Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1357: Game: burned

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Su Bei's pupils shrunk, and Mo Yize flicked his coat and opened the burning flask. However, more burning flasks were thrown over, and Mo Yize could only be forced to retreat.

The coat was completely destroyed.

Mo Yize's face was even paler, "No."

Subei also noticed that the other party probably did not plan to take the airdrop, but instead thought that they would not get it from several people in Subei.

Mo Yize took the bow and arrow and gestured to Gu Gu, "You go."

Gu Gu raised his head slightly, a little stunned, "What?"

Subei understood the meaning of Mo Yize, "If you pretend to put out the fire of the airdrop, they will definitely stop and then ..."

Gu Gu got up, "Understood, I won't be okay?"

Mo Yize turned his head, "You talk a lot."

Guli immediately rushed to the airdrop.

Mo Yize also raised his bow and arrow, aiming at the direction in which the burning flask was thrown.

The other party also noticed Mo Yize's intentions, and did not quickly emerge.

Gu Gu took the courage to take off his coat and went wild, and the other party was a little anxious, and Mo Yize's arrow also left the string.

It's just that the other party was still a little smart, not showing his head, only showing his hand, and the arrow directly penetrated the man's arm.

The burning flask failed to throw over, Gu Gu shouted, "Lin Xi, come and help!"

Lin Xi can only take off his coat to help.

Although it can be said that not showing up can save your life, the cost of one hand is not small. They gave up their stalemate with Northern Jiangsu and stopped showing up.

The burning airdrop was also extinguished, but the things still could not be kept, and the contents inside had been burnt and deformed.

The drugs are also unavailable, and North Jiangsu felt a little annoyed.

He turned on the light screen, the next airdrop point was far away, and he might not have rest tonight if he wanted to walk over.

He looked at Mo Yize, Mo Yize looked at the darkened medicine and said: "Don't go, let's take a break." Then he turned his head to North Jiangsu and asked in general: "What do you think?"

It is true that he and Mo Yize are simply not suitable to continue the long journey.

What did Su Bei think of again and asked Mo Yize, "Have your wound cracked?"

He just moved so much, and it seems likely that he still split.

Mo Yize answered quickly, "No." The expression was pure.

Subei also immediately determined that it was split, and he directly reached out to pull apart Mo Yize's collar. Sure enough, the gauze was already stained with blood.

He glanced at Mo Yize, and Mo Yize was not embarrassed to be disassembled at all, and his expression was still so pure.

Su Bei sighed and asked Lin Xi to bring alcohol and gauze.

This time the bandage of Subei was very rude, and the pain was affirmative, saving Mo Yize's long memory.

However, Mo Yize looked pitiful and looked at Beibei Road: "It hurts."

North Jiangsu was bald, and Tucao returned to Tucao.

After finishing the dressing for Mo Yize, he was about to get up and was pulled by Mo Yize on his wrist. "How about you?"

North Jiangsu responded: "It's not a serious injury, first find a water source to clean it, and it's a waste of alcohol."

"This is the first day, who knows whether he will be injured later."

Mo Yize looked at Subei with some stubbornness, and did not let go.

North Jiangsu shook his alcohol bottle. "It's really running out. There are still six days left. No resources can be wasted."

In the end, Subei failed to touch Mo Yize, and was pressed to wash his back with alcohol.

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