Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1645: Supernatural: Evil Buddha

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Then Su Bei went to her room with a drinking glass and Li Yao, leaving Song Sulin alone in the living room.

Subei arrived at Li Yao's room and nodded her forehead.

Li Yao was trying to ask what North Jiangsu was doing, and found that the glass of water in North Jiangsu had dentures and hair floating.

I remembered that she almost drank it in, and immediately retched.

With a trembling voice, she said, "Isn't the water I drink these days like?"

Northern Jiangsu pouted, "Not sure."

Li Yao's tears kept pouring out, and she couldn't stop it.

The nausea did not stop.

Subei quietly waited for Li Yao to calm down.

Fortunately, Li Yao did not waste much time.

She said palely: "What are you going to do now?"

Subei handed a character to Li Yao, "It will save your life at a critical time."

When Li Yao heard it, she took it away carefully as a baby.

Only then went north with Jiangsu.

Li Yao ’s mother was gone, and Song Tsurin pushed both him and Li Yao down on the table.

Then fiddled with the hair and teeth in the water, it seemed that there were some skin fragments.

Li Yao only felt that his stomach was uncomfortable, and the waves were tumbling.

However, the northern Jiangsu and Song Tsulin can be calmer one by one.

Subei asked Song Tsurin, "How about her mother?"

Song Tsurin said lightly: "Go out."

Li Yao was not so afraid for a moment, and whispered: "I will take you to the place where the Buddha statue is worshipped."

Northern Jiangsu did not refuse.

Li Yao took Subei and Song Tsulin to a place similar to the utility room, and whispered: "It's inside. It's strange and terrifying. The Buddha statue is clearly enshrined, but it makes people uncomfortable."

When Northern Jiangsu pushed open the door, he felt a rush of evil spirits coming together with a **** smell.

The whole room was very dim, only the two candles on the table swayed with candlelight.

The Buddha statue in Li Yao's mouth is also on the table.

How to say, the face of this Buddha image is split.

The Buddha image, which should have been the side of compassion, has become somewhat distorted and infiltrating.

There is a saying that this broken Buddha statue is an evil Buddha.

That is, this is not a real Buddha statue, but something bad.

Subei noticed that the blue smoke of the candle flickered, but there was no wind in the room.

Then he heard Song Tsuji Lin said: "Not tasty."

Subei mouth twitched slightly, "Go back and get it for you."

Li Yao, who was a little scared, was a little dumbfounded. "Why did you suddenly talk about food?"

Subei returned perfunctoryly, "Because I was hungry."

Li Yao deeply felt that he might not be able to resist today.

This man is so unreliable and still thinking about eating.

Subei took out the rune and looked at the evil Buddha in front of him. A rune was ready to be posted.

Suddenly, the Buddha statue cracked, and a thick black liquid came out of the Buddha statue.

It looked very disgusting.

Subei also paused for a moment, and continued to post Fu to the broken Buddha. .

The violent wind was generated out of thin air, and Subei, who was blowing, could only throw the charm out of his feelings, but probably did not post it.

The disgusting stench became more and more obvious, and several characters from Northern Jiangsu were thrown out, isolating the impact of the strong wind.

I saw a man with a terrifying face rushed to the north of Jiangsu.

Subei found out that the wood was intact, and chopped the door of the face.

In order to be unobtrusive, Subei had been grinding 748 for a long time before he agreed to give him space.

When it's time to reach the man. Li Yao slammed into Subei and shouted, "Dad!"

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