In the kitchen,

Gu Yan hummed a song while cleaning the dishes.

Mei Xue, who was helping, was speechless. This guy is really annoying. Although he sings well and cooks well, his master doesn't really like him, and he keeps sticking to his master.

Humph! I wonder if you can still laugh after you take away Gu's family.

At this time, Gu Yan suddenly looked at Mei Xue and said with a smile,"By the way, Mei Xue, I have something to ask of you."...This sudden friendly attitude really makes me a little uncomfortable...

Mei Xue felt a little awkward with the sincere Gu Yan in front of her. He had been talking to her with a fake smile before:"What's the matter?"

"It’s nothing. Didn’t our Qingqiu ask you to protect me secretly?"

"But it doesn't matter, I have other experts around me, I don't need you"

"So you go and protect Qingqiu's sister Leng Ling'er."

In order to be on the safe side, although Gu Yan has sent many people to wait near Leng Ling'er's school.

But one should be prepared for the worst, so let Mei Xue, who is good at hiding in the dark, protect Leng Ling'er, and take multiple insurances.

There is no need to worry about Leng Ling'er's safety. Even if Mei Xue cannot defeat the attacking enemies, it is still no problem to escape with Leng Ling'er.

Mei Xue frowned when she heard it:"But the master's order is for me to protect you."

Although Leng Ling'er is Leng Qingqiu's sister, the master's order is to protect Gu Yan.

Of course, she will follow Leng Qingqiu's orders.

Gu Yan smiled slightly when he heard it, and said:"Then think of this as the second thing you do for me."

"and.....Maybe this is a good thing for you."

"Good news?"

Mei Xue frowned slightly, her expression was tangled.

After thinking it over again and again, she nodded:"Okay, but do you really want to use the opportunity for this kind of thing?"

Mei Xue didn't quite understand Gu Yan's train of thought. What did the safety of others have to do with him?

Gu Yan nodded slightly.

Mei Xue stopped talking, and then her mood became a little excited.

It's almost time....Soon... younger brother....You wait a little longer.....My sister is about to find you.....

What Mei Xue didn't know was that

Gu Yan's eyes became slightly confused. He had asked Lao Gao to investigate Mei Xue's [younger brother] before.

Unexpectedly, it was him.

Haha, interesting.

Could this be fate?................

Jianghai High School.

In a toilet.


"Didn't I tell you not to stare at Ling'er?!"

A young man with dyed yellow hair punched a weak-eyed, thin boy in the face.

The latter fell to the wet ground, covering his face with his hands, huddled in a corner with a look of panic, and apologized tremblingly,"I'm...I'm sorry."..."

"Hey, hey, hey! This guy is crying!"

"Are you a man? Hahahaha!"

"Oh, I forgot that you are a scumbag who has no parents and even your sister is missing!"

"Hahaha, Brother Wang, this kind of loser wouldn't dare to compete with you for the position of Big Sister Ling'er even if he has a hundred guts!"

In addition to the yellow-haired boy, there were several boys of the same age around him.

They looked at the thin boy who was surrounded by them in the corner, covering his face and sobbing, and they all showed sarcastic smiles.

Wang Zilin listened to his brothers' words and was very satisfied. He stared at the thin boy fiercely and threatened:"Deng Feng, I advise you to put away your little thoughts!"

"Don’t think you can do anything with Leng Ling’er just because you have good academic performance!"

"Ling'er only came to you to ask questions because she is about to take the college entrance examination. You must not think that she likes you!"

Wang Zilin was very depressed when he said this. Leng Ling'er has been acting strange recently. She suddenly said that she wanted to study hard.

She also said that she wanted to be admitted to university and did not participate in gang activities. Hey, I asked my parents for two movie tickets. I was thinking of inviting Leng Ling'er to see a movie on the weekend.

Oh, no, I heard that Ling'er found a rich boyfriend, but he said he was her brother-in-law.

Really, Ling'er obviously likes me, how could she find another man? Those rumor-mongers should be beaten up!

When Deng Feng heard Wang Zilin's insults to himself and his family, he clenched his fists tightly. In his mind, he wanted to rush up and punch the person who insulted his family in the face.

But......He let go helplessly.

There was a look of guilt and despair in his eyes.

I am such a loser....

Why am I such a loser? The person who insulted my parents and sister is standing in front of me.....I don't even have the courage to stand up and refute them.

