Tianye Pharmaceutical is a group company of the Shen family. Its main product is skin care cosmetics.

Shen Wan'er inherited Tianye Pharmaceutical Company because of her relationship with Gu Yan.

And under her leadership, Tianye Pharmaceutical Company has also created a brilliant achievement of 2 billion market value.

However, now, there are rumors that this company is about to go bankrupt.

In the president's office

"Mom, I know, it's just a little problem, I'll fix it soon"

"Dad? What are you talking about? How could I possibly ask Gu Yan for help?"

"What....You said you know everything about Xiaotian?"


Shen Wan'er hung up the phone with a tired look in her eyes.

She was no longer as delicate as before. The office was in a mess.

The floor was covered with messy documents and fallen garbage.

Because the company was going bankrupt and couldn't pay wages, even the cleaning staff quit.

"Why is it like this?"

Shen Wan'er covered her head with both hands, and her breathing became slightly faster.

Everything was just as Gu Yan said, their company was about to go bankrupt.

The internal employees may have heard some rumors, so they gathered under the company building to complain and make trouble.

But Shen Wan'er had no choice!

She had no money to pay the employees' wages.

For some reason, Shen Wan'er felt a sense of frustration and giving up for the first time.

Because Gu Yan used to listen to her so much and treat her so well.

All the resources in the business were piled on her.

It is not an exaggeration to describe her first half of her life with the word smooth sailing.

And everything that happened now made her feel caught off guard and powerless.


The phone kept receiving messages from her family complaining that she did not agree to Gu Yan's proposal.

On the one hand, there was the incomprehension of her family, and on the other hand, there was Gu Yan's cold appearance.

For a while, tears flowed from Shen Wan'er's eyes.

When had she ever suffered such grievances?

"hateful...Damn it! Damn it!"

Shen Wan'er roared in a low voice.

At this time.


"Mr. Shen, the troublemakers have been driven away by the newly recruited security guards. Are you okay?"

Shen Wan'er's personal secretary Zhang Qing stood outside the gate, knocking on the door and asking worriedly.

She has been with Shen Wan'er for a long time.

Having seen Shen Wan'er's glorious moments, she admires and respects her very much.

Zhang Qing heard the choked and low voices coming from the house just now from outside.

She said that she had never seen Mr. Shen like this.

For a moment, Zhang Qing's heart also surged with resentment towards Gu Yan. She more or less knew the reason.

If Gu Yan hadn't ordered other companies to stab their Tianye Pharmaceuticals in the back, Mr. Shen would not have encountered such a disaster.

All this is because of Gu Yan!

This made her, who already had no good impression of Gu Yan, feel extremely disgusted with him in her heart.

Hearing the voice outside.

Shen Wan'er wiped her tears, and then forced herself to say,"It's okay.....Come in, Zhang Qing."

The next second, Zhang Qing walked in.

Seeing Shen Wan'er with tired eyes and slightly red eyes, her heart couldn't help but distressed.

Shen Wan'er took a deep breath. She had just heard good news, so she asked:"Zhang Qing, what did you just say?"

"All the people gathered downstairs of the company were driven away? Who did it?"

Another reason why Shen Wan'er felt headache and panic was those former employees who gathered to make trouble after knowing that they could not pay their wages.

This not only had a great impact on their group. It also made Shen Wan'er afraid that the other party would rush directly into her office.

When Zhang Qing heard this, her eyes lit up, and she said:"Mr. Shen, it was a newly recruited security guard. The other party seemed to be well-trained. He knocked down all the leaders of the trouble in just a few moves!"

"Oh, by the way, his name is Xiao Lin, he just arrived in Jianghai City, and he is eager to find a job, so he came to us."

Hearing this,

Shen Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes revealed curiosity about Xiao Lin. Who is this guy? So powerful?

There were not just a few people making trouble downstairs, but dozens of people.

How could he drive them all away by himself?

This made Shen Wan'er subconsciously ask:"Where is he?"

"Oh, it's in the security room."

"Okay, bring him to me."

""Oh oh!"

Seeing Zhang Qing leave,

Shen Wan'er finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When she meets this man named Xiao Lin, if he is really powerful, then she doesn't need to worry about being broken into the office by the mob.

However, this is not a long-term solution.


The three-day deadline given by Gu Yan is almost up.

Shen Wan'er is not sure if the other party will really arrest her brother and put him in jail if she has not repaid the money after the extension.


Shen Wan'er's eyes are filled with pain and resistance.

Does she really have to go to Gu Yan to beg for mercy?...........

Jianghai Hospital.

A beautiful figure hurried to the inpatient department.

Wang Yulan ran to the front desk and said to the nurse with a slight breath:"I... I came to visit the patient in Room 302."

