023 Gu Changjun’s reputation! The Longmen Hall Master kneels and licks

Gu Changjun sat in the back seat and looked at the crowd not far away, his eyes deep.

And the reason for coming here.

It is because the group wants to develop this area and turn it into a tourist attraction.

Now, but half a month has passed, and there is no progress.

He decided to come and inspect the work.

As I passed this area, I happened to see a crowd full of people.

If it had been in the past, he would definitely ignore it.

He understands the habit of people in Kyushu who love to watch the excitement. He can watch even small things and discuss them for several days.

Just when he was about to leave, he unexpectedly saw the people of Longmen in the crowd.

This has to be seen.


Through the gap in the crowd, Gu Changjun saw the innermost Lin Tian and couldn’t help but raise his brow.

Then there was such a look on his face.

I saw a rich golden light hanging over Lin Tian’s head.

Surprisingly-the protagonist’s capital.

His eyes flashed, and an attribute panel appeared in front of him.

[Character]: Lin Tian

[Identity]: Rebirth (son of luck)

[Charm]: 75 (full value 100)

[Strength]: Darkness peak

[Gold Finger]: None


Withdrawing his mind, his eyes fell behind Lin Tian, ​​and a pair of mother and daughter came into view.


He raised his brow, and he knew both of them.

One is Luo Qingwu who interviewed this morning.

The other one was the nanny of his family, Lorraine.

Unexpectedly, the two were actually mother and daughter.

Looking at the scene before him, Gu Changjun couldn’t help thinking.

This is the classic trick of pretending to be slapped.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Changjun smiled.

Now that I have encountered it, I have to take care of it.

How to say it again-

The mother and daughter are now his.

Oh no………his staff.

“Get out of the car and have a look.”

Thinking of this, Gu Changjun spoke ruthlessly to the front.


Replied mercilessly, and after getting out of the car, he opened the door for him.

At this time, the eyes of the onlookers fell on the group of people in the center, and did not pay attention to the arrival of Gu Changjun.

at this time–

The atmosphere has become tense.

“Good boy, there is a kind, Laozi hasn’t seen someone as crazy as you in a long time…”

Jiang Ye raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, but it seemed a bit cold to anyone.

“Jiang Ye…”

Just when the atmosphere was extremely suppressed and about to explode, a faint voice sounded.


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly stagnated and became a little weird.

You know, Jiang Ye is now the hall master of Longmen, where is he not respected?

Even the bosses of big companies should call them Boss Jiang.

People on the road saw him respectfully calling him Jiang Ge.

Who on earth dared to call Jiang Ye’s name?


One after another, he looked into the crowd.

Perceiving these unsatisfactory gazes, the crowd turned aside one after another.

Gu Changjun and the ruthless figure were exposed to the crowd.

Gu Changjun has a refined face and a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, which is like a spring breeze.

The ruthless expression on his side makes people afraid to approach.

But Jiang Ye, who heard that voice, was stunned at this time.

He was so familiar with the voice.

Turning his head slowly, the familiar figure came into view.

“Gu Gongzi………”

His face changed, he put a flattering smile on his face, and greeted him.


Seeing Jiang Ye’s performance like this, everyone was shocked.

Who is this handsome son?

The Longmen generation hall master who unexpectedly nodded and bowed at him.

“I…I know who he is…The young and old from the Gu family, created the legendary figure of the Tiandi Group with one hand.”

“Hiss……no wonder the temperament is so extraordinary, so that the Longmen Hall Master treats it respectfully. It turns out that it is him…”

“I’ve heard the rumors about him a long time ago, but I didn’t expect to see a real person here today. He is even more handsome than on TV…”

“Now we are saved. President Gu is notoriously helpful, and he doesn’t have to be squeezed by the real estate agent anymore.”


Someone recognized Gu Changjun and made a noise for a while.

One thing they said was wrong.

Jiang Ye respects Gu Changjun so much.

It is not because of his identity as the president of Tiandi Group.

As for saying that he is known to be helpful?

This is a bit nonsense.

In the past, in order to improve fame, it was inevitable to do some charity, but it was just self-directed and self-acted.

Of course–

This is the result Gu Changjun wanted.

Very good disguise.

“what happened?”

Looking at Jiang Ye, Gu Changjun frowned slightly.

“Is such that………”

Jiang Ye explained.

In fact, he didn’t figure out what happened.

Hearing that someone dared to bully him, and Lin Tian was disrespectful to Longmen, he rushed over.

“That is to say… You didn’t figure out what happened, so just bring someone here…”

Gu Changjun’s eyes were flat and his words were quiet.


Jiang Ye couldn’t help but see cold sweat on his forehead.

He knows the tricks of this young man.

If you irritate the other person, death is an extravagant hope.

He was nervous in his heart, but he hated that group of gangsters to death.

Glancing at him lightly, Gu Changjun looked at Luo Qingwu mother and daughter and walked over……..

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. .

Ask for flowers, ask for votes, kneel for all support!

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. .*

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