Why...Why is this happening?

Xiao Lin was still in a state of autism.

He felt extremely uncomfortable and tormented with self-blame.

After receiving that punch from him, he wondered how the beautiful sister was doing.

Damn it!...

It's all that man's fault.

Xiao Lin's eyes showed a hint of murderous intent.

If that man hadn't been acting in front of the beautiful sister, he wouldn't have done such a thing.


This is not a deep mountain forest, he definitely can't just rush over and kill Gu Yan.

Especially since the beautiful sister doesn't know Gu Yan's true face, if he kills her rashly, it might just make the beautiful sister hate him even more.

That's right.....

I have to think of a way to let the beautiful sister know Gu Yan's true face!

Zhang Qing looked at Xiao Lin, who still had a dull expression.

She stomped her feet in anger and cursed:"Asshole! I'll let President Shen talk to you!"

As she said that, Zhang Qing ran towards the building angrily.

As she walked, Zhang Qing cursed in her heart, what an unreliable man!

And just when everyone gathered to make trouble.

Several people with strange expressions also quietly mixed in the crowd.

Mei Xue stood in the shadow of a big tree. She was blindfolded but seemed to be able to see the situation at the main entrance of Tianye Pharmaceutical Technology:"Sending these people should be enough....."

She murmured to herself.

But the next second

"Hmm? Are you going to let these rubbish test Xiao Lin's background?"

A mocking voice sounded from her ear.!!!

Mei Xue was startled and quickly took out her dagger and stabbed at the source of the sound.

However, when the dagger was about to pierce the other party, Mei Xue also saw the other party's appearance clearly, or......

Sensing the other party's energy fluctuations, she subconsciously frowned:"Gu Yan?"

"Yes, it's me."

Gu Yan looked at the dagger that was only 0.01 mm away from his throat, and he nodded with a smile.

According to the original plot, the first conflict between Leng Qingqiu and the original hero Xiao Lin was when Xiao Lin became a security guard at Tianye Pharmaceutical Technology.

So he naturally came to take a look.

Mei Xue put away the dagger expressionlessly, and she said in a cold voice:"Don't come to me so quietly next time, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop myself and kill you next time."

"Haha, sorry, sorry, but I didn't expect Miss Mei to not be able to sense an ordinary person like me approaching you."

Gu Yan shrugged, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.


The other party can't sense him coming?

This is quite interesting.

Could it be the ability of the Universe Pure Love Technique?

When Mei Xue heard what Gu Yan said, she naturally didn't believe it in her heart:"Humph, you'd better be an ordinary person."

As soon as the voice fell, there was some commotion at the door.

It turned out that a few people who mixed into the crowd with strange expressions began to take the lead:"I say, everyone, don't just protest here!!!"

"It's useless if I don't rush to that damn Shen Wan'er's office and talk to her face to face!"

"To take back the part that belongs to you! If you are brave, rush in with me!"

"Anyway, we are here to get our wages! It’s not a riot!"

A man with a knife handle on his face shouted while holding a protest sign.

As soon as he said this, another man with a weird look on his face also shouted:"I agree!! I agree!!"

A woman with lip piercings also stepped forward and yelled:"I want my money! If you have the guts, rush in with me! If you don’t have the guts, don’t expect us to help you get your money!"

As soon as this was said, everyone stopped hesitating.

"Go! The door is not open every day!"

"You don't meet us every day! Let's rush in and pull that Shen Wan'er out!!"

They roared and rushed to the railing.

Crack, crack!

With human power, the fragile railing broke with one collision.

The crowd rushed in like ants.

"Hey! What do you want? Don't come in!"

"You are committing a crime, understand me?"

A group of security guards looked confused, and they tried their best to stop them.


Gu Yan looked at this scene, but there was no surprise in his eyes.

In the original novel, although Shen Wan'er's company did not go bankrupt, in order to find out Xiao Lin's background,

Leng Qingqiu also arranged a group of people to gather together to make trouble and force Xiao Lin to take action.


"You control a bunch of trash to test the young master of the Dragon King Palace. How much do you look down on him?"

Gu Yan chuckled and shook his head:"This can't reveal any details about the other party at all."

? As soon as these words came out ,

Mei Xue's eyes under the cloth suddenly changed.

She clenched her fists tightly.

Cold sweat dripped from her back.


Gu Yan knew her ability?

He even knew that Xiao Lin was from the Dragon King Palace? ?

If Mei Xue thought Gu Yan was an ordinary person who knew something before.

Then now, she doesn't think so at all.

Gu Yan.....Definitely not simple!

The opponent's strength! Very likely!! Above her!

After all, the biggest reason why she couldn't sense Gu Yan's strength was that either he was an ordinary person.

Or...The opponent's strength is stronger than hers!

And stronger than hers, doesn't that mean that the opponent's cultivation must be at least.......

Plop! Plop!

Mei Xue was a little shocked when she thought of this.

No wonder Gu Yan knew so many secret things. It turned out that he was not simple either.....Isn't the other party's purpose of approaching my master even more impure? Mei Xue doesn't believe that someone with Gu Yan's strength would really approach the other party just because he likes his master....No, calm down, calm down.

Mei Xue took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down:"Then according to your opinion, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Gu Yan smiled slightly:"It's very simple."

He pointed his finger at Mei Xue:"You take action, use all your strength"

"I take action?"

Mei Xue frowned slightly. A mere young master of the Dragon King Palace actually needs me to take action personally?

And use all my strength?

According to their normal thinking, they usually send some minions to deal with Xiao Lin. If the minions are defeated, they will send stronger ones.

If the stronger ones are defeated, they will send stronger ones.

Only when all the people they sent are defeated by Xiao Lin, will it be their turn to take action.

Otherwise, it would be too cheap.

"That's right, don't think I'm joking."

Gu Yan's expression gradually became serious:"Xiao Lin's strength....But he is a master."

As soon as these words came out, boom!!!

Mei Xue's mind went blank.

Xiao Lin's strength was actually a master?

How is it possible?!

You have to know that there are warriors in this world.

Their cultivation levels are divided from low to high.

【Third-rate warrior, second-rate warrior, first-rate warrior, acquired, innate, master, grand master]

In this world, there are very few people who can become warriors.

There are probably no more than 10 people at the master level in China.

And there has not been a grand master for ten thousand years.

It can be said that the master is already the highest level in this world!

It is no exaggeration to say that there are indeed very few people who can become a master.

And Gu Yan actually said that Xiao Lin is a master?!

A 24-year-old young man? ?

Uh, no, Gu Yan might also be a master in this situation.

What's going on, is the master so worthless now?

"No wonder no wonder....."

After being shocked, Mei Xue muttered to herself, no wonder when she checked Xiao Lin's cultivation, she could only sense the aura of a first-class warrior.

She was also wondering how such a person could become the next heir of the Dragon King Palace? It turned out that he had hidden his cultivation......

"OK, I understand."

Mei Xue nodded solemnly. If she was facing a person who became a master at the age of 24, then she would definitely go all out!

Try to test out more of the other party's abilities!

Seeing this scene, Gu Yan also showed a smile in his eyes.

When Xiao Lin first appeared, he was already at the peak of the early stage of the master.

His strength was extremely strong.

Gu Yan naturally did not think of letting Mei Xue, who was only at the early stage of the innate, kill the other party.

His purpose was actually on something else.

Gu Yan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The name of this plan is called————【A big battle to weaken Xiao Lin's upgrade speed which is like a cheat!!! 】

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