Wang Yulan was a little annoyed. She was delayed from work today.

That's why she was late.

"Oh, 302....."

The nurse opened the system and looked at it, then looked up and smiled,"You are Wang Lan's family member, right?"

"Someone has already gone in to visit."

Wang Yulan nodded:"Yes,....Hmm?"

She was stunned. Wait a minute.

Someone has come in to visit?

Who is it? But how is it possible?

For so long, no one except her has come to visit her mother.

""Who is it? Does he have a name?"

Wang Yulan asked anxiously.

The nurse was stunned, thinking that they were together, so she replied:"I don't know his name, but he is a man, and he claims to be Wang Lan's student."


Wang Yulan was stunned.

Yes, her mother was a high school teacher.

But her students never came to visit her.

How could it be now?.....

Wang Yulan suppressed her doubts and thanked him repeatedly:"Okay, thank you."

Then she ran into the ward.

In front of ward 302. As soon as Wang Yulan walked here, she heard a gentle and choked voice coming from inside.

"Teacher Wang, I'm here to see you."

"I have been overseas before and just came back this year. I went back to my alma mater to find you, but I learned that you had a car accident."

"Really....God is unfair"

"Teacher, do you know that the naughtiest student in your class is back? I still remember that you always held my hand."

"You smiled and told me that studying is not the only way out, but it is the easiest way out. It was you who helped me get out of my muddle-headed state step by step."

"I returned to China and wanted to thank you and repay you, but I didn't expect....You actually had this happen..."

"Teacher Wong...Come and see the students when you wake up. I really want you to know that I have made it big now....."

Just when Gu Yan was choking with sobs, there was a click.

Wang Yulan's eyes were slightly red, and she pushed the door open with her lips pursed.

For a moment,

Gu Yan seemed to have just discovered that Wang Yulan was here. He raised his head, and when he saw Wang Yulan, his expression was dull for a while.

Then, as if he had reacted, he quickly wiped away his tears with his arm.

Then he stood up, took a deep breath, and looked at the other person with a forced smile:"Hello, I didn't know someone came to visit Teacher Wang today."

"Well , since you are here, I will leave."

Gu Yan took one last look at Wang Lan, who was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, wearing a respirator and full of tubes.

Then he was reluctant and sad to leave. However

, just when he missed Wang Yulan and was about to go out. Wang Yulan reached out and held Gu Yan:"Please wait a moment." Her voice was a little trembling.


Haha, it worked.

Gu Yan's mouth curled up slightly, but soon it withdrew.

He looked at Wang Yulan with some sadness, and asked in a low voice:"What's wrong, young lady?"

"you....Is she really my mother's student?"

Wang Yulan raised her head and looked at Gu Yan with red eyes. Her voice trembled and her arms were shaking.

She didn't expect that after so long, a former student of her mother would come to visit her.

If her mother was still awake, she would definitely feel relieved, right?

When Gu Yan heard this, his expression gradually changed from sadness to shock.

Then he closed his eyes again.

He seemed to be holding back something, and said in a hoarse voice:"Since Teacher Wang is your mother, then you must be called....Wang Yulan, right?" Wang Yulan's heart trembled when these words came out, and she asked tremblingly:"How...how did you know?"

The next second, Gu Yan opened his eyes, he looked at the unconscious Wang Lan, and the sad voice came out:"Teacher Wang always told us how outstanding her daughter Wang Yulan was."

"���How smart, kind and filial"

"She also said that her daughter's dream is to be admitted to Beijing University"

"When I said this, I could feel the joy radiating from Teacher Wang’s face."


"Feel sorry..."

Gu Yan took a deep breath, and looked at Wang Yulan with apology, tears falling from his eyes:"Why are you visiting Teacher Wang so late?"

"I'm really sorry.

" Wang Yulan's heart trembled suddenly after hearing these words.

It was as if all the emotions accumulated for a long time burst out.

It was as if she had always been alone, but now a second person knew about her mother's situation.

She seemed to recall her mother's smile when she was still conscious.

The other party would often mention the students she had taught at home.

Whenever she mentioned the students, her face was always full of smiles, which made others feel happy.

Wang Yulan couldn't help it anymore.

"Ugh.. Ugh ahhhhh....."

She burst into tears, her voice revealing sadness and joy.

The sad mother didn't know her students came to visit her.

The happy mother's students still remembered her.

Gu Yan looked at the crying Wang Yulan, and his expression became very sad.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently hugged Wang Yulan:"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Gu Yan's voice was full of apology and sincerity.

Wang Yulan felt this warm embrace, she did not struggle, but lay in Gu Yan's arms and cried even more sadly.

She cried and choked and said,"It's okay...Thank you...It really doesn't matter."

