Leng Qingqiu realized that she had been looking for a long time, but she didn't hear Gu Yan's annoying voice. She couldn't help wondering for a moment.

Did this person leave?

Thinking of this, she whispered,"Gu Yan?"

Gu Yan was about to reply, but his eyes rolled and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if he thought of something interesting.

He held his breath, deliberately stood up slowly without saying a word and backed away.

Leng Qingqiu thought that Gu Yan had left when she didn't get a reply.

She couldn't help but have a strange feeling in her heart.

"This guy, why did he leave without saying anything?"

Leng Qingqiu shook her head. Perhaps it was because the noisy room suddenly became silent.

Leng Qingqiu felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

She had been in this environment before Gu Yan came.

Dark, dark and silent.

Leng Qingqiu stayed in this study room, and the only sound she could hear was her own breathing.

What she did every day was to constantly improve herself.

Only by constantly improving herself could she���Find the murderer behind the scenes and avenge her family!

Of course, even if she stayed in the study day and night, she would not forget the time.

After all, her computer-like brain could perfectly calculate every minute and every second of the current time.....

"Why do you think so much all of a sudden?"

Leng Qingqiu laughed at herself. In the past, she would not have thought so much.

However, when Gu Yan came to her today and said that he wanted to marry her, and even made a lot of noise in her ears, she actually felt that there seemed to be something more in her life.

It was as if her original daily schedule had been changed from [absorb knowledge, absorb knowledge, absorb knowledge] to [wife and baby, learn knowledge, wife and baby].

Bah! Why do I think so much!

Leng Qingqiu blushed, and for some reason, the name that Gu Yan had said before popped up in her mind.

""Oh, no, no, I have to calm down."

Leng Qingqiu said that she really couldn't stand such corny words, and she didn't know how Gu Yan could say such words.

Thinking of this, she stood up and walked straight in a certain direction.

It was a bookshelf full of her books.

Because she had been in this place for many years, she already knew which thing and which book was placed where.

But, what a coincidence.

She was blocked by Gu Yan in front of the bookshelf.


Why did Qingqiu come towards me?

And what was she thinking about over there just now? So absorbed?

Gu Yan covered his mouth. Seeing Leng Qingqiu gradually approaching, he didn't know what to do.


Leng Qingqiu closed her eyes and walked towards him with a cold and elegant face.

It was really......It is really...

This! Who can stand this!

Gu Yan swallowed his saliva. No, no, I can't do anything stupid when I'm trying to improve my favorability.


He glanced at the door next to him.

Since Leng Qingqiu thought he had left, he would quietly leave.

Judging from Leng Qingqiu's actions, he was most likely going to take the book behind his current position, so he just had to go around to the side.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan gently moved his body.

Leng Qingqiu, on her side, walked towards the bookshelf according to her usual walking route.

However, she missed one thing again.

That is....

Because Gu Yan came, he moved a chair and sat not far away.

Leng Qingqiu walked without any precautions.

The next second.



Leng Qingqiu felt like she was tripped by something and shouted subconsciously, her body also leaning forward.

Without being able to see, her heart was filled with panic.

If she fell, she might.......

Maybe I will lose my pure love partner!

Gu Yan, who was about to slip away, was startled. He ran over quickly:"Qingqiu!"

With a thump!

The two fell to the ground.

Leng Qingqiu fell into Gu Yan's arms.


Gu Yan was about to shout out

【Save the love interest from falling, points +10】

"Hey! Haha!"

But with the reminder sound in his mind, he suddenly laughed out loud.

Leng Qingqiu, who had been prepared for the pain, was stunned....Rescued?

This laugh....

"Gu Yan?"

Leng Qingqiu asked hesitantly.

That's not right. Didn't Gu Yan leave? He didn't respond just now.

Could it be that.....

Leng Qingqiu seemed to have thought of something. Combining that laughter, she raised her head slightly and looked at Gu Yan expressionlessly:"You deliberately kept silent just to see me fall?


Leng Qingqiu was a little annoyed when she thought of this. How could this person be an idiot in love? Did he deliberately want to see her make a fool of herself?

Fine, fine! You are playing with me like this, right?


"It’s unfair, Qingqiu! Didn’t you tell me not to talk? That’s why I didn’t dare to say anything!"

Gu Yan refused to admit this, and he didn’t mean to see the other person fall, it was purely an accident!

"You! You know whether you have this idea or not!"

Leng Qingqiu didn't want to listen to Gu Yan's lame explanation, and immediately struggled to get up from Gu Yan:"Let me go! You bastard!"

"Hey, cough, cough, cough!! Qingqiu, I feel so uncomfortable when you do this!"

"Shut up! You just want to make me look bad! Who cares if you feel bad?"


"Shut up!"

She held Gu Yan's chest with her hands and tried to stand up, but she didn't realize that her and Gu Yan's positions were a little strange as she messed around.

At this moment.


Leng Ling'er, who had dyed yellow hair, rushed in anxiously:"Sister! I heard a loud voice. How did you not get fucked by that pervert Gu Yan?........Sample......Bar...."

But she was speechless as she was talking.

She was stunned by the ambiguous scene in front of her.

Her beloved elder sister, who was always the wise one in front of her, was actually supporting Gu Yan's chest with her hands at this moment, and her expression was very painful.

"Is that Ling'er? Come and help me."

Leng Qingqiu heard his sister's voice and said

"Help.....Do you still need my help?! Big sister, sob!! You've only been seeing this kind of man for a while, how come this happened? Wow!!"

Leng Ling'er burst into tears on the spot.


Gu Yan slowly put a question mark, and Leng Qingqiu also slowly put a question mark...............

Inside the room,

Leng Qingqiu and Leng Ling'er sat on the bed.

Gu Yan sat on a chair opposite them.

A three-person interview!

"So, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again!"

"You!! You are not allowed to be alone with my elder sister again!"

The misunderstanding was resolved.

Leng Qingqiu remained silent on the side. She seemed to have known what kind of misunderstanding her actions with Gu Yan in the dark just now had caused to outsiders.

So at this moment she could only express her shameful heart through silence.

Damn it! How could this happen! And in front of my sister! Damn it! I have lost all my dignity!

Gu Yan looked at the yellow-haired sister-in-law with red eyes in front of him, and nodded helplessly:"Okay, okay, I promise you." Haha

, that being said, anyway, the sister-in-law has to go to school later, so can Qingqiu and I stay close whenever we want?!

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