But said the other side -

Leng Wuyan drove and stopped in front of a villa.

This is Leng Wuyan's residence.

I have to say that these rich people just know how to enjoy and have a villa.

The two got out of the car, and under the leadership of Leng Wuyan, Su Han walked into the villa.

The villa is spacious, a mix of classic and western styles, decorated in a high-end atmosphere.

Leng Wuyan's face was a little uncomfortable, this was the first time she brought a man to the house, and her heart was so upset.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, she knew Su Han only now, but she called him to the house so trustingly.

"I'll go make you a cup of tea."

Although she was a little flustered in her heart, she still maintained the indifference that usually belonged to the queen on her face.

Su Han nodded and sat straight on the sofa.

It is worthy of being the eldest lady of the Leng family, the queen of the legal world, and the villas are decorated quite tastefully.

After a while, Leng Wuyan brewed the tea and brought it to Su Han.

Next, Su Han did not speak, drinking tea by himself, Leng Wuyan did not know what to say, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

"Su Han, let's go to the second floor to see the piano?"

It was still Leng Wuyan who was the first to endure it, breaking the silence and speaking.


Su Han nodded, put down the teacup, and followed Leng Wuyan to the second floor.

This is an independent piano room, because Leng Wuyan likes pianos, which she also specially designed with someone.

Entering it, the room appears spacious, and a piano stands quietly.

"Su Han, let's start!"

Leng Wuyan thought of what he had just realized, and he was a little eager to try.

"Well, you talk about it first, I'll listen to the effect."

Su Han randomly found a place to sit down and smiled lightly.

Then, a piano sound sounded in the empty room.

The sound of the piano is pleasant, and it also contains her understanding of this piano piece, full of emotion.

At the end of the song, Leng Wuyan looked up at Su Han with apprehension and expectation in her eyes.

Hope to get Su Han's evaluation.

Su Han smiled slightly, and praised without hesitation:

"Not bad, then the emotions in it are played, and in this regard, it has exceeded the average pianist."

Being praised, especially Su Han's, Leng Wuyan was very happy in her heart.

But after a moment, she regained her composure, not forgetting the purpose of inviting Su Han over.

"Su Han, what do you think of the piece I just played?"

"You have mastered the pronunciation of this piece and controlled it very well, but..." Su

Han thought for a moment and said, after a pause, he continued to speak:

"It's just the emotions contained in it, you need to control it, it's a little depressed in the early stage, like the back is good."

When Leng Wuyan heard this, she couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

She used to be alone, and although she was the legal queen in the eyes of others, she would also feel lonely when she was alone, so she was a little depressed.

But after thinking of Su Han, his mood suddenly became pleasant, and this was the change in mood just now.

"Thank you for your guidance, I won't do it again in the future."

Leng Wuyan looked at Su Han again and laughed.

Indeed, if Su Han had been by her side, she would not feel depressed.

Su Han nodded.

It is worthy of being the heroine, no matter what the problem, it is a little thorough, and the children can be taught.

Next, Leng Wuyan continued to play the piano and let Su Han make comments.


Leng Wuyan played the piano, next to Su Han commented, everything was so warm.

Somehow, Leng Wuyan thought that time stopped at this moment.

However, the passage of time cannot be stopped.

Under Su Han's guidance, she has gradually comprehended the meaning, and her piano level has improved rapidly.

Until she can easily play the ninth-level piano.

With this time together, the relationship between the two became closer.

Seeing the look on Leng Wuyan's face, no longer as cold and proud as the queen, Su Han's eyes flashed, and a chuckle appeared on his face.

It's not in vain that he wasted time here, this wave of good feelings brushed well, five-star praise didn't have to run.

He was in a good mood, but Leng Wuyan's mood was not very good.

Thinking that it was about to end, she felt a pang of reluctance in her heart for no reason.

She couldn't help but think of the music played by Su Han.

Really nice to hear.

If only she could learn it.

Her eyes lit up, and she immediately looked sideways at Su Han, and said expectantly:

"Su Han, can I learn the song "Floating Life Like a Dream" that you played?"

Her eyes were wide and expectant, looking like a child longing for a lollipop.

Unbelievable expression will show on the face of this legal queen.

