
Ah, this... is this something I can see?

Gu Yan swallowed his saliva. He looked at Leng Qingqiu, who was looking up with her hair falling naturally on both sides.

The other person's lips were rosy, her breath was steady, and her appearance was as beautiful as a fairy, which made Gu Yan fascinated.

Because the study door was not locked, Gu Yan walked in naturally.

Just when he was about to speak to scare Leng Qingqiu, the other person suddenly looked up, and Gu Yan thought he was discovered.

Just by looking at it, Gu Yan found out.

Leng Qingqiu's face was a little pale, probably because he was too tired in recent years and had been in a state of mental tension.

Although the original book did not write about how Leng Qingqiu grew up.

However, Gu Yan could understand what kind of environment the other person grew up in by putting himself in his shoes.

The Leng family was wiped out, and all the responsibilities and hopes were placed on Leng Qingqiu, the genius.

She had to find her enemies, but also prevent them from coming to her house to kill her before she developed successfully. She worked hard to improve herself every day.

How much pressure must she be under?

For some reason, Gu Yan felt distressed.

She was about the same age as him, but she had already shouldered the burden of reviving the family and finding her enemies.

Leng Qingqiu hadn't noticed that Gu Yan had arrived.

She paused for a moment and quickly got up from the back of the chair.

Leng Qingqiu rubbed his temples with his hands:"Tsk......."It's almost past the break time, but it's okay."

Just as she was about to continue reading the Braille, she suddenly felt a comfortable sensation on both sides of her shoulders.

It was a pair of big hands pressing on her shoulders, and performing superb massage techniques!


Leng Qingqiu was shocked. Could it be that the enemy came to visit?!?!

Just when he was about to struggle to get up, he heard a familiar voice.

"Qingqiu, don't get excited. It's me, it's me, your good husband Gu Yan."

Gu Yan explained while holding Leng Qingqiu's shoulders.

Just now, he spent 10 pure love points to buy [God-level Massage].

As for why it is so cheap.

The system explains it this way.——【Buying massage for the pure love object!! You are so touching to the system!! Specially giving you a 0.0001 discount!! ]

Hey! Doesn't your system want to deduct points? Why are all the system articles I read before so shady? ?

Gu Yan is no longer able to complain about this pure love system, but it is a good thing that he can buy it.

Good...Good husband Gu Yan? ?

"Bah! It doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter to me! Let go!"

"Don't disturb me while I'm reading!"

Leng Qingqiu's nervous heart couldn't help but relax when she found out it was Gu Yan.

Fortunately it was this fool.

As soon as Leng Qingqiu reacted, she understood why there was no sound of Gu Yan opening the door when he came in.

It must be because Ling'er didn't close the door when she left her study in the morning.

I must have a good talk with her when I come back!

"My Qingqiu baby, I don't like what you said."

"Besides being your good husband, who else can I belong to?"

"Besides, I didn't bother you. I saw that your shoulders were too stiff, so I used my Qingqiu baby's exclusive massage technique to loosen up your muscles."

Gu Yan kept in mind that you must be thick-skinned enough!

Otherwise! How can you marry a beauty like Leng Qingqiu!

We have to start with small things first! And then gradually penetrate Leng Qingqiu's heart!

Uh...That's not right! ?

Gu Yan was stunned, how come he looked like Leng Qingqiu's licker? ?

No, no, no, what licker.

I lick, but I lick the biggest BOSS in the original novel, then I am Wolf Warrior, okay!!

When Leng Qingqiu heard these names and remarks from Gu Yan, the hairs on her body stood up.

Qingqiu baby? ? Exclusive massage technique? ?

Her heart started beating in shame and anger, she bit her silver teeth slightly:"You! Don't call me that, you bastard!"

"Oh, then Qingqiu baby, how do you want me to call you?"

Gu Yan said as he kept massaging Leng Qingqiu's shoulders and changed the subject:"Qingqiu baby, the stiffness of your shoulders is obviously caused by you sitting at the desk reading all the time."

"Keeping the same posture while reading these Braille books will make your body tired."

"So, you see I press this position....."

Seeing that Gu Yan wanted to change the subject, Leng Qingqiu immediately retorted:"I told you not to call me Qing........."Huh!"


Qingqiu was stunned, and then the blush spread to her face at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She immediately covered her mouth with her hands.

What...what's going on?

What happened?

Why did I make such a sound just now?

Leng Qingqiu's chest rose and fell slightly. She only realized now that with Gu Yan's massage, her body, which was a little cold because of getting up early, began to gradually warm up.

And her shoulders, which were originally very sore, gradually became comfortable at this moment.

Leng Qingqiu began to doubt herself. She looked slightly behind her. She knew that Gu Yan was standing there:"You..."Well... can you really massage?"

Leng Qingqiu's tone was a little unbelievable. She didn't know what expression she had on her face now, and whether there was anything abnormal.

But Gu Yan's technique really made her feel like she was floating in the air.

The god-level massage technique was really amazing!

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu, whose little face turned slightly red, but the other person probably didn't know what he looked like at the moment.

So, Gu Yan lowered his head calmly, licked his face and put it close to Leng Qingqiu's ear and whispered,"Yes Qingqiu, now you believe it, right?"

"I learned it specifically for you."

Leng Qingqiu was confused by Gu Yan's hot breath. She quickly turned her head and sat up straight, saying in a forced calm tone:"You! Don't get so close to me!"


Gu Yan smiled slightly when he saw this. He moved his hand away from Leng Qingqiu's shoulder while pressing.

Noticing that the comfortable feeling suddenly disappeared, Leng Qingqiu subconsciously said,"Why did you stop?"

But suddenly, Leng Qingqiu realized that she was going to use Gu Yan.

She couldn't act weaker than the other party.

So she snorted and sat up again:"Finally, I know the relationship between you and me. Now that you know, let's go back quickly."

However, the next second.

Gu Yan stretched out his hand and pulled Leng Qingqiu's body back and leaned against the back of the chair.

Then, he chuckled and said,"Qingqiu, don't be anxious. After massaging the shoulders, the next step is 'head massage', which is also a very comfortable way to relax the mind."

As he said that, he also put his hand on the other's temple and began to massage.

Leng Qingqiu pretended to struggle:"Let go, I don't want your dirty hands to touch me!"

Gu Yan also saw what Leng Qingqiu meant, so he shook his head and pressed harder:"I won't! I will press!"


Leng Qingqiu paused, and surrendered on the spot as if he could not break free.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart.

Haha, Gu Yan, ah Gu Yan, I admit that your massage... um... cough, is a little comfortable.

But you miscalculated, I just want to use you to massage me, and then restore my mental and physical state.

Then I will get your Gu family in a more perfect posture! Haha! All this is caused by you!


Thinking about it, Leng Qingqiu gradually relaxed and enjoyed Gu Yan's massage wholeheartedly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

【Massage the object of pure love, points +5】

【Skin contact with the object of pure love, points +1】

【Make the pure love object feel comfortable, points +10]

Hehehe~~ a lot of points~~~

On Gu Yan's side, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

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