Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1309: Blood Hunt: Explosion

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Even so, at least Subei knew that Jiang Ziling still reacted to his kiss.

Maybe he kissed Jiang Ziling a few times, and Jiang Ziling recovered his senses.

748: "You clearly just want to kiss him, and still make so many excuses."

"Don't you feel uneasy? You're taking advantage of others."

Subei did not hesitate to deny Sanlian, "I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

748 was silent for a while, a rare and serious, "Host, will you feel angry?"

The black question mark face in northern Jiangsu, "What?"

748 Zhiwuwuwu for a long time, "That is, only you remember so much every time, and the target of the strategy does not remember anything."

"And every time you take the initiative and still suffocate."

Subei narrowed her eyes. "If I said I was angry, would you open it for me?"

748 returned to normal in an instant, "It doesn't exist."

North Jiangsu rolled his eyes. "So what's the use of asking these?"

748: "Just ask."

Subei sneered, "I think you are idle panic, if you are so idle, it is better to open up for me."

Are you angry, quite angry, but it's okay, it was too much to deceive people at first, but now it can only be repaid.

But he deceived the target of the strategy for several lifetimes.

As for the hostess, ha, he will one day make her pay.

The rest is treated as a love episode.

748 feels that the one is going to finish, if in the end Subei knows the truth ...

It shivered, and it didn't matter, he was a normal system and acted as directed.

Probably because the kiss from North Jiangsu is more useful, Jiang Ziling has been quieter for longer and longer.

But Jiang Ziling has been sucking the blood of Northern Jiangsu, so Northern Jiangsu looks weak.

Xiao Xiao proposed several times to let Subei feed Jiang Ziling with a blood bag.

Subei also thought, but Jiang Ziling didn't buy it, probably because his blood was sweeter.

I just don't know when the day of giving rations will be over.

In order to pass the time, North Jiangsu is also very moody and tells fairy tales to Jiang Ziling every day.

What a sleeping beauty, Cinderella, anyway, what to talk about.

Xiao Xiao will also sit beside Subei. She told Subei that no one has ever told her such a story.

North Jiangsu casually said: "Let Jiang Ziling tell you later."

The little emotion fell instantly, "It's not fair."

Subei raised her eyebrows, "What?"

Xiaoxiao replied: "It would be nice if Jiang Ziling met you at first."

Subei received a small praise, "It is not too late now, as long as you meet, it is never too late."

There was finally news from the organization. They found a laboratory made by vampires, which might have something to do with getting the vampires out of control.

So Su Bei put the fairy tale book into Xiao Xiao's arms, kissed Jiang Ziling's mouth again, and left.

If you can get useful data, it is best.

Holding a book of fairy tales, Xiao Xiao looked at Jiang Ziling, who was quiet in the corner, complaining: "You owe a lot to Northern Jiangsu, and remember when you are awake."

Subei arrived at the laboratory, but could not find anything, because when he arrived, the laboratory exploded and nothing was left.

The time is just like targeting him. What else can he say, only to ruin the ruins and pick up leaks?

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