"I'm going to... You feed me..."

Lin Wanqing's expression was confused, and she thought she had heard it wrong, and looked up.

"Huh..." When

he saw the bad smile on Su Han's face, his face "brushed" red, and he knew that he was really here.

After a moment, she came back to her senses and prepared to get off Su Han and go to get the skewers for him.

Who knew that her waist was held by Su Han and did not let go, and she couldn't break free at all.

She looked at Su Han with some puzzlement.

Didn't you let her feed the skewers?

"Just feed me like that!"

Su Han's expression was playful, but the words he said made Lin Wanqing's face red.

"That's it?"

At this moment, she was sitting on Su Han's lap, and was held by Su Han in her arms, which was simply not too intimate.

"Yes, here you go!"

Knowing that she couldn't get the skewers on the table, Su Han thoughtfully took a skewer and handed it to her.

Lin Wanqing took it stunned, she felt that everything was so dreamy.

Finally, Lin Wanqing reacted and shyly sent the skewer to Su Han's mouth.


"Damn it!"

Not far away—

Lin Feng's pupils contracted sharply when he saw this scene, and he felt hatred in his heart.

His eyes were spitting fire, his fists were clenched, and his tendons were bursting out, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Looking at his beloved woman, under the calculation of the enemy, fell into the arms of the other party, and looked shy and enjoyed.

His heart couldn't stop trembling.

That's right, with his eyes, how could he not see that Su Han did it on purpose?

If there was not a trace of sanity, he would have rushed to do it.


Han and Lin Wanqing two you feed a mouthful, I still take a bite, it's even more crooked than a couple.

This scene was seen by the woman's boss and sighed, the young people now can really play.


The two ate skewers, and Lin Wanqing proposed to go to the night market.

The night view of the magic capital is very prosperous, the lights are red and green, and people come and go.

Lin Wanqing was in a good mood, pulling Su Handong all the way to look at it and look west.

"Su Han, this neon light is good, let me help you take a picture."

Feeling that this place is very appropriate, Lin Wanqing rolled her eyes and said to Su Han with a smile.

I haven't seen Su Han for a few days, and I really want to kill her.

Let Su Han send a few photos for her to see, but she actually said no.

Then she doesn't know to shoot herself?

In the future, if I think about Su Han, I will take it out and secretly kiss it a few times.

Hee-hee, I'm such a clever ghost!

Su Han's eyebrows moved, and he saw her thoughts, but he didn't say anything more.

Seeing that Su Han did not refuse, Lin Wanqing quickly picked up her mobile phone and took a shot, changing the angle after filming.

Finally, after taking more than a dozen photos at each angle, a total of hundreds of photos, Lin Wanqing stopped satisfied.

She clutched her phone tightly, as if someone else would rob her.

In the distance, Lin Feng saw that his heart was like death.

It's over, Lin Wanqing can't be saved.

"Alas... Let's roll yourself.

Shaking his head, he walked straight forward, never looking at the two of them showing affection again.

But it came so suddenly, he thought he didn't see it, but someone stopped him.

"Lin Feng?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lin Feng turned his head stunned, and saw Lin Wanqing walking over with a happy face.

Boom -

Lin Feng's heart was shocked, why did she call herself?

Looking at her joyful expression, could it be that knowing my kindness to her, I decided to change my mind and throw myself into his arms?

At this thought, he quickly adjusted his thoughts and revealed a smile that he thought was charming.

However, it was clear that he thought too much.

"Good you Lin Feng, rented me for a month without giving money and ran away, help me a few photos today, take a good picture of this matter, otherwise I will sue you."

Lin Wan came to the front and looked at him with disdain, and her tone was even more unceremonious.

She looked at the photo just now, and always felt that something was missing, and then remembered that she was missing herself.

If you take a photo with Su Han, it will be more perfect.

Just when she was about to find someone to help shoot, she saw Lin Feng walking by, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Lin Feng: ".........................,"

Lin Wanqing's words, as well as her indifferent expression, were like a sharp sword, fiercely piercing his heart.

Nima, feelings he thought wrong, wrong outrageously.

God Termo Lin Wanqing changed her mind.

This is to let yourself take pictures of them, and if the photo is not good, you have to sue him for renting a house and not giving money?

I gave it last time, you didn't want it yourself, right? He also said that it should be rented to dogs.......

"How? You don't want to? See you in court tomorrow! Seeing

him stunned, Lin Wanqing's eyes immediately sharpened, and the eldest lady's temper was exposed.

"I... Willing! "

What else can Lin Feng say?

This matter really can't be reasonable, and Lin Wanqing really can do it.

Lin Wanqing nodded in satisfaction, and then came to Su Han and said with a smile: "

Su Han, let's take a few photos?"

Su Han tugged at the corners of his mouth, a little wanted to laugh, and nodded to indicate that it was no problem.

He was also confused just now.

Nima, the heroine asked the protagonist to take couple photos of them?

Is there such an operation?

Then, Lin Wanqing took his hand and came to a neon-shining wall.

She hugged Su Han's arm tightly, quickly appeared a bright smile, and prepared to take pictures.

Lin Feng felt mmp in his heart, but his face was helpless.

Picked up his mobile phone to take a picture, and when he saw the smile on Su Han's face, his hand shook and he almost ran away.

In his opinion, it was a mockery of her.


Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng tried to calm himself down and began to take pictures.

I have to say that Lin Feng, as the protagonist, has good photography skills.

Every time after shooting, Lin Wanqing would take a look and feel very satisfied.

Finally, Lin Wanqing and Su Han sat on a stone bench, and the two held hands, looking extremely intimate.

Lin Feng began to take pictures, and when he pressed the shutter button, Lin Wanqing moved, raised her head and pecked Su Han on the cheek.

The final effect was that Lin Wanqing's face was close to Su Han, the picture was very beautiful, but Lin Feng's heart was cut again.

"Well, you can roll, I can't see that although you are ugly, you have no money, you are sloppy, your photography skills are quite good, and you are a little useful."

Lin Wanqing looked at the photo and felt very satisfied.

Subsequently, Lin Wanqing ignored him and returned directly to

Su Han:

"Su Han, take a look, these photos are not bad, right?"

Saying that, she brought the phone to Su Han with a smile on her face.

Su Han glanced at it, nodded, and the two continued to stroll.

The two went away, leaving Lin Feng stunned in place, messy in the wind.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What's he doing?

Lin Feng's mind was still echoing Lin Wanqing's words.

"Long ugly..... No money... Sloppy ... Good photography technique... Kind of useful. "

Is this praising him?

I crab you!

Watching the two go away, Lin Feng only felt suffocated.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and an evil intent flashed in his eyes.

Later, he took out his mobile phone and took a few intimate photos of Su Han and Lin Wanqing walking together.

"Huh... Scumbag Su Han, now I see how you overturn.

"It seems that the Queen of Justice is also your fish, right?" With her temperament and jealous character, what would it be like when she saw these photos? "

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