Villain: Many children bring blessings, the heroines are broken

Chapter 288: Vulnerable! Xu Liang kills people and breaks their hearts! The protagonist bursts into


Facing Ye Chen's sudden attack, Xu Liang just raised his hand lightly.

A palm came after him and hit Ye Chen's chest first.

This slap didn't seem to be very powerful, it just made Ye Chen stop, but didn't knock him out.......

In fact, it was the result of Xu Liang's extreme control of power.

The power of the palm exploded in Ye Chen's body, violently destroying his internal organs.

Crack... Crack...

The sound of bones breaking was endless.

"How... is it possible?"

Ye Chen stopped one foot away from Xu Liang, and the blade in his hand was only one centimeter away from Xu Liang.

The distance of one centimeter was like a natural chasm, and he could no longer move forward half a centimeter...

The strength of the late stage of Hua Jin was like a decoration. Feeling the violent power raging in his body, Ye Chen's eyes were full of confusion.

Who said Xu Liang was not strong?

He was much stronger than him, right?

Sensing the aura emanating from Xu Liang, he completely understood...

When he fought against Xu Qingge, it was Xu Liang who secretly attacked.

There was no hidden master, that master was him.

He had been looking for an opportunity to avoid the master and kill Xu Liang, but now it seemed so ridiculous.

The clown was actually himself...

[Ding... Ye Chen felt desperate, villain value +1001...]

"What I said just now was actually a lie to you, are you surprised or not?"

Xu Liang pushed Ye Chen gently, and Ye Chen fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

"I want to kill you, what's the reason? I just don't like you..."

Killing people and destroying their hearts!

Ye Chen's eyes widened, and with a "puff", he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

[Ding... Ye Chen was extremely angry, villain value +1001...]


Seeing his pupils dilated and looking like he was being played, Xu Liang raised his eyebrows.

His palm strike was not weak. Although it destroyed Ye Chen's vitality, it was not enough to kill him.

Before the luck was harvested, he couldn't die...

With a flip of his wrist, Xu Liang took out a pill.

He walked slowly to Ye Chen, who was like a dead dog, and stepped on him, hitting the acupuncture point that doubled the pain.


A scream similar to that of a groundhog sounded.

With a flick of his finger, the pill fell accurately into his mouth.

He stepped on him again and swallowed it with sobs.

Ye Chen had no reaction at all.

Just as some people are alive, he is already dead...

Originally, he had a thought about Xu Liang's calculation, that he could kill Xu Liang and take revenge when he was alone.

After discovering that Xu Liang's strength was far superior to his and there was no hope of revenge, Ye Chen was completely heartbroken.

"Aren't you curious about what medicine I fed you?"

Xu Liang didn't expect him to answer, and said to himself.

"Don't worry, it's not poison, it just makes you unable to use your strength from now on."

"After all... you are my cheap brother-in-law, how could I kill you?"

Lies come out of his mouth.

I have met so many protagonists, but I have never seen him leave a single one alive.

For a top killer, it is more painful to make him unable to use his strength from now on than to kill him...

"Brother Liang is talking to you, you should feel honored, what's the matter with pretending to be dead?"

Xu Liang stepped on him again.

Ye Chen was sweating coldly in pain.

This time he was prepared and didn't scream.


Xu Liang sighed.

Shouldn't he be the protagonist? He is not afraid of death at all.

It seems that he has to use his ultimate move.

"You don't want your family to get into trouble?"

After Xu Liang finished speaking, he turned around.

"What are you going to do? Come to me if you have anything, what's the point of dealing with them?"

Ye Chen's shocked and angry voice sounded behind him.

Xu Liang said "Ha".

"I have informed those people that they will not keep an eye on you anymore. Go home and have a look after you are done with your autism..."

Xu Liang walked away without looking back.

After dealing with Ye Chen, Ye Liuli just came back from buying water, and then the two returned to the hotel together.



The next day——

Xu Liang and Ye Liuli came to the Ye family together.

Xu Liang's arrival was warmly received by the Ye family.

Except Ye Chen.

Frightened by Xu Liang's words last night, he became more and more worried the more he thought about it, and got up and went home...

Sure enough, as Xu Liang said, the people who were monitoring his family disappeared.

At that time, Ye Chen's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, and he thought his parents were in trouble.

As a result, he knocked on the door and found that his parents were fine, nothing happened.

Looking at the dusty Ye Chen, Ye's father and mother were shocked.

I didn't recognize my real parents...

Seeing his parents again, Ye Chen's eyes were filled with tears.

These days, he has suffered so much outside, and suddenly seeing his parents who care about him, he suddenly feels at home.

After some caring, thinking of Xu Liang's threats, he asked about the family situation.

Knowing that they were living well, Xu Liang did not do anything to them, but was worried about his own safety...

Although it was okay, he still reminded his parents to be careful of Xu Liang, always feeling that Xu Liang's words had a deeper meaning.

The next moment, his parents turned hostile.

"Xiao Liang is such a good person. He has been helping you when you were in prison. How can you still say such a thing?"

"People should be conscientious..."

Ye Chen was depressed and vomited blood.

Seeing Xu Liang and his sister come back together, Ye Chen suddenly became alert........


Father and mother Ye sighed. Ye Chen escaped from prison. What should they do next?

They can't hide at home all the time, right?

"According to my idea, Ye Chen has escaped anyway, so it's best to send him abroad directly."

"But when Liuli and I came in, we saw many police officers outside monitoring him. It's not easy to go out..."

The Ye family was very surprised.

Are they being monitored?

Thinking of Ye Chen's identity as a fugitive... then it's okay.

Ye Chen's face changed drastically, and he hurried to the window to check.

Sure enough, he found many plainclothes police officers. He looked back at Xu Liang in disbelief...

As if he was deceived, he asked angrily.

"Didn't you say you had evacuated all those people? Why are you back? What do you want?"

"Ye Chen, what's wrong with you? You're a fugitive, isn't it normal for your family to be under surveillance? What does it have to do with Brother Liang?"

Ye Liuli stood up for Xu Liang.

Ye's father and mother also looked at their son like a fool.

"Alas... I should have forced you to go to the hospital to see a psychiatrist, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into such a big trouble..."

Ye's father sighed and said with some annoyance.

"Mental illness?"

Xu Liang muttered and pretended to be bright-eyed.

"According to relevant regulations, mentally ill people who commit crimes are not legally responsible."

"We can disguise Ye Chen as a mental patient and send him to a mental hospital. It will be convenient to send him abroad then..."


Ye's father and mother were shocked.

"There is such a law?"

Ye Liuli nodded and popularized relevant legal knowledge to them.

The eyes of the two old people suddenly lit up.

It's not because they want to send Ye Chen abroad, but because they really think Ye Chen is mentally ill and doesn't need to go to jail........


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