Although Long Xiyao can make everyone arrive at the destination in an instant, since he is out for a tour, he should have a good experience, and looking at Mai Ye, it seems that he has not seen the scenery outside the academy city for a long time. After getting on the bus, he basically They didn't say much, just looked out the window slightly absent-minded, and Index seemed very lively and was looking forward to this trip.

The beach that Touma mentioned was not too far from the academy city. After driving for about three hours, the sky and the sea in the distance could be seen through the car window.

Feeling that the temperature inside the car was a little too high, Long Xiyue opened the car window and looked at the sea outside. The wind mixed with seafood blew in, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"Wow, Hai Ya!" Index sighed loudly, sticking his head out of the window.

"Dangerous!" Touma quickly stabilized Index's shaky body, pushed her back into the seat, and scolded, "It's dangerous, you know? Don't lean out of the car when driving."

"What's the matter~" Index said dissatisfiedly, then stared at the scenery outside the window with a sullen breath, ignoring the numbness.

"You don't need to worry about such small things. Speaking of which, although it is inexplicable, it is not bad to be able to travel. Although life has been colorful recently, it is very tired. It is good to have a leisurely day." Infected by Index, a relaxed expression appeared on Long Xikey's face, and Touma smiled slightly when he looked at the scenery outside the window.

"That's right, since the summer vacation, we seem to be in constant trouble." Touma looked at Index, who was beside him, and chuckled, "I just didn't expect Index to have a legal ID and pass the security check."

Long Xikey couldn't help laughing when he heard it, but he didn't expect that when the computer looked up the information of Index, there was a photo of Index holding a green onion cosplay tossing Lady Onion.Index also said that he did not know when the photo was taken, and it was estimated that it was the product of consultation between the magical side and the scientific side.In short, Index seems to have been considered by the Anglican Church to be kept at Touma, so she even got her ID card together.

"Hey, Xikey, who is she?" Speaking of Index's identity, Touma's curiosity was also aroused, and he approached Long Xikey and asked in a low voice. Mai Ye Shenli, who hasn't spoken much since getting in the car.

"Mai Ye, she is a new member of our organization. She is the fourth Level 5 capable person in the academy city."

"Ranked fourth!? That's not a middle school girl from Biefang..." Saying this was Touma's subconscious reaction.

"What did you say!?"

Before Touma's words were finished, Mai Ye Shenli, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head in disgust and looked at Touma with a fierce face. Although Touma spoke in a low voice just now, he was still heard by Mai Ye Shenli. Hearing Touma mentioning the ranking and Misaka Mikoto, Shirley Maino naturally couldn't hold back his breath.


Touma was startled by Mai Ye Shenli's grim expression, and sat there not knowing how to answer.

"Mai Ye, that's just a ranking, it doesn't represent strength." Long Xiyue naturally knew what Mai Ye cared about, and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, "Then you think I should be ranked first. What's the location?"


Hearing what Long Xiyao said, Mai Ye Shenli immediately reacted. He could easily defeat Accelerator, the guy ranked No. 1 in the Metropolitan College. Rankings can't explain everything at all. It's just a mere number.

Mai Ye's expression became soothing, who wanted to understand, and without looking at Touma, he turned around to enjoy the scenery outside the window.

Seeing Mai Ye Shenli taking back his gaze, Toma breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh... just now... her eyes were so scary..." Thinking back to the scene just now, Toma said with lingering fears, but this time his voice was much lower. .

"Hehe, don't mind, her temper is a little bit bad..." Long Xiyue comforted Touma, but at this time he suddenly realized that although Mai Ye Shenli was staring at the seascape in the distance, he pricked up his ears and his body He also leaned back slightly...

This kind of action is obviously because the conversation between him and Touma has caught her attention, and this time he wants to hear more about his impression of her. Long Xiyao didn't expect Mai Ye to have such a side, but he still As if he didn't notice it, he continued: "Actually Mai Ye is very gentle, and I recently planned to pursue her as my girlfriend..."

"Girlfriend!?" Touma was obviously taken aback, and then he said helplessly: "Please, Xi Key, you have said this kind of thing many times..." Touma waved his hand, feeling very inexperienced.

Dangma is almost numb to these three words. Every time he sees a new girl around Long Xikey, he basically introduces him to Dangma's inquiries. For his friend who has so many girlfriends, Dangma It's been incredible from the beginning, and now it's not surprising...

