For the discussion around him, Leng Wuyan just frowned, but didn't say much.

From childhood to adulthood, she has become accustomed to being sought after everywhere she goes.

"Huh... Look, that guy walked towards Queen Leng, what did he want to do? "


a voice came from the crowd.

Brush brush brush............

Looking at it one after another, they all saw Lin Feng, who was extremely troubled.


The whole audience suddenly fryered.

"Groove? Could it be that Queen Leng is waiting for this guy? Impossible, I don't believe it!

"No, you guys look at her expression, obviously you don't know the guy."

"That... Isn't he supposed to be talking?

"Huh....... Don't look at what birds you look like, and learn from others to talk to beautiful women, or this ....... Wait to see the good show. "



Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to it, how could he care about the opinions of others?

Not long after, he came to Leng Wuyan, and the corner of his mouth hooked the signature evil smile.

"Beauty, I see that you are fierce in your head... Belch...... The eyebrows are depressed and condensed, is it difficult by some trivial matter? How about telling me? I can help you figure it out. "

It's not that Lin Feng really knows fortune-telling, he can heal, and at a glance, he can see that Leng Wuyan's spirit is a little weak, obviously he didn't rest well.

Glancing at Lin Feng, Leng Wuyan's brows furrowed tightly, and disgust flashed in her eyes.

Speaking of a shared boyfriend, shouldn't it be him?

Scold....... What is the sending, since this is the case, you will all let me in.

Leng Wuyan sneered in her heart, she had already made up her mind, and after she went back, she would contact her contacts and find out the group of fraud gangs.


For Lin Feng in front of her, she was very disdainful, her tone was domineering, and the queen was full of fan.


Lin Feng choked and touched his nose.

This beauty has a lot of personality.

I like it though.

I saw that he was not angry, but raised his eyebrows, and said in a frivolous tone:

"Don't refuse people thousands of miles away..."

Finally -

Leng Wuyan seemed to be moved, and looked at him again, but his eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Do you know that from the moment you appeared, you broke the law, plus you came over, I have ten charges that can send you in, and I can't come out for the rest of my life

..." "The most important one is, you look ugly and no one says anything, you look ugly and come out to shame, how many people are ugly and have no points..."

She was already in a bad mood, and at this moment the queen's attributes broke out, The audience was shocked.

Everyone around: "..................." Lin Feng: "



Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing with TM?

He just came out for a meal, especially broke the law?

From him he came to talk to you and was listed on ten counts?

Still want to send me in, I can't get out for the rest of my life?

A word of rhetoric thundered him to the outside, and he didn't know where he was.

Listening to Leng Wuyan's words, the surrounding crowd also widened their eyes and couldn't help shrinking their necks.

"This... Is this the queen of law? Good....... It's so terrifying, the aura is too strong.

"Where did this fool come from? I dare to talk to this queen, I am afraid that I don't know how to write dead words.

"I just remember one time, there was a rich second generation who was sent in by her for three years because he looked at her..."

It's so terrible, so scared that Lao Tzu quickly withdrew the titanium alloy dog eye.........................


The queen's aura is fully displayed, terrifying.

Some people even quietly left, fearing that they would be contaminated with some trouble.

But there were also some daring people who stayed and wanted to see what came next.

Lin Feng's face was full of confusion, and it took a while to come back to his senses, looking at Leng Wuyan in disbelief.

What is the identity of this woman? Unexpectedly know so much about the law.

"Look at what, and then see what makes you sit in prison."

Leng Wuyan's tone was indifferent, faint, and murderous.

Brush -

When the people around heard this, their bodies trembled, a coldness filled their hearts, and their scalps were numb.

The people who had originally stayed to watch the excitement left another batch.

The queen is horrible.

Lin Feng couldn't help but shiver, and his scalp was a little numb.

He could feel that Leng Wuyan was really coming, and she really wanted to send herself in.

This woman is so fierce!

Just one look will make him sit in prison.

Can't afford to mess with.

Lin Feng withdrew his gaze and walked to the side and did not dare to speak.

He wasn't afraid of Leng Wuyan.

It's just that he has a special status, and it is troublesome to be discovered.

Moreover, it is also necessary to protect Gu Yicheng.

It's better to try to keep a low profile, don't be troublesome, I endure.


It was at this time that a Porsche drove up and stopped at the door.

Su Han's figure got down from the car.

With just one glance, he saw Leng Wuyan, and his eyes were attracted by his long legs.

Good legs!

I really want to lift up....

Then he saw Lin Feng next to him, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

How can you meet this guy everywhere?

I have to sigh the corrective nature of the plot, where there is a female protagonist, the male protagonist will always arrive inexplicably.

At the moment he appeared, everyone in the audience fell silent at this moment, and they all looked at him stunned.

"Aaaaaa Who is this handsome guy? He looks so handsome and attractive.

"Handsome or second, look at the temperament exuding from him, domineering is like a spring breeze, indescribable."

"Oh my God... He is even more attractive than my male god, and he loves the fan..."


Leng Wuyan planned to leave, it was too disappointing for her, and she paused when she heard the discussion.

Following the sight of the crowd, she saw Su Han and couldn't help but be stunned.

Because Su Han is indeed too handsome.

She came from a large family and had seen many young and handsome people, but it was the first time she had seen such a temperament to Su Han.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but faintly he felt that Su Han was smiling at her, and his heart rippled inexplicably.

Su Han smiled slightly, ignored the exclamations of the crowd, and walked straight towards Leng Wuyan.

Brush -

Lin Feng, who was standing on the side, kept changing his face, cloudy and uncertain, and looked at Su Han deeply.

This guy, how does it always appear at this time.

Is it stalking him?

No way!

With his strength, how could he not detect it?

Seeing Su Han heading towards Leng Wuyan, Lin Feng frowned, and a bad thought appeared in his heart.

Could it be that Su Han also has something to do with this superb beauty?

After thinking about it, Lin Feng shook his head again, this woman is not easy to deal with.

Through the discussion of the crowd just now, he also knew Leng Wuyan's identity.

The queen of the legal world, cold and arrogant, iron-blooded and ruthless.

No wonder he was deflated just now.

I believe that even Su Han will not be able to get benefits in front of this queen fan-full woman.

Therefore, Lin Feng had a good time to get up, ready to watch Su Han's joke.

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