Seeing this expression, Su Han was surprised.

The other side of the legal queen, he is a feast for the eyes.

It seems that she really likes the piano she plays.

Su Han smiled and spoke: "Want to learn?" I'll teach you! "

Being able to teach a female master apprentice is also very fulfilling.

So, he stepped forward and sat in front of the piano, while Leng Wuyan stood by and watched.

Later, a song "Floating Dream" was played in the hall.


Leng Wuyan stood by and watched.

It's just -

her gaze was not on the piano, but fell on Su Han's handsome side face.

Serious men are the most handsome.

Su Han's charm was almost perfect, and the attraction to Leng Wuyan at the moment was huge.

Floating like a dream, Shaohua is easy to die, and it is okay and cherished.

The familiar figure in his heart gradually became clear at this moment, portraying Su Han's appearance.

After the song ended, Leng Wuyan came back to his senses.

"How's it going?"

Su Han turned his head to look at Leng Wuyan.

In his opinion

, Leng Wuyan, as a heroine, is also amazingly talented in the piano, and she should have learned almost the same after reading it once.


Leng Wuyan's mind was a little confused.

How did you learn?

Just now, his attention was all on Su Han, and he didn't learn anything at all.

"You come and try it, just look at it, you have to do it yourself."

Without waiting for her to speak, Su Han gave up her position.

Leng Wuyan sat down in front of the piano inexplicably.

Sitting in her seat, she was originally very familiar with the piano, but she felt at a loss at the moment.

"Uh... Su Han, how did the strange but extremely good-sounding, shocking piano sound at the beginning come from?

She could only bite the bullet and ask Su Han.

Su Han raised his eyebrows.

His piano is systematically instilled, or at the level of a master.

Not comparable to this world at all.

It contains many piano sounds that have not been discovered in this world.

It's normal that Leng Wuyan can't grasp it for a while.

Su Han commanded from the side, and also said the skill.

However, Leng Wuyan seemed to be a handcripple, and after trying several times, he couldn't play that kind of piano sound.

Even if it is pressed, it is incomplete.

"Su Han, am I stupid..."

After several failures, she looked at Su Han and said weakly.

"How come? You just haven't mastered the skills, just try a few more times.

However, Leng Wuyan would make some mistakes every time.

"It's so..." Su

Han couldn't stand it, directly stretched out his hand, held her hands, and guided it with his own hands.

Feeling the snort hitting his neck, the thick masculine breath came to his face, and Leng Wuyan's body froze.

His face turned red at a rapid pace until his entire neck turned red.

Leng Wuyan's whole person was stunned.

It's too intimate, right?

After a while, she gradually came back to her senses, and she actually enjoyed this feeling a little.

Just like that—

Su Han held Leng Wuyan's hand with both hands and played, so intimate, so warm...


After playing a piano, Su Han looked at Leng Wuyan, who was still stunned, and asked

, "Wuyan, what's wrong?" Is it now obsolete? "

Ah..." Leng

Wuyan came back to his senses, his pretty face suddenly flushed, his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to look at Su Han.

Looking at the piano in front of her, she still had a bewildered expression, so anxious that she almost cried.

What to learn?

Did you do anything just now?

I don't have any impression at all!

Fortunately, at this time, Su Han's words came:

"It won't matter, this piano song is a bit difficult, and it needs to reach level ten to fully pop up."

Hearing the voice, Leng Wuyan gradually calmed down, and then looked at Su Han with some embarrassment.

"Su Han, you... Can you do just now, again... Teach me again with your own hands? As

she spoke, her head was slightly low and her speech was slurred.


Su Han raised his eyebrows.

Just now, he was domineering because Leng Wuyan had no disgust for himself, and he was ready to start subduing this queen step by step.

He was all ready for Leng Wuyan's displeasure.

As if something was wrong, the legal queen not only did not get angry, but took the initiative to send out an invitation.

That's a bit outrageous, isn't it?

However, since she had asked for it, Su Han would not refuse.

Next, Su Han simply found a chair and sat next to Leng Wuyan.

Take her hands and start teaching hands-on.

This scene is so harmonious, like love....


I worked four thousand to finish a chapter earlier, although there are only three chapters, there are still 9200, and the dog author continues to work hard.

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