Villain: Many children bring blessings, the heroines are broken

Chapter 24 Let the bullets fly for a while! They are just chess pieces.


[Ding... Lin Hao's mentality exploded, villain value +888......]

[Ding... Lin Hao doubted his life, villain value +999......]

On the other side——

Xu Liang looked at a video in front of him with a faint smile on his face.

The video played the scenes that happened in Baicaotang.

As the initiator of everything, he certainly would not miss this interesting scene.

He asked someone to poison the people sent by Heping Hospital, and then he arranged for someone to go in with a pinhole camera to wait and see...

Although he had guessed such a situation, it was still quite interesting to see it with his own eyes.

Soon, there was a commotion in the video.

He raised his eyebrows and saw that it turned out to be a group of reporters who broke into Baicaotang.

They seemed to have been prepared, and they set up long guns and short guns and started shouting.

"I heard that someone died in Baicaotang. Is this true?"

"What disease did the patient have? Baicaotang can't cure it. Does it mean that Chinese medicine is not good?"

"Manager Chen... When I interviewed you, you said that Chinese medicine is not metaphysics. Now someone died in it. How do you explain it?"


One by one, they questioned Chinese medicine.

If these people were not arranged in advance, she would not believe it even if she was beaten to death.

Chen Jianjia frowned and began to explain the reason for the matter.

However, the patient was still lying on the side, and her explanation was so pale and powerless.

At this time, another group of people came in.

The people who came were doctors from Heping Hospital, and they were all arrogant...

The middle-aged man who led them looked disdainful. He came to the people in Baicaotang and spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"I have said before that Chinese medicine is metaphysics. There is no scientific basis and it cannot be used to treat diseases at all."

"Now, if you can't even cure a septicemia patient, what qualifications do you have to practice medicine?"

His name is Liu Neng, and he is a chief physician at Heping Hospital.

Since returning from studying abroad, he has been engaged in research in the field of heart and has made great achievements.

Having been baptized by foreign medicine, he looked down on Chinese medicine in his own country.

Just take the pulse, look at the eyes and tongue, can you determine what the disease is?

Can you cure difficult and complicated diseases with some medicine?

What kind of international joke is this?

There is something even funnier -

No medicine is needed, just a few injections in the body, and the patient will get better.

It's simply outrageous. His mother opened the door to outrageousness, outrageous to the extreme...

He has the same idea as his foreign teachers.

Western medicine is the real way to save the world, and Chinese medicine is heresy and must be eradicated.

His goal is to suppress Chinese medicine so that it can't raise its head.

"She is not septicemia..."

Chen Jianjia looked at him coldly, ready to say Liao Ping's condition, which has never been seen in the history of medicine.

If it is really septicemia, they have plenty of ways to treat it in Chinese medicine.

"Don't make excuses."

Thinking that she was changing the subject, Liu Neng interrupted unceremoniously.

"We, Western medicine, will treat those who cannot be cured by Chinese medicine."

"I want to tell you that Chinese medicine is just a scam. If you really want to treat a disease, you have to see a Western doctor..."

After saying this, Liu Neng felt very comfortable.

I'm sure that Mr. Smith will praise me for my performance, right?

It has to be said that what he said was very contagious, and many people in the hall were moved.

More and more people showed their approval on their faces.

Some reporters even recorded what he said and praised him one by one.

Liu Neng responded to them one by one.

Not only did he advertise Western medicine, but he also belittled Chinese medicine again...

Then Liu Neng waved his hand and asked someone to take the patient back for treatment.

In order to severely hit Chinese medicine, he also said that he would publicly treat the patient and follow up on the patient's condition...

As a group of people left, the people who originally came to see the doctor also left one after another.

After this incident, they also doubted Chinese medicine.

The people in Baicaotang were full of resentment, but they were helpless.

Several old Chinese medicine practitioners shook their heads and sighed.

I'm afraid that after this storm, Chinese medicine will decline again...

Chen Jianjia bit her lips tightly, and a trace of despair surged in her heart.

She has been determined to lead the rise of Chinese medicine since she was a child, and she has been working hard for this.

When she was a child, when other children were playing, she was reading Chinese medicine books.

Afterwards, she worshipped a medical master as her teacher, thinking that she had learned a lot and was able to carry forward Chinese medicine.

Unexpectedly, troubles came one after another.

In the past, she could grit her teeth to solve difficulties.

But this time, she felt powerless...

Seeing the change in her face, Lin Hao opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

At first, everyone was not optimistic about him, and Chen Jianjia was the only one who believed in him.

But he failed her trust and disappointed her.

Lin Hao began to hate his own incompetence...


[Ding...Lin Hao has self-doubt, villain value +1000...]

On the other side——

Xu Liang watched the video and took in everyone's expressions.

A smile of control appeared on his face.

"Not enough... Let the storm come even harder..."

He looked at one of his men, "Let's start!"

Soon, the news about what happened at Baicaotang spread on the Internet and quickly became a hot search.

A topic about Chinese medicine and Western medicine was debated.

[Chinese medicine is a scam. If you really want to see a doctor, you have to see a Western doctor! ]

[Is Chinese medicine metaphysics? ]

[Western medicine is orthodox, and Chinese medicine is heresy. ]


The topic quickly dominated the top ten hot search lists.

A Rolls-Royce was driving on the street-

In the car, Xu Liang was browsing his phone, and he was quite satisfied with his masterpiece.

In fact, it was not all arranged by him.

Heping Hospital was also operating this matter in order to suppress Chinese medicine.

He just fueled the incident.

"I guess Chen Jianjia is getting anxious?"

"Then let the bullets fly for a while..."

Xu Liang guessed correctly.

Baicaotang was not only anxious, but almost crazy.

"Boss, this is bad."

A man came to Chen Jianjia in a panic and told her the hot search he saw.

Chen Jianjia's face gradually turned pale.

She didn't expect Heping Hospital to be so cruel.

This is the rhythm of forcing Baicaotang to death.

In fact, Heping Hospital was also quite confused.

Such a powerful navy, can they do it with hundreds of thousands?

Of course, they are happy to see all this happen, and they are ready to watch Baicaotang close down with a smile.

Little did they know that in the eyes of the mastermind behind the scenes, they were just a pawn......


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