The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

On the other side, Fang Hao and the Queen of Plum Blossoms had already run out of range and were hiding under a big tree.

There was only a faint light around them, and everything else was pitch black.

Fang Hao punched the tree, feeling grief-stricken.

He was used to seeing life and death, and when he was in the North, many of his brothers had died in front of him.

But death can be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

Death for a good cause and death for no reason are two different things.

“Ten of Hearts, it was my carelessness that hurt you, it was me who hurt you!” Fang Hao gritted his teeth.

Very unwilling.

But this is not the time to be sad, and you have to cheer up.

He really couldn’t imagine that Zhuo Qing was so cruel and terrible.

Could it be that all of Bai Jinghong’s women were such ruthless characters?

Fang Hao said to Meihua Q: “Leave this place first and make a long-term plan!”

As he said that, he walked forward.

But he saw Meihua Q sitting by the tree, motionless.

“Meihua Q!” Fang Hao shouted.

“Uh…” Meihua Q made a hoarse sound.

Fang Hao thought it was not good and rushed over.

He squatted beside Meihua Q.

With the weak light, he clearly saw that Meihua Q was stained with a lot of blood.

And the fatal point was that the side of Meihua Q’s neck was pierced by a bullet.

Being able to hold on to this side was already amazing perseverance.

Fang Hao was angry and raised his hand to cover his neck for him.

But the blood still gushed out uncontrollably.

“Hold on, I’ll stop the bleeding for you, I’ll treat you, just hold on!”

Fang Hao gritted his teeth, and the Qi in his hand turned into a needle, piercing the edge of Meihua Q’s neck.

Then he was about to carry Meihua Q on his back.

But Meihua Q held his hand and shook his head gently: “Young Master, it’s too late, I… I can’t hold on anymore.”

Just saying one sentence, it was as if he had used up all his strength, and a lot of blood gushed out of Meihua Q’s mouth.

There were also a lot of blood bubbles.

He was also shot in six places.

“Shut up, I’ll take you to get treatment. There’s no medicine here. If there is medicine, I can fight the King of Hell for people. Don’t forget, I’m Zhenbei Longshuai, the Ghost Hand Saint Doctor!”

The Queen of Clubs still refused: “It’s useless. A shot cut off my heart veins. I’ll be dead in a few minutes at most.”

“This time, it’s my fault. I came up with the idea and killed the 10 of Hearts… Don’t blame yourself.”

“Young Master, the Lord has ordered that if you encounter… encounter difficulties, go… find the Ace of Spades, Wanchao Media…”

The Queen of Clubs coughed and sprayed Fang Hao with blood.

“I know, don’t talk, I’ll take you away…” Fang Hao’s eyes were red.

Plum Blossom Q was still unwilling to leave, and held onto Fang Hao tightly, using all his strength: “Young Master, the last sentence is my selfish words. If possible, leave the imperial capital, stay away from Skynet, and don’t come back.”

“The master… has forgotten his original intention. He… his goal is not only to restore the Fang family…”

“You shouldn’t be a victim…”

“What do you mean?” Fang Hao frowned.

“Gene… technology…”

After saying the last four words, Plum Blossom Q opened his eyes and died.

Fang Hao took his pulse, and Plum Blossom Q was completely dead.

He raised his hand and gently closed Plum Blossom Q’s eyes.

The whole person’s aura was frighteningly cold.

Fang Hao slowly stood up and dug a hole directly on the spot.

Burying Plum Blossom Q in such a quiet place is also a good destination.

After doing everything, Fang Hao lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and inserted it on the soil dye.

There was no joy or anger on his face, he slowly stood up and was about to leave.

But when he walked over, he saw a sign that said “Setting fire to the mountain will result in life imprisonment!”

He hesitated for a moment, turned back, pulled out his cigarette butt, stomped it out, and then left.


A night passed.

No one knew what was happening here.

The next day Fang Hao had already gone to a certain nest.

Even if his men died, he still had to do what he had to do.

He couldn’t not participate in the martial arts conference.

Fang Hao didn’t sleep all night.

On the one hand, his men died, and on the other hand, he was wondering why the five masters arranged by his grandfather didn’t show up when he was in danger.

He even suspected that the five masters of Skynet were all dead.

When Fang Hao entered the scene, many people also saw him.

Now Fang Hao is very

Very famous.

Whenever someone shouts “Fang Hao…”

someone will involuntarily follow up with “You are an idiot!”

Without his two subordinates, Fang Hao also feels very uncomfortable.

There is no one to talk.

“Shua shua shua!”

Just when Fang Hao was still feeling lonely, reporters came.

A female reporter and another holding a camera, apparently to interview him.

“Mr. Fang, can I interview you about this selection?”

Fang Hao straightened his clothes and nodded.

This is also an opportunity, an opportunity to wash away the negative impression on the ring.

“Mr. Fang, many people have said that you are a commercial spy for your heavy advertising on the stage.”

“Those groups that you advertised to have sued you. Do you have anything to say about this?”

Fang Hao was choked up instantly: “I need to clarify this point.”

“If I say those ads were not my original intention, would you believe it?”

“This…” The reporter was speechless.

Damn, who would believe such nonsense?

The reporter smiled: “Mr. Fang, the rumors about you are very unfavorable to you. What do you think?”

“What rumors?” Fang Hao himself didn’t know.

The reporter said slowly: “Literature can relieve pain and cure hemorrhoids, martial arts can cook delicious dishes, add some chicken essence, some urine, and some tasting for a good taste!”

“So the outside world uses this sentence to say that you secretly eat tasting…”

“Are you reporters? I have reason to suspect that you are not reporters. You are attacking me personally and slandering me!”

Fang Hao was very angry and wanted to get angry.

But he was not strict: “I’m showing my cards. I am a commercial spy. What’s wrong? I didn’t say it all last time, so I’ll make it up.”

“Choose Yuting for emergency contraception, giving birth to smarter children, super strong heart dynamic and stylish, and height is as high as Guo Jingming!”



Fang Hao was dumbfounded when facing the camera.

He turned his head suddenly and looked around.

Bai Jinghong, Bai Jinghong is here, it must be Bai Jinghong!

This is definitely Bai Jinghong’s trick.

In fact, he was not wrong. In the upper position, Bai Jinghong was looking at him with a smile.

But the reporter was different. He quickly said to the camera: “Face him, face him!”

“Attention, audience friends. Mr. Fang Hao loves to fart. His farts can split mountains and crack the earth, and one fart can jump out of the Milky Way.”

“How dare you slander me!” Fang Hao suddenly grabbed the reporter.

The reporter was shocked. She didn’t know why she said that.

But Fang Hao also knew that the impact could not be greater, so he could only hold back his anger and let go.

“I hope you don’t spread rumors. I, Fang Hao, am upright and upright. If I am upright, I am not afraid of my shadow.”

“If you are spreading rumors, then…”

“Let me be patient…”

The reporter covered his mouth and ran away: “This is a person who is upright and is not afraid of his shadow. Shameless…”

Fang Hao was a little desperate. He was still looking for Bai Jinghong.

Although he didn’t understand what Bai Jinghong did, it was definitely Bai Jinghong’s trick.

When the two people’s eyes met, Fang Hao clenched his fists.

Bai Jinghong actually waved and greeted him as if nothing had happened.

Isn’t this a naked provocation?

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