
Little Loli is like a curious baby, grabbing questions and asking.

In the end, Su Han couldn't bear it, and directly held her in his arms, and the little loli was honest and slept obediently.

In the dark, Su Han did not notice that a triumphant smile flashed in the eyes of the little loli.

They slept soundly, but three people in the city lost sleep.

Lin Wanqing Villa!

In the bedroom.

Lin Wanqing brushed the video boredly, and her eyes glanced at the small pop-up window of Huixin next to her from time to time.

In the past, when she sent photos, Su Han would reply to the message, and even commented.

Thinking of his comment, Lin Wanqing's face turned slightly red, and she was a little looking forward to it.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and she had not seen Su Han's reply message, and she was a little anxious.

She sent another message to Su Han, but still did not get a reply.

"Could it be that Su Han is dissatisfied?"

Lin Wanqing couldn't help but ponder.

Looking at the photo, she wondered if she should let go again?

On the other side

, Mu Ziyan was lying on the bed, her feet were constantly shaking upward,

and her white was dazzling.

She was also staring at Huixin closely at the moment, expecting Su Han's reply.

But again, I didn't wait for news for half an hour.

After sending a few messages and not getting a reply, Mu Ziyanliu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Could it be that Su Han was tired of watching it?

People have aesthetic fatigue, and men should be no exception to this aspect.

"No, I need to innovate, otherwise how to attract Su Han?"

But how do you innovate?

After thinking for a moment, her eyes lit up and she remembered what she had found on the Internet.

Those funny clothes, lace, cutouts, fishing nets...

Some little sisters say that this attraction to men is fatal.

Mu Ziyan immediately decided to go to the mall tomorrow to purchase.

Yan Ruyue's home -

at the moment, the lollipop in her mouth has been eaten, but she has not lost it, as if she is training something.

After not waiting for Su Han to reply to the message for a long time, she was also a little panicked.

What's going on? I didn't reply to my message.

She looked at the message she sent, her face was a little red, this was the first time she was so bold.

After reading it for a long time, no problem, why don't you reply to the message?

Finally, her eyes lit up and she found the problem.

I took out the finished lollipop and quickly threw it in the trash can next to it.

Su Han shouldn't have decided that I was insulting him, right?

The difference is indeed too big.

It looks like you'll have to change a super lollipop next time.


The next day, Xiao's mother came to ask her daughter and Su Han to get up.

Seeing that her daughter was just sleeping with Su Han in her arms, she was relieved.

Yesterday, the more she went back, the more she thought about it, the more wrong it became.

She said her daughter don't toss too late, what is her daughter blushing for?

Fortunately, she thought too much and nothing happened.

Little Lori woke up slowly, glared at her mother, and was sleeping soundly.

She had never slept so soundly, and she was disturbed by her mother, bad guy.

She raised her head slightly and saw Su Han's handsome face, smiling at her at this time.

"Get up!"

Little Lori instantly felt her heart melt, nodded slightly, and got up obediently.

Xiao's mother was suddenly speechless, sure that this was her own daughter?

After eating, little loli wants to go out with Su Han.

The little girl thief is clever, knows the identity of her brother, and shares her boyfriend.

She ordered for a day.

This means that on this day, the older brother is his boyfriend.

As a boyfriend, of course, you have to accompany your girlfriend.

In the morning, Su Han and Little Loli went to the playground, and the smile on Little Lori's face never disappeared.

She felt like it was the happiest day she'd had in fifteen years.

Of course, all this would have been done without the presence of that woman.

The reason is that Little Loli and Su Han went to the mall in the afternoon.

It happened to meet Mu Ziyan to purchase.

Seeing Su Han, she ran over happily.

"Su Han, you are also here, it's really a good fate."

Su Han also saw her and raised his eyebrows.

Last night, little Lori was still asking his ex-girlfriend, I met it today, there won't be an accident, right?

He had been thinking about this before, two girlfriends....... Even multiple girlfriends found out, will it be staged in the Asura field.

Don't look at these women prodding him in various ways now, looking like they can't wait to push him backwards earlier.

But that's just thinking about a person possessing him... Why does it sound a little weird?

Forget it, that's the thing.

But if you really know each other's existence, it is difficult to say whether it will still be like that to him.

This is also the reason why Su Han went directly without seeing one.

If it is not handled well, it will cause big problems.

He's seen some news.

What because of love and hatred, poison to keep the lover, and then commit suicide and martyrdom.

And so that the man did not go out to mess around, he cut the tools of the crime with a knife.


Mu Ziyan came to the front and was about to give Su Han a hug.

But he was blocked in front of him by a small figure.

I saw that the little loli spread her hands out, looking like a protective calf, and her eyes looked Mu Ziyan up and down.

This should be my brother's ex-girlfriend, right?

How does it look....... That's it, it's not as cute as me.

The figure is not more prominent than mine.

Little Lori stood tall, half a pound and eight taels.

Finally, a summary - my brother's ex-girlfriend is not cute himself.

Seeing a little loli blocking in front of her, and smiling proudly at herself, Mu Ziyan was a little confused.

"Su Han, who is this?"

"My sister."

Little Loli just wanted to say to her arrogantly, "I'm his girlfriend", but Su Han spoke first.

It caused the little loli to pout, with a tsundere expression.

Of course, she also understood what her brother meant, and she didn't plan to break it.

Hearing Su Han say that this is his sister, Mu Ziyan was stunned for a moment, when did he have one more sister?

However, she did not doubt it, after all, the little loli was too small.

Although her figure is a little explosive, it still can't hide her immature face and young figure.

"What's your name, little sister?" Are you going to buy something? My sister bought it for you!

Mu Ziyan immediately laughed, revealing an expression of a bad aunt coaxing the little girl.

Since she is Su Han's sister, it is natural to have a good relationship.

In this way, I will marry myself in the future, and I will also have the support of my sister.

"Hee-hee, I'm such a clever ghost."

Little Lori just glanced at her faintly.

Although decided not to name another layer of relationship between himself and his brother.

But she didn't have a good temper with Mu Ziyan.

After all, this is the bad guy who wants to rob her brother with her.

Don't look at her cute look in front of Su Han.

But in the eyes of outsiders, she is an out-and-out tsundere.

Inadvertently, she saw what Mu Ziyan was carrying in her hand, and her good-looking eyebrows wrinkled.

"What kind of clothes is this?" How come I haven't heard of it before? It looks so beautiful. "

I saw that the packaging said: Lace fun clothes.

So, driven by curiosity, little Loli spoke, pointing to the thing she was carrying in her hand.

"This dress I want you to buy..."

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