The words fell, and Jiang Chen disappeared in place.

Along the way, you will come to a place surrounded by mountains and towering forests.

Looking ahead, there was a huge grotto, and in the moonlight, a behemoth squatted outside the grotto.

If you look closely, it is a lion with fiery red fluff all over its body, named the Flame Swallowing Lion.

This Flame Devouring Lion is about three or four meters long, with sharp claws, a bloody mouth devouring people, and his momentum is not mighty.

"Looks like the Lingyun grass is in that cave.

"Just kill this fierce-looking lion." "

As soon as I thought of the spirit level of the spirit grass, the spirit grass was about to arrive.

Jiang Chen rubbed his hands and swaggered out.

Prepare to deal with this Flame Devouring Lion first.

Then go into the cave to pick the spirit grass.

But who knows, as soon as Jiang Chen walked out of the big tree, a figure entered his field of vision.

At a glance.

It was Lin Feng, who was panting and sweating profusely.

"How did this guy come so quickly?"

Seeing that Lin Feng, the son of luck, actually came.

Jiang Chen frowned.

He's already coming soon.

I thought that I would be one step ahead of Lin Feng, but I never thought that I would run into it like this.

It seems that it took some time to solve Lin Hu's matter.

But then it's going to be hard.

After all, the son of luck is the son of heaven.

If you go against him, it's a little inappropriate.

At least in Jiang Chen's experience, what he is doing now is a villain's plot.

And what the villain will do, Jiang Chen is naturally clear.

But after hesitating for a moment, Jiang Chen didn't intend to give up, after all, he had come here, and he would go back empty-handed.

For the unhosted, this world is enjoyed by the strong.

Since it is encountered at the same time, it is owned by the strong.

The so-called narrow road meets, the brave wins! The

warrior is to fight with the sky and with people.

Even his son of luck must understand this.

Saying that, Jiang Chen didn't leave, and strode towards the Swallowing Lion.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was out of breath.

When he saw Jiang Chen appear here, he was also stunned.

Why did you

run into it again? Didn't you just run into

it? Could it be that this guy

was following him? Impossible, if he was following him, Long Lao would definitely be able to know.

But Long Lao didn't remind him at all, which means that Jiang Chen didn't follow him.

But the Spirit Sword Mountain Range is so big, the chance of encountering it is too small.

Just as Lin Feng wanted to speak, Long Lao's puzzled voice also came out.

"Hey, Xiao Feng, you and this kid are too fateful.

"You've all met several times in the past day or two.

"Could it be that you two have a good heart?" Long

Lao's ridiculous words made Lin Feng's brows darken.

Who has a heart with him.

But it is undeniable that he and Jiang Chen have met too many times.

It's hard for him to understand.

Of course, the first few times were fine, there was no fight, and the two laughed it off.

But this time it's clearly different.

Both of them came for a purpose.

Generally speaking, where there are monsters guarding them, there are basically natural treasures.

In other words, the other party came here for the sake of the heavenly treasures in the cave.

No matter what kind of natural treasure is inside, the two have to argue.

That's even more annoying, the young man in front of him is in the Spirit Mansion Realm, and he has only refined the Body Realm Sevenfold.

He knows which is stronger and which is weak.

But fortunately, he has a teacher to help.

If you can't get there, you can call for help.

He didn't say this, and it wasn't too late to say it when it was critical.

In this way, wait and see what happens.

"This brother, I didn't expect us to meet again.

"Since you and I have both arrived here, the treasure in the cave is the one obtained by the strong. Seeing

that Lin Fengleng was in place and didn't speak.

Jiang Chen spoke leisurely.

Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then his expression was a little wooden, and he couldn't help but slander in his heart.

Didn't this guy bully him for his low cultivation?

However, this is also in line with the rules, and he can't say anything, so he can only nod his head in agreement.

Anyway, in order to show his atmosphere, Jiang Chen also let Lin Feng go first.

The latter understood, and his resentment in his heart was half a point less, and he pulled out the long sword in his hand and headed towards the Flame Devouring Lion.

"Tsk, this kid has a good heart, and he has a strong climate.

Secretly, Long Lao couldn't bear to praise Jiang Chen when he saw Jiang Chen's humility.

After all, such young people are somewhat rare.

Who sees the treasure of heaven and earth is not rushing to make a move.

But under Long Lao's praise, Lin Feng was very uncomfortable.

Because he felt a sense of loss, and even a trace of hostility towards Jiang Chen sprouted in his heart.

It's like an adult complimenting the kid next door for being smart.

It is natural to belittle the feeling that your child is stupid.

Lin Feng is that stupid child.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took a deep breath, and secretly said in his heart that he must take this opportunity in front of him and let Long Lao look at him with admiration!


When the two of them appeared, the Flame Devouring Lion just got up and didn't make any moves.

Because it could feel that Jiang Chen's strength was very strong.

But when Lin Feng took the lead, it felt humiliated.

Thinking of this, the Flame Devouring Lion

roared, and its momentum bloomed, its fiery red hair fluttering in the void, and its bloodthirsty momentum was revealed.

In the next second, it rushed towards Lin Feng, and its speed was extremely fast, like a lightning speed.

After all, it was an eightfold demon beast of the Body Refining Realm.

It was not a problem to deal with a sevenfold martial artist like Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw the Flame Devouring Lion pounce towards it.

His face changed, and he immediately raised his long sword to resist.

After a few rounds, the

previous breeze turned into solemnity at this moment.

Because the Flame Devouring Lion is very strong, and the means of attack are also extremely powerful.

There is an ingredient of realm crushing in it, so Lin Feng is very difficult to deal with.

However, Lin Feng did not panic, and hurriedly displayed his combat skills when he was at a disadvantage, and his sword went sideways, constantly attacking the weak points of the Flame Devouring Lion.

The Flame Devouring Lion, who originally had an extremely fierce fighting style, gradually lost the upper hand after Lin Feng displayed his combat skills.

The two actually fought back and forth.

Seeing this, Lin Feng was excited, and even a little fluttering.

It seems that the eightfold demon beast of the Body Refining Realm is nothing more than that!

But in the next second, he was slapped in the face.

The Flame Devouring Lion suddenly launched an even more powerful attack when he was lax, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng was defeated and retreated.

The original advantage was also lost at this moment.

Even faintly about to be defeated.

"Haha, it seems that the strength of the son of luck is not very good.

In the distance, Jiang Chen, who was observing this battle, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.

I thought that Lin Feng, the son of luck, would inevitably suppress the existence of the heroes.

But who knew he was so weak.

Although he knew that Lin Feng would be able to beat the Flame Devouring Lion by fighting a few more rounds.

But even if you can beat it, it's too low.

After that, Jiang Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and with a leap of his body, he strode towards the Flame Devouring Lion at a meteor-like speed.

In the next second, he put his five fingers together and blasted out with a devastating punch.


A huge force burst out, breaking through the air and roaring, hitting the flesh of the Flame Devouring Lion with unmistakable accuracy.

Although this punch is unpretentious.

But it also burst out with the power it deserves.

Under one punch, the Flame Devouring Lion, who had originally had the upper hand, was instantly smashed and flew a hundred meters away.

After rolling dozens of times in a row, he smashed on a boulder, and let out a screaming roar from his mouth, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

The majestic Flame Devouring Lion before naturally ceased to exist, because it was destined to be embarrassed when Jiang Chen made a move!

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