The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

When Bai Jinghong arrived at Xingfu Community, he did not see any convoys about Longmen.

It seemed that Ye Chen had not arrived yet.

Bai Jinghong walked to the building in the plot and arrived directly outside the door of the room where Ye Chen and his girlfriend lived before.

The door was an iron door, and it was also an older house.

The sound insulation was relatively poor.

From the walk to the past, you can hear more or less the sound inside the house.

And outside the door where Bai Jinghong stopped, you can already hear the movement inside.

“Mr. Wu, I can’t help it, hurry up!” The rapid breathing sound showed the urgency inside.

“You little bastard, are you so hungry and thirsty?”

“Yes, I am a little bastard, come on, I…”

Then there was a rustling sound.

Bai Jinghong looked inside with perspective, and the annual action drama was about to begin.

“Tongzi, I still have 1,800 exchange points. Do you have something that can remotely control people to be obedient?”

[Ding, yes, 100 exchange points, exchange for obedient flies, obedient flies fly into the ears of the controlled person, and they will listen to the host’s command within half an hour, and can only control people below the yellow-level warriors]

Bai Jinghong laughed wildly in his heart.

Since the system was upgraded to an offensive system, the things in the mall are really bad.

But for striking the protagonist of luck, it is really useful.

“Exchange, use the obedient fly on that man!”

[Ding, exchange successful, deduct 100 exchange points, and it has been placed according to the host’s requirements! ]

Bai Jinghong suppressed his smile.

Now these scenes are not exciting enough. If you want to drive the protagonist crazy, you have to attack his heart and make him crazy.

When the obedient fly of the system successfully flew into the ear of Wu Kai inside, the other party did not notice anything.

Bai Jinghong continued to see through the house, looking for everything about Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen had been in there for many years, there were still many items here.

And Bai Jinghong controlled with a thought: “Find Ye Chen’s clothes in the house and put them on!”

“Take Ye Chen’s photo to the living room, put it on the table, and let the photo look at you!”

And in the room, Wu Kai really did it.

He hurriedly kicked open the room where Ye Chen used to live, and then put on Ye Chen’s clothes as quickly as possible.

Then he took Ye Chen’s framed photo and put it on the coffee table.

Do all this and continue inside.

And Bai Jinghong put on the mask and waited quietly on the other side of the corridor, waiting for the moment when Ye Chen returned.

Sure enough, Ye Chen came in less than a few minutes.

He was alone, carrying a canvas bag.

From a distance, he had a smile on his face.

He came to the door and was about to knock on the iron gate: “Tiantian, you are at home…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of conversation inside.

“Mr. Wu, why are you wearing the clothes of that loser Ye Chen?”

“And put out his photo?”

Wu Kai laughed: “Since you want to pursue excitement, then go all the way!”

“And let that loser Ye Chen look at us, isn’t it more satisfying?”

In fact, everything in Wu Kai’s mind was not what he wanted, but he just thought so inexplicably.

However, it seems not bad.

Heavy breathing has filled the room.

Ye Chen outside froze his hands in the air, his mind was blank.


The next second, Ye Chen yelled.


The loud noise spread throughout the corridor, deafening, and the iron door collapsed.

When the iron door fell, the scene inside made Ye Chen’s eyes tear up.

Liu Tiantian, the soft and gentle girlfriend who kept saying that she would wait for him to come out and get married…

And she was wearing a dress, the shoulder straps had fallen to her waist, and her upper body was completely…

The charming face was blushing and her eyes were blurred.

What made Ye Chen collapse even more was that the man was wearing his clothes and climbing to the top with one hand.

His own photo was still on the coffee table, as if he was watching the live broadcast with the photo instead of himself.

The iron door that was kicked suddenly frightened the two people inside.


A light sound.

Maybe he was really frightened by the sudden loud noise.

“Ye… Ye Chen, you are still alive… No, how did you get out?”

Liu Tiantian raised the shoulder strap around her waist in a panic, and couldn’t believe it.


“Don’t get me wrong, it’s not what you think!”

“You two dogs, man and woman!”

Ye Chen collapsed, rushed in, and kicked out instantly.

Wu Kai flew out and hit the wall.

Liu Tiantian was startled, cursed, and hurried to help Wu Kai.

“You trash, do you know who he is? How dare you hit him?”

But before she could move two steps, Ye Chen grabbed Liu Tiantian’s hair.

“Why did you do this to me? Why? You said you would wait for me to come out, why did you betray me!”

Liu Tiantian was also annoyed, and threw her hand: “You trash, let me go!”

“Wait for you to come out? Who knows if you are dead or alive? You, a prisoner, what right do you have to blame me?”

“Waste, garbage, loser!”


Being insulted like this, Ye Chen gritted his teeth, his eyes bloodshot.

Liu Tiantian also hurried over to check on Wu Kai who was kicked away.

Wu Kai held his stomach, feeling a bit painful.

His mind was filled with a lot of words he wanted to say, and he spat them out all at once.

“Rebellion, rebellion, a prisoner dared to hit me, from now on there is no place for you in Longhai!”

“Just wait for the crazy revenge of my Wu family!”

“Heh!” Ye Chen’s mouth curled up a curve: “The small Wu family can be destroyed in a snap, how dare you be so rampant in front of me?”

“Hahaha!” Wu Kai suddenly laughed.

In fact, he didn’t want to laugh, it hurt.

“Ye Chen, right? You are so arrogant, just wait and see!”

“By the way, I can tell you that Tiantian and I have been together more than once. When you were still here, I had sex with her right under your nose!”

“Once you were drunk, we were by your bed…”

“It’s just that you, a waste, didn’t notice it!”

Ye Chen looked at Liu Tiantian, wishing he could kill the couple immediately.

In fact, there was no such thing, it was just Bai Jinghong’s nonsense.

But how could Ye Chen check such a thing?

The veins on Ye Chen’s forehead bulged.

He was the Dragon Lord, but he had been a cuckold for a long time!

Ye Chen could only say that he liked Liu Tiantian, and was a little touched, after all, she said that she would wait for him to be released from prison.

But when it comes to a man’s dignity, all of this is nonsense!

This time, he really wanted to kill him, and walked over step by step.

Bai Jinghong would naturally not let Ye Chen kill them now, keeping these two people would be of great use.

Ye Chen would definitely slap the other party in the face later, but with me here, he would not be able to slap him in the face, but would be slapped in the face because of my appearance.

At that time, the exchange points would be much more!

A burst of ridicule and contempt, coupled with the previous drama, had already pushed Ye Chen’s anger to the peak.

What Bai Jinghong had to do was to prevent him from venting his anger and hold it in.

So, Bai Jinghong took out his phone, switched to the recording mode, and walked directly to the door!

“Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Why are you beating up a young couple in broad daylight?”

“Are you robbing them?”

Because Bai Jinghong was wearing a mask, Ye Chen did not recognize him.

But when he saw Bai Jinghong holding up his phone to record, he knew that this was not the time to kill, and he had to – endure!

Ye Chen was furious, and the fire in his heart was not vented.

But he turned around decisively and walked out the door. When he reached the door, he turned his head and looked at the couple coldly.

The corners of his mouth curved again.

“The Wu family, there is no need to exist after today!”

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