperament is taken to the next level. As

the system sound falls.

All kinds of information about martial arts appeared in Su Han's mind, fists and feet, legs, elbows... There are all kinds of fighting skills.

It was as if what I had painstakingly learned was imprinted in my mind and lingered.

Seeing that he was still stunned, Lin Wanqing stretched out her hand, shook it in front of him, and asked a little nervously:

"Su Han, what's wrong with you?"

Su Han came back to his senses and saw Lin Wanqing's nervous look, he couldn't help but smile and reached out to touch her head.

"It's okay, it's just that I thought of some things that haven't been dealt with yet, and I may not be able to accompany you at night."

"It's okay."

Lin Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a sweet smile:

"Since you have something to deal with, you will live next to me anyway, we can make an appointment next time."

Although he doesn't care, it is false to say that he is not disappointed.

I finally came out with Su Han, and I thought of so many arrangements at night, and I was about to soak in the soup.

However, she quickly returned to her scrappy appearance and squeezed her small fists.

"Lin Wanqing come on, although the road to take Su Han is very bumpy, but you must not give up..."

Su Han raised his eyebrows, bowed his head slightly, and kissed her on the lips.

Then, he turned around and left quickly, and a word floated into Lin Wanqing's ears.

"It's not safe outside at night, go back early to rest."

Lin Wanqing looked at Su Han's back obsessively, her expression was wooden, and she lost her mind for a long time.

After a long time, she regained her senses, touched her lips, showed a bright smile, and her heart was full of joy.

"Oh my God, he kissed me, Su Han kissed me, and he still cares about me."

"Shh My efforts were not in vain, Su Han really cared about me..." but

said that after Su Han left, he

directly got into the new car Porsche Super, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the outskirts of the magic capital.

Although Little Lori did not specify the meeting place, he naturally knew the location when he was familiar with the plot.

Also know that the guy who kidnapped little loli is a terrorist organization.

One of their members was arrested by Xiao Luoli's father and prepared to take revenge.

However, do you dare to believe that it is a woman who caught Xiao Luoli?

There was no contact with any male members during the whole process.

In addition, according to the plot, Lin Feng saw the suspicion of those people, followed behind, and quickly rescued the little loli and won the favor of the Xiao family.

For this, the dog author thinks the same as Su Han, the absolute purity of the heroine.

However, because of the butterfly effect, I don't know if there will be other changes.

So it's better for him to hurry over.......


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