
On the second floor, in the room where Xiao Luoli was held.

Hearing the gunshots coming from the first floor, although Little Loli was a little scared, her eyes lit up.

He thought his father had come to her rescue.

At the same time, I can't help but be a little worried, what if Dad is not an opponent, what if there is danger?

Hearing the end of all the gunshots, little Lori was even more frightened, not knowing what was going on below.

Until there were footsteps outside, and there was no shout from her father, her face gradually changed, and a terrible thought appeared in her heart.

Could it be that they were all subdued by these bandits?

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, her body exploded with sweat, and she quickly hid in the corner of the room, shivering.


Came to the door, it was locked, but this was difficult for Su Han

, he directly kicked the door open, and saw the little loli who was shivering in the corner, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, little girl, do you want me to take you away?"


The voice is so good, not those bandits, the little loli's trembling body is calm, and she looks up.

I saw a super handsome little brother standing at the door, looking at himself with a smile.

That smile was like a spring breeze, and a warmth instantly ingested into Little Lori's heart.

Wow, little brother is so warm.

It's so gentle to smile!

Is he my Prince Charming?

Little stars appeared in the eyes of the little loli, YY thought.

"You, are you here to save me?"

After a while, she came back to her senses and asked tentatively.

"Didn't you place an order and let me save you?"

Su Han's face showed playfulness.


Little Lori was a little confused, and gradually remembered, exclaiming:

"Are you my boyfriend?"

"Sort of!"

Su Han nodded, looking a little strange, and looked at this little loli.

Little is not one, and the height of one meter five reaches his waist.

When her boyfriend?

Afraid to go to the stomach in one step?

Ahem....... This Nima is too small, sinful and sinful.

But there's a saying.

- Three years of blood earned, the death penalty does not .......


Looking at such a gentle and handsome little brother, little loli's heart was pounding.

The perfect boyfriend, really didn't lie to himself.

It's really perfect!

"Come, I'll take you out of here!"

Su Han beckoned.

"Hmm..." Little

Lori nodded and walked over.

She didn't even think about whether he was a bad person, whether she would just come out of the wolf's den and enter the mouth of the tiger.

How can such a handsome little brother be a bad person?

Coming to Su Han's side, close at hand, little loli can feel his warmth even more.


She looked straight at Su Han, but did not pay attention to her feet and fell to the ground.

"Are you all right?"

Su Han squatted down and lifted her up with one hand.

Leaning into his arms, little Loli felt an indescribable sense of security in her heart.


Little Lori just wanted to say "It's okay", but the words suddenly changed her mouth:

"Oh... My legs hurt so much, I can't walk..." The

little brother looked so gentle, and the smile brought her a sense of security.

I don't know what it will be like to be in his arms?

Little Loli kept ying in her heart.

Su Han raised his eyebrows, he had god-level medical skills, and he could see at a glance whether she was okay.

This little girl is lying.

But for a moment he was relieved.

This little girl is a face control with the hidden attributes of a little idiot.

Coupled with the appearance just now, it gave her a feeling of heroic salvation, and this little girl burst with good feelings for him.

From this, it can be inferred that the reason why this little girl lied.

——I want to take advantage of him!

In the face of Little Lori's request, Su Han also wanted to feel it.

Cough...... Don't get me wrong, he just wanted to use medical skills to see why this little loli had such an explosive figure.

"How about I carry you out?"

Sure enough, when his words fell, the little loli quickly spoke:

"Okay, okay, thank you little brother, thank you boyfriend."

Then, she opened her arms expectantly and looked at Su Han expectantly.

This expression is cute!

Immediately, Su Han directly picked her up and walked out.

Feeling the embrace of the little brother and looking at the handsome side face of the little brother, the little loli's little heart "plopped" and "plopped" wildly.

"Always see what I do?"

Su Han glanced at her and asked with a smile.

"Uh..." Little

Lori's face turned red, even her ears turned red, and she said a little shyly:

"You look good!"

Su Han smiled slightly, worthy of being a cute little loli.

Such a straightforward word, worthy of hiding the attributes of the little idiot.

Seeing that smile, little Lori's already flustered heart couldn't control it this time and boiled.

How can there be such a good-looking little brother in the world?

Those little fresh meats on TV are simply incomparable, even if those are beautiful with makeup, they are not as good as one ten-thousandth of this plain little brother in front of you.

The main thing is temperament.

Little Loli is exactly when the mood first blooms, plus the hidden attribute of the little flower idiot, it is hopeless in an instant.

Feeling the blazing gaze, Su Han glanced at her, and his smile became brighter.

Brush -

Little Lori was found again, and quickly turned her head, shy and about to smoke.

But soon he quietly turned his head and looked at Su Han again.

This little loli.

Didn't save it.


Soon, the two came downstairs, and at this time Lin Feng had just found the key and was ready to go upstairs.

Hearing the voice, he looked up and was instantly stunned.

I saw Su Han coming down with a super cute little loli.

Looking at that little loli, seeing that Su Han's eyes were about to melt, Lin Feng's face suddenly turned green.

At this time, he finally understood why Su Han went upstairs directly.

It turns out to be the first to save little Lori.


What is this Nima?

He fought desperately with the robbers, but Su Han did nothing, and was actually regarded as a lifesaver by Little Lori.

Little Loli stared straight at Su Han, without looking at Lin Feng, or Su Han smiled and said to Lin Feng:

"I have already saved the person, hard work for you."

Lin Feng's face suddenly darkened.

Looking at the smile on Su Han's face, he always felt extremely ironic.

At this time, Little Lori noticed him.

"Little brother, who is this uncle... It looks so terrible....,"

he said, as if he was really afraid, and shrunk into Su Han's arms.


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