In the lower right corner there is a mall icon, gray and a lock.

Meng Yuan tried to click on it, and a line of words popped up:

The host has not reached the opening conditions for the time being, please keep up the good work! When the villain value reaches 1000, it is automatically turned on.

Not unlocked...?

His villain value at this time is only 20, which is still early to open the conditions, and at this stage, he still accumulates villain value and brushes experience upgrades.

According to the plot trend of the novel, Ye Weiwei still has a few days to arrive in the magic capital, which also gives him time to lay out in advance.

Destroy Ye Xuan's chance and rob him of his qi luck value.

Of course, Meng Yuan would not brainlessly confront him, and he would not act rashly before he was absolutely sure, after all, Ye Yuan's qi luck value was still so high.

Even if he sets up an ambush on ten sides, he will be killed; Even if a bullet pierces his heart and falls off a cliff; Even if he is dying, he only has his last breath left....

They don't have to die.

If it is not good, there will be a goddess doctor who went up the mountain to collect medicine to save his life, and then, naturally, an earth-shattering, tear-jerking love story happened.

Beauty saves heroes.


Do you think I'm such a nice person?!

Adult beauty has nothing to do with me!

I am not a moon elder, nor am I Cupid, how can I give him such an opportunity.

Moreover, Meng Yuan thought more deeply, if Ye Fanwei did not die, and Shun Vine found out about his head, wouldn't this cause trouble.

That's how the original owner died....

He didn't want to follow the old path of the original owner, so he started from Ye Xianwei's side and slowly consumed his qi luck value.

Ye Extraordinary has four powerful subordinates, known as the "Four Great Battle Generals", who followed Ye Extraordinary to birth and death, and repeatedly achieved battle merits.

It can be said that Ye Xuanwei's achievements today are inseparable from the contributions of these four people.

Meng Yuan thought of destroying these four people first, and first cut off one of Ye Xuan's arms.

A burly bodyguard walked into the door, 1.9 meters tall, with a straight posture and steady steps.

This man's name is Niu Dazhuang, a retired soldier of the special forces, and he is Meng Yuan's personal bodyguard and driver, "Young Master, what are your orders for calling me here?" "

If there is a cigarette, give me a cigarette first."

The corner of Niu Dazhuang's mouth twitched twice, and then handed over a hibiscus king, "Bad smoke, I'm afraid that the young master won't get used to smoking." "


Yuan spat out a smoke ring, a familiar taste, a feeling that had been lost for a long time.

"Da Zhuang, give you a task, you go and investigate the intelligence of these four people clearly, I want to detail..."

Niu Da Zhuang nodded frequently, "Okay, young master, I know!" At

this time, a slight knock came on the door, and the old housekeeper walked in, "Young master, Miss Wan'er is here, in the hall, the master asked me to call you."

"Okay, I'll come right away, Da Zhuang, let's go to work."

Meng Yuan got up and left the study and walked towards the living room.

Li Qingwan is the fiancée of the original owner, Fang age 22 years old, the two are engaged to a doll, the Li family is also one of the four major families in the magic capital, and the marriage between the two is a strong union.

The elders on both sides are optimistic about their pair of biren, golden boy and jade girl, and the door is in charge.

Through the memory of the original owner, Meng Yuan was surprised to find that the original owner was afraid of this fiancée, and he was more intimidated in front of her, not like a man.

Li Qingwan has never looked at the original owner squarely, and she looks down on this waste from the bottom of her heart.

She is one of the heroines of the novel and the biggest villain boss.

Not only are people beautiful, but their IQ and EQ are also super high, and they are very scheming.

In terms of doing things, she is even more ruthless, decisive in killing, and has the title of "female Zhuge ".

She is also very ambitious, and she wants the inheritance of the Li family and pockets the Li family.

I only hate myself for being a daughter, and I am not eligible to inherit.

Marrying into the Meng family became a tool for marriage, this is her fate.

The dowry is richer, but compared with Li Jianuo's big family business, it is a hair on Jiuniu.

Water spilled by a married daughter.

She was unwilling and was kicked out just like that.

But Li Qingwan is smart and smart here, good at hiding and disguising herself from outsiders.

Only Meng Yuan knew her plan, this was a femme fatale.

However, it also made him interested and wanted to play with Li Qingwan and challenge the high difficulty.

Because it is difficult to be fun, it is possible to conquer this kind of beauty to highlight the charm of men.

In the past few years, Li Qingwan has been secretly arranging, cultivating her own forces, planting eyeliner in the Li family, and she knows all the big and small things that happened in the Li family.

After meeting Ye Xuan, he even used him to achieve his own goals.

Ye Weiwei was tricked by her and willingly helped her.

The two have always maintained a close relationship.

Until the later part of the novel, after Ye Weiwei learned the whole truth, he still chose to forgive Li Qingwan and wanted to include her in the harem.

Li Qingwan naturally did not agree, at that time she was already the head of the Li family and the queen of the power side.

If he had agreed to Ye Fanfan, his layout for so many years and the status he had worked hard to exchange, wouldn't he have made a wedding dress for Ye Fanfan?

And she is also one of the few heroines who has not been included in the harem by Ye Fanfan.

Let's get back to business.

According to the marriage contract, the original owner and Li Qingwan agreed to hold the wedding after becoming an adult, and the marriage certificate would wait until the legal age to obtain it.

This is the common meaning of Meng and Li.

The original owner also wanted to hold the beauty back for a long time, but Li Qingwan found various reasons to delay again and again, and it has been delayed until now without results.

So the two are still fiancées.

In the luxurious living room, a Qianli woman came with a gift, with a smile on her face:

"Grandpa Meng, uncle and aunt, Wan'er came to see you~"

On the sofa sat a gray-haired old man and a middle-aged couple, it was Meng Jianye and Meng Yuan's parents.

The three of them are quite satisfied with Li Qingwan, the future granddaughter-in-law (daughter-in-law), who knows how to read and is very good.

Meng Jianye laughed, "Wan'er is here, you have this heart, I am very happy as an old man, don't bring something next time, we will receive the heart." The

middle-aged woman echoed: "Yes, Wan'er, come here, and take something~" "

Heehee, you can't come empty-handed." Grandpa Meng, this is for you. Aunt, this is a SK-II skincare product for you. Uncle, this is the latest West Lake Longjing tea on the market this year.

Li Qingwan took out deer antler velvet, bird's nest, cordyceps, a set of exquisite skin care gift boxes, and a box of beautifully packaged green tea.

Just by looking at the packaging, you can tell that it is worth a lot.

Meng Jianye smiled even more happily, "Okay, good, Wan'er has a heart, sit down." The

middle-aged woman took Li Wan'er's little hand and sat down, "Wan'er, you are not too old, when are you going to marry us far away, we are all waiting for you to pass the door~

" "Haha, aunt, we are still young, this matter is not urgent..."

A maid held a cup of tea and placed it respectfully in front of her, "Miss Wan'er, please use tea."

"Okay, thanks!"

She replied politely, sipping the tea gracefully.

Father Meng's voice came from beside him: "Wan'er, I haven't come to see us for a long time, what have you been busy with recently."

"Uncle, I've been plagued with trivial matters lately, and I haven't had time, isn't it, I'll come to see you after I'm busy."

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