Mai Ye Shenli's reaction was different when he heard this. Although he didn't say anything, his face was a little crimson, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved. He seemed to be in a good mood?What she didn't know was that at this time her expression had been clearly seen by Long Xikey through the rearview mirror in front of her. Regarding Mai Ye's reaction, Long Xikey just chuckled lightly, and then started chatting with Touma. .

The topics of small talk were all made up by the two of them. Occasionally, Index next to him could put in a sentence or two. Although they were all irrelevant topics, it was enough to pass the boring time.

Four people came to a hot spring hotel, which is the biggest feature of this trip.During the day, you can go to the beach to enjoy the sea bath to the fullest, and come back at night to take a bath in the hot spring.Due to the relationship with Kamijou's father, only a few Long Xikey arrived, so the room was arranged.

When Ma also explained later, Long Xikey didn't care about it.

Looking at Kamijou's father, Kamijou Daoye, who was about thirty-five years old, with a face similar to Touma, and with a short beard, Long Xiyao politely said, "My name is Long Xiyao..."

"This is my girlfriend, Maiye Shenli." As for Maiye Shenli, Long Xiyue introduced her decisively and held her hand at the same time.

And Mai Ye Shenli didn't know how to react at all under such an introduction, he could only nodded slightly, and the hand held by Long Xikey also symbolically resisted, but such an intimate little gesture could only It makes everyone think that the relationship between the two is real.

"Haha!! Are you Touma's friend? You're welcome! You're welcome!"

Then Kamijou Toya turned his eyes to the side of Mai Ye Shenri, who was blushing because of Long Xikey's introduction, "A very shy girlfriend, hehe, I just don't know when our family Touma can find a girlfriend..." Speaking At the same time, Kamijou Toya couldn't help but turn his gaze to Index, who was beside Touma, with a deep meaning in his eyes.

"Oh, what a polite child."

"Is this Touma's mother? Hello..."

Under the introduction of Touma, Long Xikey got to know Touma's mother Kamijou Shicai and his cousin Otaki one after another.After getting acquainted with each other, at the urging of Index who couldn't wait, the group finally put on their swimsuits and ran to the sea.

Plug in the sunshade and spread a blue towel on the beach, Long Xiyue simply lay on it, and Toma next to him did the same.Although he likes the sea very much, Long Xiyao doesn't like going to the sea very much. It's not that he can't swim, but he just doesn't want to.

The same is true for Touma. First, he didn't want to, and second, he felt that the sunlight outside the parasol was too strong. Both of them were people who didn't like going into the water, so they simply got together and chatted.

"Dong Ma! Let's go to the beach to play with water~, Xi Key, you come too!" But before we could chat a few words, Index's cheerful voice sounded, and she rushed over with Guota's swimming ring in her arms. .

"...Forget it, I just got off the bus and felt a little tired. Let's rest here first, Index, go play first..."

Looking at the strong sunlight outside, Dangma decisively rejected Index, and Long Xikey, who was on the side, saw that Dangma had already thought of an excuse, and nodded.

The next two people lay naked under the parasol, tilted their heads slightly, panned their eyes, and what Long Xikey saw was... the beach, the ocean, and a big fight with a girl in a swimsuit.I have to say that the quality of the beauties on the beach at this time is super high.When Ma felt that her eyes didn't know where to look, there were sexy big sisters in swimsuits everywhere.

Looking at the sea and the beauties in swimsuits playing on the beach, Long Xiyao just glanced at it, that's not what he wanted to see... He suddenly remembered that Mai Ye was going to change his swimsuit?Why hasn't it come out for so long...

Thinking of Maiye Shenli's beautiful figure, Long Xikey is a little bit looking forward to Maiye Shenli after wearing a swimsuit... As for Index's completely undeveloped figure, Long Xiyao has no interest at all, so The figure can only attract Touma...

Just when Long Xiyue was considering whether to go and have a look, Index, who was wearing a lavender one-piece swimsuit, trotted to Touma's side, with her hands behind her back, she said softly, "Tangma~ this time I will I found a kawaii hat, so I want to give it to Touma~”

And seeing Index wearing such a cute swimsuit, and her hair dripping with crystal water dripping wet in the sun, Touma was really confused, and didn't listen to a word Index said. Going in, only subconsciously agreed with some blushing.Index immediately took out a red "hat" hidden behind her hands and put it on Touma's head.

"Ah ah ah! This is a jellyfish! Unfortunately ah ah ah!"

Once again, Touma's voice resounded through the sky.Long Xikey, who was thinking about the problem, was startled by the sudden scream.Looking at the tragic Toma, Long Xikey sighed, no matter where he is, he is so unlucky.

Chapter [-]

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