Gu Yan quietly hugged Wang Yulan, letting her vent the grievances that had accumulated for so long.......

What Wang Yulan didn't realize was that

Gu Yan's sad expression..........Gradually disappeared.

Instead, he put on a calm and indifferent look.

He looked at the second female lead in the original novel who was lying in his arms with an indifferent look.————Wang Yulan.

Because of her mother's death, coupled with Xiao Lin's care and comfort.

That's why she fell in love with Xiao Lin completely and became his great fighting force.

In the last moment of the original work, it was because she used her own ability to sacrifice herself that Xiao Lin in the original work broke through the bottleneck and reached the peak of the Grandmaster.

That's why....

Leng Qingqiu had to die with Xiao Lin.

It can be said that Wang Yulan is also a very key role.

The conclusion is that it is absolutely impossible for her to fall in love with Xiao Lin, the protagonist of the original novel, and provide that key help.

In order to achieve this goal, I will.......play hard..............

After Wang Yulan had finished crying and venting her feelings, she seemed to feel much better.

Her eyes were still red. She moved a stool for Gu Yan and pulled him to sit in front of her mother's bed.

Because she had just cried in Gu Yan's arms, Wang Yulan felt a little embarrassed, and she didn't dare to look at Gu Yan.

It was Gu Yan who started the conversation first.

He stretched out his hand and held Wang Lan, who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, then looked at Wang Yulan and sighed softly:"When did this happen?"

Hearing this.

Wang Yulan's eyes dimmed, and her tone revealed anger and despair about what happened that year:"It was half a year ago."

"My mother was riding her bicycle home as usual. When she was crossing the road, she was suddenly hit by a car that ran a red light."

"My mother fainted on the spot"

"Fortunately, the rescue was timely and his life was saved."

"Can......The doctor said......."

When Wang Yulan said this, she couldn't stop sobbing.

She looked at Wang Lan and choked up,"My mother may never wake up again."

"Moreover, he had to continue treatment every day to keep alive."

"Two months ago, the doctor advised me to give up and not save him, saying it would be futile."

"Can.....But I can't give up. This is my mother. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I must hold on!"

When Wang Yulan said this, she couldn't help crying again.

She didn't say that the cost of one day's treatment plus the hospitalization fee was very expensive, so expensive that she couldn't pay it back even if she worked four jobs a day.

Even though Wang Yulan noticed that Gu Yan seemed to be very rich, she didn't say it.

After all, she had borrowed all the money she could, and her relatives and friends had long avoided her like the plague.

She didn't want the only student who still remembered her mother to stop visiting.

If that were the case.

I'm afraid her mother wouldn't agree when she woke up.

I couldn't do that no matter what!


Gu Yan comforted Wang Yulan again, listening to the other's pain and suffering in recent years..

It turned out that the man who hit Wang Lan was the eldest son of a second-tier family in Jianghai City.

Even if he was found fully responsible, he was only compensated 100,000.

But this 100,000 had long been used up, and the subsequent treatment costs had already been several 100,000.

Wang Yulan went to find them, but there was no way.

She was desperate, because she didn't want her mother to die like this, so Wang Yulan started working four jobs a day.

The purpose was to prolong her mother's life until she woke up.

Before leaving.

Wang Yulan's emotions had stabilized.

She stood at the door of the ward with a gentle expression, and thanked Gu Yan:"Thank you for remembering my mother, thank you Gu Yan."

Gu Yan waved his hand and smiled slightly, as if emitting a warm light:"It's okay, Sister Yulan, you can call me for help if you have anything, because I have always respected Teacher Wang Lan since I was in school."

Wang Yulan naturally would not trouble Gu Yan. After all, the other party was her mother's student. No matter what she did, she could not let this rare friendship be destroyed because of her repeated requests.

So she shook her head and smiled,"No...it's okay, I can handle it alone."

Gu Yan nodded when he heard it. He raised the watch on his wrist to check the time, and then said,"Okay, in that case, I'll leave first. Sister Yulan, come on, I believe Teacher Wang will be able to get better!"

"Well, thank you.

Wang Yulan felt warm in her heart, and she nodded and said.............

When he came downstairs,

Gu Yan looked up at the inpatient department, then picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hello, is this Director Pu? There is a patient named Wang Lan in Ward 302 of our hospital. All her medical expenses are waived."

"Oh, remember to write that someone paid it."

After hanging up the phone,

Gu Yan's mouth slightly raised.

There was a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

In fact, this Jianghai Hospital is a tertiary hospital opened by their Gu family. As the eldest son of the Gu family, it is very easy to exempt one person's medical expenses.

Okay, the plan officially started.

Xiao Lin........I'm really looking forward to meeting you formally.

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