Meng Yuan picked up the envelope, and there were only five brush words of the dragon flying phoenix dance on the cover: Meng

Family Master Qi!

Inside the envelope was a piece of paper and a photograph of a young man with his hands tied behind his back, kneeling on the ground with a white cloth stuffed in his mouth.

This person was Meng Yuan's cousin, Meng Jun.

There are only a few lines on the stationery, which roughly means that they should prepare 10 billion in cash to send within five days, and the money will be released, and the money will not be collected from the corpse.

The bandits kidnapped a total of more than 10 hostages from several major families, but they were all collateral children, not Meng Yuan and Tang Pingan.

And what Meng Jianye was worried about was that the bandits would come to the children of the concubine next time, so he advised Meng Yuan to keep a low profile and put safety first.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do now? Take money to ransom someone? Meng Yuan asked.

Meng Jianye smiled, "I'm waiting for their news, to see what they say, to pay everyone to pay together, to save people and act together." "

In fact, this 10 billion is really not a big problem for several major families, just want to think about it, there is no need for problems.

After all, let the bandits taste the sweetness, use them as cash machines, and next time they come out like this, it will be boring.

The major families naturally did not want to be played between the palms of their hands.

It didn't take long for the news to come, and Meng Jianye met to discuss it in detail.

Meng Jianye called Meng Yuan as well, after all, he was the future heir of the Meng family, and it was time to slowly let go of power.

The three immediately left the Meng family, while Meng Yuan's mother stayed at home, and this occasion was a discussion between men, and had nothing to do with her as a woman.


Huazun Private Club.

This is an upscale private club for high-class people to discuss important matters, including local tycoons, political celebrities, entertainment industry celebrities and so on.

Being able to become a member of this club also has a certain social status.

Meng Yuan knew about this clubhouse, but he was not a member, on the one hand, he was not qualified enough, and on the other hand, he did not need it.

This is a place to talk about business, and it's not a bar, and there is no miss, so it's useful to run a member here?

He followed Meng Jianye and Meng's father to an empty square.

Directly in front of it is a palace in the shape of Buckingham Palace, with milky white walls and spires.

There is a small man-made fountain in the center of the square, which at this time gushes with water.

At the gate stood four straight, white-uniformed security guards who reached out to block their way.

"Hello! Show your membership card! The

security guards didn't know them, after all, Meng Jianye rarely came to this kind of place, and Meng Yuan's father didn't come often.

Just like the rich never go to the slums, lose their status.

Father Meng took out the all-over golden membership card, which was made of pure gold, and the cool appearance design was full of frames.

The face of the card is printed with the words "Huazun Private Club", as well as a panorama of the clubhouse, and a string of numbers printed in the lower right corner: NO:00008.

The security guard hurriedly gave way and said, "Three inside, please!"

Meng Yuan walked into the gate and was greeted by a resplendent hall, luxurious and magnificent, with a large crystal chandelier above his head.

Along the way, there were almost no people, only a few staff members passing by.

That's why it's extra quiet and you don't have to worry about anyone disturbing you.

A burly middle-aged man approached him, he was the hall manager of the clubhouse, and at this time he smiled and groveled: "

Elder Meng, it is far from welcome to come here!" You deign to come here, Peng Xingxuan ~ Please follow me, they are waiting for you. "

Huazun Private Club is not for the purpose of making money, but to provide a quiet business environment for celebrities.

Of course, the service is not free, and millions of membership fees are charged every year.

The upper class people don't care about this little money, the picture is a clean.

Therefore, the daily passenger flow of the clubhouse is very small, to what extent, the guests are not as many staff.

Therefore, most celebrities would rather pay high membership fees and spend money on a clean.

Passing through the hall, in front of it is a long corridor with a red carpet and various paintings on the walls on both sides.

Meng Yuan was not familiar with foreign oil paintings, but only knew a few of the most famous.

Monet's "Sunrise", Van Gogh's "The Scream", Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa's Smile".

He just doesn't know if these are genuine or high imitations.

The hall manager led them to a closed door, "Elder Meng, please inside, I will retire first, and you can order me at any time if you have something."

With that, he turned and left.

In the spacious and bright room, a group of people gathered, both men and women, young and old, and Meng Yuan unexpectedly saw Li Qingwan and Tang Bao.

What are they doing here...?

It stands to reason that there is no woman's business on this occasion.

However, it is not a big problem, and it is understandable that the elders bring the younger ones to meet the world.

On both sides of the room, there were several Taishi chairs, the older generation of the old people sitting on the chairs, and the younger generation standing honestly behind them.

Several old men saw Meng Jianye coming and greeted, "Old man Meng, come and discuss a solution with you."

Meng Jianye sat on the chair, "What do you say?" Pay money or solve it by force?

Meng Yuan stood behind him, and Tang Pingan on the opposite side blinked sharply at him, and he also nodded lightly.

On this occasion, there is no part of their junior to speak, otherwise they will be considered to be ignorant of etiquette and lose the face of the family.

All they have to do is shut up and listen carefully.

Elder Li took the words, "Old man Meng, you have money, we don't have money, don't complicate simple things." This

sentence is already obvious, can do it without beeping.

"Have you found out where the hostages are being held?" How many bandits are there and how are the weapons and equipment?

"The location was found, on an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, the number of people is unknown, the group is a foreign terrorist organization, looking for us to buy equipment."

"Hmph, who in the country dares to do this?! It's definitely a foreigner!

"When the time comes, find the police to help us rescue the hostages, and we can't let them watch the play."

"Simply send an army to surround and suppress, dare to hit us in the head, let them know the consequences!"

"The army can't use it, this is not a war, what to do in such a big battle."

Several old men talked about it, basically settled on this matter, and then there was a specific combat plan and planned deployment.

Meng Yuan bent down and whispered in Meng Jianye's ear: "Grandpa, I want to participate in this operation and experience it."

Meng Jianye chuckled, suddenly startled, "What are you making fun of, fooling around!" That's a battlefield, not a joke!

Several old men looked at him with interest, "Old man Meng, could it be that this kid of your family wants to go to battle?" Be bold!

"Meng family boy, what the hell do you think? If you want to play, you don't go to that kind of place to play, and you are still the only seedling of the Meng family, if something happens, what will your family do?

"We can understand that young people want to experience it, but this operation is very dangerous, and the enemy is not good."

Tang Pingan was also anxious, "Far less, don't be impulsive, this is not a joke!" Take your life to play?

His grandfather glared at him fiercely, looking like he hated iron but not steel, "Look at people and look at yourself!" This little bit of courage is not enough, what a big thing can be achieved! All day long, I know what to take to inherit the family business in the future! "

Sooner or later, the Tang family will be ruined by you!"

Tang Pingan was scolded so much that he lowered his head and did not dare to squeak.

Meng Yuan smiled, "An Shao, how to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, the flowers in the greenhouse are very fragile and can't withstand the wind and rain." You don't have to worry, I dare to go naturally and be sure to come back alive.

Then he lowered his head and said sincerely: "Grandpa, I have made up my mind, and you don't have to worry."

Meng Jianye smiled gratifyingly, because the child grew up and became sensible, and at the same time he couldn't help but worry for a while, if something really happened...

"Yuan'er, you can do it if you have this heart, if you want to experience more opportunities after training, there is no need to be now."

Meng Yuan said again: "I have made up my mind!" "

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