Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1618: Rebirth: Greed

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North Jiangsu has a feeling that the purpose of this sect is probably not the appearance, but waiting for him and Chi Cheng to join the net.

He and Chi Cheng had just gone to check the situation, and immediately got Zongmen Dabi to give them a chance to mix in.

Chi Cheng looked at North Jiangsu's tightly frowned, "What are you worried about?"

Somehow he didn't like Subei frowned, he thought Subei should like to laugh.

The peach-eyed smiles are always burning.

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, strategy progress 70%."

Subei heard a beep, looked at Chi Cheng, smiled and raised his eyebrows, and a pair of peach blossom eyes was a bit gorgeous.

Chi Cheng is accustomed to the impropriety of Northern Jiangsu, so he can already change his face, "You said that Zongmen people wanted me to die, what do you know?"

Su Bei supported his head, "Not your sect, but the existence behind your sect."

"As long as one of us dies, his purpose is achieved."

"The reason why I went to the Demon Realm to grab the position of Demon Venerable is to check the person behind."

Chi Cheng felt inconceivable, as if Subei said something incomprehensible, "What do you mean by dying one of us?"

Subei looked at Chi Cheng, "This is a game between us and him. You just don't have a memory, so you don't remember it."

"I don't know how much you believe me, but I won't let you die."

With that said, Subei complained of a general mumble, "It's not the first time you don't remember anyway."

Chi Cheng was stunned, and his heart was sore and sore, and he was overwhelmed by unexplained guilt.

This emotion comes from northern Jiangsu.

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, strategy progress 75%."

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and pressed Subei into his arms, but he couldn't say anything comforting.

In the end, he just said: "I'm here."

North Jiangsu responded, "Well, I know."

The final decision was to go even if you knew that this time Zongmen Dabi was deliberately letting them in.

Because if you do n’t go, you do n’t know what role 505 plays this time.

For the sake of insurance, North Jiangsu and Chi Cheng have made a facelift to prevent them from being recognized.

There are many people going to Chicheng Zongmen to participate in the Zongmen Dabi. The town at the foot of Zongmen Mountain is overcrowded.

There is no place to find a place to stay.

Subei and Chi Cheng were sitting in a corner, listening to other people talking.

In fact, many people also doubt whether it is true or false to frame North Jiangsu, but the final conclusions are not important.

They believed that Chi Cheng was too dangerous and would definitely threaten the people who cultivated immortals because Chi Cheng hid many magic weapons.

They felt that Chi Cheng should take out the magic weapon for the benefit of repairing the fairyland.

Hear, kill people and seize treasure, how fresh and refined the words are.

Anyway, they will never admit that they are greedy, they will just make excuses to feel that they are selfless and nothing wrong.

Chi Cheng listened to these words without any waves in his heart.

Resentment? Are you angry?

None, because he had experienced such a thing before rebirth.

It ’s just ridiculous, just because of a magic weapon, the brothers and sisters who get along with each other, and the master and uncle, can turn their heads and do n’t recognize people, and he does not hesitate to start with him.

His eyes fell on Subei, and he was also very calm, even having a feeling of overlooking the sentient beings.

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