Cao Xueqin was slightly surprised when she learned that the deceased was Liu Wei's family, and the police's characteristic keen sense of smell told her that this was not an ordinary vendetta case.

It is related to the Zheng Kai case, after all, the two sides have made unpleasant things.

No matter how deeply he analyzed the case, Liu Wei had a good relationship with Meng Yuan...

Perhaps some useful clues could be found from Meng Yuan's mouth, and the spearhead pointed to Meng Yuan again.

Suddenly, she suddenly thought of Zheng Juan, and she didn't know how the other party was now, so she called Zheng Juan's phone.

A crisp and pleasant female voice came from the other end:

"Officer Cao, is there something wrong with me?"

Cao Xueqin immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Zheng Juan, if you're okay, I couldn't find you that day, and I couldn't get through to your phone." "

Uh-huh, thank you Officer Cao for your concern, I'm fine, there are bad people who want to kidnap me, I escaped, and I can't find my mobile phone, so I didn't tell you in time, making you worry."

"Pay more attention to your own safety, you are still in danger now, don't take it lightly."

Cao Xueqin chatted a few words, and then cut to the topic, "By the way, Zheng Juan, do you know, last night Liu Wei's family had an accident, this person went to your brother's tavern to make trouble." Zheng

Juan naturally knew this, Ye Weiwei told her everything, but there was no need to tell the truth with the police.

"Officer Cao, I don't know, what happened?"

"Oh, it's okay, if you don't know, forget it, then let's do it first, I still have something to hang up."

Cao Xueqin saw that she couldn't ask anything, so she didn't say more and hung up the phone.

At this time, there were patrol security guards lying on the ground.

She put on white gloves to check the cause of death of this group of people, and there were various ways to die, which opened her eyes.

More importantly, these people are all killed with one blow, which shows the ruthlessness of the murderer and is very professional!

Several other criminal police officers searched for clues and took photos to collect evidence.

After the inspection outside, Cao Xueqin led his men into the house, it was a mess, things were burned to pieces, a thick layer of ash was piled on the ground, step by step.

Going upstairs up the stairs, three mummies burned to black charcoal were found....

The criminal police were completely dumbfounded, this look was miserable.

After collecting clues, the group left the house and got into a police car towards the Meng family.


Meng family, maid's room.

Lin Sisi took off her old clothes, changed into a brand new maid outfit, and looked in front of the mirror.

When she changed into new clothes, she looked more tasteful, full of youthful girlish atmosphere.

As soon as she went out, she met Meng Yuan, so frightened that she quickly bowed her head and greeted:

"Young Master Meng is good!"

Meng Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, very good and excellent! Proper otaku killer!

You know, the maid is the object of otaku fantasy.

"Isn't it tomorrow to work? Why is it now wearing a maid outfit?

Lin Sisi blushed, the word "maid" was indeed a little embarrassing.

"I'm okay now, let's get used to work first."

Meng Yuan looked at her with interest, "Very good, good, good."

This made Lin Sisi feel even more ashamed, looking embarrassed

and overwhelmed, "Young Master Meng, I have nothing else to do~" Meng Yuan looked at his fair back, this pretty look, Gee~

At this time, the old housekeeper came over, "Young Master, are you looking for me?"

"Old butler, I'm going to have a party, you go and prepare, buy more drinks and drinks."

He commanded.

"Okay young master, I'll go now."

The old butler went out with two bodyguards and returned not long after, box after box of wine and food on the ground.

"Young Master, I bought it all according to your orders, if it is not enough, I will buy it again."

Meng Yuan glanced around, there was everything from white wine and red wine juice, as well as dishes such as cooked marinated vegetables.

He nodded, "Let's do this first, take half and give it to the brothers outside, they also work such a hot day." The other half is yours, tell the servants to rest. "

The so-called party is to have fun together and celebrate together.

The old butler took the order and took half of the wine water for the bodyguards who were holding their posts outside, while the other half remained in the living room.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Lin Sisi was cleaning up the room when he heard Ma Yan's voice outside the door:

"Everyone stop first, put down the work in hand, go to the living room to gather, the old housekeeper has something to say."

At this time, more than 10 servants gathered in the corridor, surrounding Ma Yan, she also stepped forward and asked curiously:

"Sister Yan, what's going on?"

"Good thing! Dinners, parties! Xiao Lin, you are so lucky, you can just come today and have a big meal! Let's come with me. A

group of people, led by Ma Yan, went downstairs to the living room.

Lin Sisi saw a pile of drinks and food on the ground, coconut water, milk, beer, and marinated cake.

The maids stood neatly and orderly, while the old housekeeper stood at the front and spoke:

"The young master is considerate of our hard work, buy something today to treat everyone, and take a half-day off to rest."

Next, the old butler divided the things equally, while the maids sat in several circles, eating and drinking, laughing and playing on the ground.

Lin Sisi drank a sip of iced milk, and suddenly felt a deep coldness, and it was very happy.

On such a hot day, she sweated again at work, which had long made her hot and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, she liked it a lot, everyone got along and there were parties, it was good.

At the time of the rise, there were also maids performing talents, singing and dancing, and laughter.

In fact, Lin Sisi also likes to sing and dance, but it is still a little low-key here, after all, the newcomer is too popular and is easy to be jealous.

Just silently clap your hands below.

In the open space outside the door, the bodyguards sat on the ground in groups of threes and twos, drinking wine and chatting about the sky.

At this time, several policemen appeared in the distance, and they immediately put down their wine glasses and surrounded them in all directions.

These policemen have also been seen, and their familiar faces are none other than Cao Xueqin and others.

"Yo, comrade police, what's the matter with this time?"

The smell of alcohol made Cao Xueqin frown, and a young policeman sneered: "The bodyguard drinks? It's really dedicated!

When the bodyguards heard this, they laughed: "How? Is it illegal for bodyguards to drink? Which one was committed?

"We, Young Master Meng, are you sorry for our hard work and invite us to drink, which is hindering your business?" Is it that no one invites you to hate it? "

Feitian Maotai, 3,000 a bottle, worth half a month's salary, you haven't drunk it yet, have you?" How many bottles do I have leftover, you take home and taste them? "


A sneer also made the criminal police angry, Cao Xueqin stopped his subordinates in time, and said calmly:

"I have something to do with your Young Master Meng, trouble to inform and make way!"

The group of bodyguards gave way with a look of indifference, "The young master is at home, do you want to come and have a drink?" This is a rare opportunity, after this village there is no such shop. Then

came another burst of laughter.

Cao Xueqin ignored their provocation and led his men into the gate, but the next scene surprised them.

The servants also sat on the ground eating and drinking, and several police officers looked at each other.

The old butler stood up and asked politely, "Do you have anything to do?"

Cao Xueqin replied politely, "I have something to do with your Young Master Meng, may I ask where he is?"

"Upstairs in the study, you guys wait a minute."

The old housekeeper ordered a maid to go upstairs, and after a while, Meng Yuan went downstairs, saw Cao Xueqin's group, and greeted him with a smile:

"Officer Cao, is something wrong?"

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