Chen Yingyin felt even more uneasy when she saw the power suddenly turned on.

She put down her flashlight, raised her pistol, and walked cautiously towards the detention room where Xiao Lin was imprisoned.

Just now, she heard a loud noise coming from the detention room.

Looking at the detention room so close, Chen Yingyin swallowed her saliva, then slowly moved over along the wall.

The power suddenly turned off, followed by a loud noise coming from the detention room, combined with what Gu Yan said about Xiao Lin's unusual background.

It was hard for Chen Yingyin not to suspect that these serial events had nothing to do with Xiao Lin.

She leaned against the wall, clenched her pistol, took a deep breath, and rushed over quickly.

"Don't move!"

Chen Yingyin raised her gun and pointed it at the detention room.

But the scene in front of her made her stunned.

Xiao Lin's eyes were red, and he punched the concrete floor that had become a spider web.

"What's going on here?"

""Xiao Lin, what did you do?"

Chen Yingyin did not put down her gun, but became more alert.

She looked at the terrible scene in the detention room with some doubts, as if a fierce battle had just taken place.

Hearing the sound,

Xiao Lin raised his head and showed that violent look.

Chen Yingyin's heart sank. She had seen this kind of look many times.

That was...The look in his eyes wanted to kill.

Xiao Lin saw Chen Yingyin pointing a gun at him. Looking at the other person's eyes, Xiao Lin's mood became worse.

If he hadn't been arrested, he wouldn't have met that group of mysterious people.

His jade pendant wouldn't have been taken away.

All of this, all of this is because of the woman in front of him!!

He stood up, looking at Chen Yingyin with murderous eyes, and his arms began to flash with a halo.


Chen Yingyin's heart was shocked when she saw the changes in Xiao Lin's arm.

What is this? Magic? Illusion?


Chen Yingyin suppressed the fear of the unknown in her heart and shouted:"Xiao Lin! What do you want to do? Do you want to make things worse!?"

When Chen Yingyin said this, her heart was beating very hard, and she felt that she couldn't hold the gun in her hand steadily.

People are afraid of unknown power, especially when that power is right in front of them.

Xiao Lin stared at Chen Yingyin, and the teachings of the masters on Longwang Mountain flashed through his mind.

【Xiao Lin, your power is not used to kill people, but to protect people. You must remember this after you come down the mountain.】

【Take the half of the dragon-shaped jade pendant on your chest and go to the Bai family to get the other half of the jade pendant. When the two jade pendants are put together, you will be able to command everyone in the Dragon King Palace!】

【You are the key to saving this world. Finding a way to control power is your top priority. The Dragon King Palace will lend you a helping hand. 】

In an instant, Xiao Lin closed his eyes, he took a deep breath, and the halo on his hand dissipated slightly.

He weakly put down his hands and lowered his head, with great regret and unwillingness in his eyes.

He regretted why he had to get angry with someone from the secular world.

He was unwilling because his jade pendant was taken away by someone. The jade pendant was given to him by his master, and it was also the biggest secret in his path of cultivation.

Normally, no one would know the existence of this jade pendant, but why did those people today seem to know that his jade pendant was on his neck?

Damn it....Why?

Who is targeting him?

Seeing Xiao Lin put down his hand and put away his murderous intention.

Chen Yingyin felt a cold sweat on his back, and recalled what Gu Yan said about the other party's unusual background.

Could it be that this young man who came to Jianghai to work really has some big secret?

Just when Chen Yingyin wanted to investigate some information about Xiao Lin.

The next second

""Sister Yingyin! Are you okay?"

A worried voice came from outside the door.

Xiao Lin raised his head suddenly as if he had a stress reaction.

His eyes were fixed on the source of the sound at the door.


Xiao Lin almost shouted in a low roar.

He couldn't believe that he could meet the other party here.

Chen Yingyin's face changed, and she stood in front of Gu Yan:"Xiao Lin! What do you want to do?! It's over!"

