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Subei also fell down the tree, and resolved several people near the tree.

Of course, he couldn't kill all of them, so he just knocked them out.

Subei also touched a match from one of them, maybe the burning flask could be used.

He approached the airdrop, and Mo Yize's arrow had already told others that if he wanted to step forward, his life might be in danger.

If you are dead or airdropped, then you have to weigh yourself.

Lin Xi also knew the meaning of the two of them, but she had no choice, because her weapons were not enough to compete with them.

This feeling is terrible.

Subei did not go to the airdrop immediately, but lit the burning flask with a match and threw it at Lin Xi ’s position, trying to force her out.

Because Lin Xi had a gun, I didn't dare to get close to Subei.

Although the power of the self-made burning flask is not as good as regular, it still has some lethality.

The burning flask was hit on the stone, the gasoline inside splashed out, and the fire began to spread.

The first to move was Lin Xi ’s teammate. He rushed out from behind the tree, attracted Mo Yize ’s attention, and then shouted to Lin Xi, “Run!”

Mo Yize pierced Lin Xi's teammate's head with one arrow, and it was too late to shoot the second arrow. Lin Xi ran away.

Subei then went to get the airdrop, and the things in the airdrop were just like that, which made Subei feel like he was calling Hanako.

He asked what happened to the replica of 505.

Qiqi said that it was cracking, almost.

Once there is no 505 replica, Lin Xi will have a big help.

However, Su Bei was still a little surprised. Her teammates were willing to give her life for her.

Mo Yize still recovered the arrow, and then the two left the airdrop.

Subei and Mo Yize always cooperated very well, so they did not suffer too serious injuries afterwards.

However, many of the teams they met were robbed by Northern Jiangsu. The result of the robbery was that their equipment was getting better and better.

As long as there is no accident, let alone seven days, even seventeen days is no problem.

Five hundred people, seven days, now five days have passed, but the death toll is only more than one hundred.

It seems that everyone is still very sad.

Obviously, according to this mortality rate, it is difficult to meet those people's expectations after two days.

Therefore, everyone's system received an official message from the game. If the number of survivors exceeds one hundred after two days, everyone will die here and there will be no follow-up games.

As soon as this announcement came out, it was a **** storm.

No one wants to die. Everyone feels that there is hope as long as they live. Maybe they are the last winner?

Many people have lost their eyes because of this.

The number of survivors is falling sharply.

They also met more and more enemies in northern Jiangsu, and more of them were dead.

Everyone is counting the number of murders.

Subei felt a little scary, and he did whatever he could to survive.

Mo Yize put his head on the shoulder of Subei, "What are you thinking?"

Su Bei recovered, "I was thinking about whether the survivors on the last day would exceed one hundred people."

Mo Yize affirmed: "No."

Subei raised her eyebrows, "How do you know it won't?"

Mo Yize's voice floated in the ears of Subei, "Many people, I will not let them live."

His voice did not fluctuate, making people unable to hear emotions, but it also made people feel a little creepy.

Subei did not doubt his words were true or false.

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