Why....Why am I so useless! People like me.....People like me! It's better to die!

The light in Deng Feng's eyes became less and less, and he felt that there was no meaning in living anymore.

The person who insulted his family was standing in front of him, but he didn't even have the courage to fight back.

What a waste!...So cowardly....

And just at this moment

""Wang Zilin! Stop it!"

An angry and delicate voice came from the toilet door.

Wang Zilin's face changed, and he and a group of brothers turned their heads to look.

They saw Leng Ling'er holding a notebook, looking at Wang Zilin and others with anger.

Bai Qionglan (if you don't know whose name it is, you can go back to Chapter 21) who was following Leng Ling'er also laughed,"What a bunch of trash, so many people bully one person! Are you men?"

Wang Zilin was choked and his face looked a little ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, Leng Ling'er is the person he likes, and Bai Qionglan is the eldest daughter of the Bai family, and she is not someone he can mess with.

So he had to show a flattering smile:"Ling'er, what are you doing, I'm just teaching the ignorant trash a lesson."

Leng Ling'er frowned when she heard this, and she looked at Wang Zilin coldly:"Did you call Ling'er? Am I familiar with you?"

"And! You are teaching my friend a lesson! Apologize to me now!"

Friend? This rubbish?

Wang Zilin's face twitched, and the smile he was trying to maintain seemed to be unable to hold up.

The brothers around him looked away, they always felt that the atmosphere had become very heavy.

"Apologize? You want me to apologize to this piece of trash? Leng Ling'er? Are you kidding me?"

Wang Zilin took a deep breath. It was more painful to ask him to apologize to this kind of inferior trash than to kill him.

""You useless piece of shit, did you eat shit? Why does your mouth stink so bad?"

Leng Ling'er handed the notebook to Bai Qionglan, and then walked to Wang Zilin.

She did not hide the anger in her eyes:"Apologize to me!"

Wang Zilin clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, and looked at Leng Ling'er who was defending others.

He finally said in a muffled voice:"I'm sorry.."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel too embarrassed, so he gritted his teeth and glared at Deng Feng who was hiding in the corner behind him:"Remember this!"

Then he left with an unhappy look on his face.

The matter was over.

Leng Ling'er walked up to Deng Feng, stretched out her hand, and asked worriedly:"Are you okay?"

Leng... Ling'er?

Deng Feng stared at Leng Ling'er who was extending a hand to him, with a light flickering in his eyes.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out his hand, but suddenly a thought appeared in his mind.........

The figure who came to pick up Leng Ling'er that day, that Leng Ling'er's boyfriend.

People like me, people like me.......

"without...It's okay."

Deng Feng shook his head with a forced smile, then stood up with the help of the wall.

"Thank you."

After saying that, he lowered his head and ran away. He didn't want others to see him in such an embarrassing state.

Especially in front of the person he liked.

"He's gone, Sister Ling'er."

Bai Qionglan glanced at the fleeing Deng Feng, then waved the notes in her hand:"Haven't you asked about today's class yet?"

Leng Ling'er stood up and walked to Bai Qionglan, sighing in annoyance:"Damn it, I wanted to ask him questions, why did he run away?"

She shook her head:"Forget it, let's go back and ask my sister."

Seeing this scene, Bai Qionglan showed a strange smile. She poked Leng Ling'er and said with a smile:"Why do you suddenly want to be a good child? Do you really want to go to college?"

The latter seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of joy appeared in her eyes. She snorted and laughed:"I will only tell you one person, my brother-in-law said that as long as I get into college, he will take me to take a driver's license test!"

"He also let me pick a motorcycle I like!"

She said a little unhappy:"It's just that he seems to be very busy recently and hasn't come to pick me up!"

Hearing this, Bai Qionglan's eyes lit up:"Oh? Our brother-in-law is so good? Then is this little girl......"

"Get lost! That's my brother-in-law!"

"Don't have any crooked ideas!"

Leng Linger immediately scolded

���Qiong Lan smiled, but there was a hint of envy in her eyes.

The two of them left, playing and joking.

But what neither of them noticed was that after the two of them left, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and holding a physics book came over. He looked at the place where Deng Feng was hit just now and fell into deep thought.

That young man.....There seems to be an unusual power in the body.

It seems to be very suitable for our Xuanwu Sect's skills......The master said he was looking for an heir......

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