You know just now, Liu Feifei was holding a table knife. The sharpness of this thing was average, and the cut was a piece of bone.

Moreover, when you cut it, you can't see any extra traces on the table.

The most important thing is that it is cut just right.

Powerful eyes and so on are the most top-notch existence

\"Yes, when I was making a martial arts movie, I also went to learn about martial arts and so on. I know ancient martial arts, and I have exercised.

\"Then what did you learn?

\"Wu Li Opera, how about it, I practiced blindly by myself, hehe

Zhu Yeqing was shocked, looking at Chen Fan, why didn't you write such important news in your diary?

Zhu Yexiang joined hands and checked. When she saw the internal force in Liu Feifei's body, she was also completely shocked.

What kind of talent is this guy?

However, the reason why Chen Fan didn’t write was completely because he didn’t think it was necessary. It’s just martial arts, and he can do it. Moreover, he should be invincible.

Anyway, so far, Chen Fan has never seen anyone who can fight.

It’s like Tao Xiaotian, Chen Fan can also fight, just a few problems, generally, more than a dozen, Chen Fan has no problem.

If you have more, you have to be a little more serious

Lu Tou ran out of food, helpless, Chen Fan found out some snacks from the drawer.

After taking a bite of potato chips, I subconsciously felt something was wrong, then turned to look at Liu Feifei's big eyes, staring at herself seriously.

The look in those eyes seemed to be saying, give me a mouthful.

\"Brother Chen Fan, I think you must have many enemies if you are so rich.

\"I know, many people want me to die.

"That's right, you can't eat anything casually, what if you are poisoned to death, right? I think, you should let me take a bite first, and I will help you to see if there is any

poisonous. \"

Chen Fan chose his temple and gave her potato chips

Eat a lot.

"Thinking, is it poisonous?"

\"I didn't eat it.\"

Damn it, you really are

Chen Fan found out a few chicken paws,

\"I think this should also be toxic.

Chen Fan was completely annoyed. He opened the drawer and poured a lot of them directly on the table. He said, "Eat, eat, it's all poisonous, I know, poison to you, to eat you to death.

Why don't you make you fat?

"Oh, I want to get fat too, but I can't help but I can't get fat.

Haha, if others listen to the words, they will probably hit them.

Chen Fan reached out and touched Liu Feifei's head

This is completely subconscious.

Liu Feifei just rubbed it

It feels like it’s a little cat, it’s really interesting

Damn, I shouldn't be like this.

Chen Fan hurriedly stopped, Liu Feifei raised her head and said, "Brother, you are unprofessional like this. You are a kidnapper, right? I was the one kidnapped by you. You don't want to deceive

I, you are so kind, you must be a good person.

You are a good person, your whole family is a good person, go to **** you

Chen Fan got up and stood in front of the window, already scolding his mother in his heart.

Stupid protagonist, where are you, why are you not here, are you eating **** at home?

I will be tortured crazy by this woman, okay?

If I don't come again, Lao Tzu will really tear up the ticket.

At this time, Ye Aotian and a few people were already ready.

With Ling Xueyun, the two of them went all the way to the villa.

The other three girls are walking their own way, and they will definitely be there. As for whom the three of them will find, it is not certain.

"Tonight, I must let Chen Fan know how to write the word fear.

After speaking, the corner of his mouth smiled evilly.

I don’t know why, when Ling Xueyun sees this guy smiling now, she feels okay, not very good, and 80% of herself is going to be praised tonight.

ps: Please subscribe, thank you all, please follow up

Chapter 102 Twin Sisters (seeking subscription, second more)

Chapter 102 The protagonist was beaten again (seeking subscription, second)

The waiting time is actually not as long as imagined, just like Chen Fan now, standing on the second floor, looking at the two people downstairs

Said silently: \"You finally came.

Ye Aotian said:\"Although I know that Xiao Feng did this, but if I were you, let me release Liu Feifei quickly.

Chen Fan said with contempt, how could it be possible, I really like this story.

I would like to see this story a few more times.

Chen Fan pulled Liu Feifei out and let her stand by her side.

\"Do you like it? Oh, you should really like this girl, after all, who doesn't like such a cute girl?

