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In the next few days, because Northern Jiangsu was only one person, it was trying to avoid meeting those teams with many individuals.

North Jiangsu should be thankful that 505 is not strong enough to allow Qiqi to directly scan the enemy.

But he still robbed a few of the singles, and he couldn't help it.

I didn't bring a little bit of food when I left, so I had to grab other people's food.

With the passage of time, the number of people is declining, and the whole forest is filled with a strong **** smell.

Such a game is indeed too humane.

If it is not to live, who would like to continue killing people?

Those who died will only be cleaned up after the group of four.

So in the past few days, North Jiangsu has witnessed a lot of people who were killed by corpses.

Qiqi told Subei that 505 wanted to break through its firewall several times to obtain their location.

Subei is very clear that if Lin Xi gets his position, it will be sent to every player without hesitation.

Fortunately, however, he knew from the beginning that the system carried on Qiqi was not 748 advanced, so he did the work on the firewall.

See, this time does not reflect the benefits of doing so.

Three days later, North Jiangsu finally learned from the population who had just robbed him of rations that he had seen Lin Xi and told him the direction of North Jiangsu.

Northern Jiangsu moved in one direction and finally found Lin Xi's trail.

But he missed one thing, that this whereabouts, Lin Xi deliberately let him reveal to him, and even set a trap.

Lin Xi pointed at North Jiangsu with a pistol. "Northern Jiangsu, I should say goodbye to you."

Subei is not at all like a threatened person, "What about Mo Yize?"

Lin Xi snorted, "Do you think he wouldn't know? He didn't appear just to not hurt your heart and let you go decently."

Subei also smiled, "This is always the case when you lie, so I can't believe it."

Lin Xi's expression suddenly changed, "You shut up! Don't talk like how much you know me! You don't know anything!"

North Jiangsu nodded, "I don't understand, I don't know, for example, I didn't expect you to set me like this."

Lin Xi's fingers twitched while holding the pistol. "I told you to shut up! Don't know how I look! You are so annoying to you like this."

North Jiangsu continued to nod, "Yes, you are right, you should still hate me, after all, it is not a day or two."

Lin Xiqi couldn't do it, "North Jiangsu, I must kill you!"

But in fact, Lin Xi has not shot yet.

Her new partner urged: "Lin Xi, hurry up, or you won't have time to get the airdrop."

Lin Xi didn't know why, and she clearly hated Subei so much, hated Subei so much, and hated to kill Subei.

But when there was such an opportunity, she couldn't stop.

Lin Xi did not know where this contradiction came from.

In a trance, there was a voice saying to her, shoot, shoot, and win.

Lin Xi instantly firmed her thoughts, yes, she killed Subei and she won.

But at this moment, Northern Jiangsu moved, Lin Xixi shot quickly, but failed to shoot Northern Jiangsu.

Subei grabbed Lin Xi's wrist with a gun and wrestled with her.

Others want helpers, and they do n’t know where to shoot the arrows so they ca n’t do it.

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