She thought of what Gu Yan had said before, that Xiao Lin wanted to kill him, and she was not sure at first.

But now seeing the situation in front of her, she had to believe it.

Gu Yan pretended to be pale, with fear in his eyes, and shrank his body behind Chen Yingyin, and said in a trembling voice:"Brother Xiao Lin, I have no grudges against you, why do you want to kill me?"

"Is it just because you can't stand me going to pick up Sister Yulan?"

Xiao Lin looked at the frightened and panicked Gu Yan. Although he felt very happy in his heart, this did not dissipate the anger in his heart:"Shut up! You tricked Yulan and caused me to hurt her and caused misunderstanding!"

"You are obviously a bastard! People like you must have a purpose for staying with Yulan!"

Chen Yingyin frowned slightly when she heard this. She thought that some big thing had caused Xiao Lin to want to kill Gu Yan.

But it seemed like he was just jealous. For a moment, she had no sympathy or sympathy for Xiao Lin. He had to kill someone just because of this kind of thing.

This kind of person deserved to die.

When Gu Yan heard this, he pretended to suppress his fear, and his eyes gradually became firm.

He walked to Chen Yingyin's side and looked at Xiao Lin without fear, as if the other party had said something ridiculous.

Gu Yan's voice also rose slightly, without any weakness just now:"Purpose? Yes! I have a purpose!"

"The purpose is to share some of the pressure for Sister Yulan! Did you know that her mother is in the hospital? Did you know that the daily medical expenses are astronomical?"

"Magnolia sister���Did you know that working four jobs has reduced my physical abilities to levels not even as good as those of a normal person?"

"You don't know anything! You are just an ignorant young man who just came to Jianghai City!"

"What else can you do besides using your fists to kill and beat people?"

"Sister Yulan's mother is my teacher, so I helped Sister Yulan, and you! In addition to causing Sister Yulan, who already had to be frugal every day to make a living, to be hospitalized!!"

"What else have you helped her with!"

"I don't know what kind of behavior of mine caused you to misunderstand!....I know one thing."

Gu Yan took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Lin sarcastically:"People should be grateful. I am grateful to Sister Yulan for teaching me, so I helped her daughter."

"And you, Sister Yulan found you a place to live, but you turned evil into evil and injured the other person. Will you go to visit Sister Yulan when she is in the hospital?"

"I even paid for the medical expenses, what did you do?"

"Oh, right..."

Gu Yan looked at Xiao Lin, whose face was gradually turning pale, in disappointment:"I heard that you seemed to have killed a few more people, causing their families to be destroyed."

"People like you......"

"Gu Yan! Stop talking!"

Chen Yingyin looked at Xiao Lin, whose body seemed to have begun to tremble, and stopped Gu Yan from continuing to speak.

He was afraid that he would say something provocative.

Gu Yan took a deep breath, as if he was very angry about Xiao Lin's behavior. He sighed,"Sister Yulan said to me even in the hospital."

"Let me not hate you, she said you are a good person and helped her before"

"But before she said that, I had already called the police and wanted to withdraw my report. But I didn't expect you to do such a thing at Tianye Pharmaceutical."

""Xiao Lin, you have disappointed me and Sister Yulan so much."

Boom! As soon as these words came out,

Xiao Lin's mind suddenly became blank.

The anger in his heart was drowned by endless regret.

With a thump!

He fell to his knees on the ground, his eyes dull.

I....What on earth did you do?.....


He didn't use any of his skills, and smashed his fists hard on the ground, causing it to bleed continuously.

Xiao Lin's eyes were red, and tears kept flowing from his eyes.

He choked and cried.

Even at the end, Sister Yulan still believed in me and spoke well of me.

But I, I did this!

Under the double blow of the jade pendant and Wang Yulan.


It was as if something was broken, and a bone spur was buried in Xiao Lin's heart forever.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Yingyin closed his eyes, hey, be a good person in the next life.

What no one expected was that Gu Yan's originally angry expression gradually subsided at this moment.

Turning to........

He revealed a very bad face.

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