The knife in Chen Fan's hand swayed from side to side.

Ye Ao weathered badly and said: "You let me go.

"Let it go, it's so boring, in fact, I've always wanted to see such a situation, after all, it's rare to have such a chance.

Chen Fan smiled presumptuously, stretched out a thousand, and pinched Liu Feifei’s chin

\"What a lovely girl, you say, this girl, if so lovely, how can I bear to hurt her? Isn’t it?

Liu Feifei looked at Chen Fan with contempt in her eyes.

Nima's, you insult me.

Chen Fan wanted to curse.

What the **** do you mean by your eyes? Are you insulting me? You are definitely insulting me

Damn, this woman, she insulted me.

Liu Feifei’s eyes seemed to say, "Brother Chen Fan, how can you provoke the protagonist if you are like this? This way, the protagonist won't be angry."

Chen Fan was also frustrated, and he kissed directly.

Fuck, this bitch, shameless.

Fuck it.

But Chen Fan still pretends to be calm. After all, he needs to show his identity as a villain.

Villain, you just need to be arrogant. If you are not arrogant, how do you do things?

\"You Chen Fan, I want you to die,

I fucking, not on purpose, what are you cursing for, you protagonist, how can you be like this.

Actually, Chen Fan really didn't mean it, but this woman was insulting herself, she looked down on herself.

As for the normal plot, this section is actually very simple. Chen Fan gestures twice with a knife, and the rest is fighting.

Now there are variables, but in Chen Fan’s eyes, this Nima is not a variable anymore. It feels like a change of person.

The little girl is so good, why did she fail to learn.

But it’s not important, just the plot is right. After all, the person kidnapped himself, the protagonist came to save, and he was stunned.

‘Today I prepared a special gift for you. If you can come upstairs safely to see me, this woman, I’ll leave it to you. If it’s not possible, I’ll go back and wash my sleeper.

After speaking, he took the little girl directly into the room.

Downstairs, Ye Aotian planned to rush up, but as a result, he was stopped by a man

The man said:\"Unexpectedly, there are such masters in Qincheng.

\"Who are you?\"

"Just a janitor. The Chen family paid me to deal with you. I think you should be a good fodder. After all, the flowers in the garden have not been fresh for a long time.


Bloodhand Habitat

This person, Ling Xueyun has heard of

\"He is a member of the Nie family, but a person who has betrayed the Nie family.

\"It’s okay, don’t worry, leave it to me, today I will let him know what cruelty is

As for the other side, Zhu Yeqing is against Ling Xiaoyun.

\"Shall we go outside?

Ling Xiaoyun nodded and walked out with Zhu Yeqing

In the room, Zhu Yeqing was worried that he could not help but kill Ye Aotian. If he was outside, he would not be bothered.

Chen Fan will not have an accident, Tao Xiaotian has been sitting, if he violates the rules, then Tao Xiaotian will take action

At this point, Zhu Yeqing can be regarded as relieved.

But I have to say, Bloodhand Habitat is really ruthless.

All the moves are aimed at the deadly place, but who is Ye Zuotian? Ye Aotian is a great person, this person is the Dragon King.

The method is also very brutal, and the two are a little bit deadlocked.

However, if you use Chen Fan's words, don't look at it, the ending has been determined, and the blood-handed people will die.

Bi Yin, if the protagonist is dead, it would be inappropriate if he fights with Feng Jiao.

However, Chen Fan was quite curious, he always felt that this stupid lack of authorship, before writing this book, should have been a fantasy author.

Nima's, it's really stuck with the level to send some experience babies to give away heads or something.

However, if this is not the case, the protagonist will die too quickly, and the book will be nothing.

While downstairs is full of enthusiasm, upstairs, Chen Fan is yawning and squinting.

I'm a little sleepy, damn, the protagonist is late, late, normally it's past eight o'clock.

Wait a minute, it seems, the protagonist is still injured, wait, this protagonist won't break through, right?

And it should be almost the same.

The protagonist is not upgrading, Chen Fan even feels that this guy is about to be eliminated by the times

Here, Liu Feifei sat obediently and said: "Brother, when will it end outside?/7

\"Wait, it will take a while, the two are about the same strength

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